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The Power of Blogging


Sagnik Mal



Blogging can be defined as aspecial kind of website which is

updated frequently with new postings and published
inreverse chronological order where the most recent posting
is on top of the page. Blogging is similar to online journal
where a blogger will post his or her recent activities to be
shared with other netizens. Interestingly, the readers of the
blog are allowed to view and comment on the postings, which
allow blogging to be interactive.
What does it Mean?

In the ever-changing
digital marketing
landscape, Guest
Posting remains a
Trusted Technique for
marketers and
Guest blogging, also called
“guest posting,” is the act of
writing content for another
company's website

Guest bloggers write for similar

blogs within their industry in order
Attract traffic back to their website
Why is Guest Posting

You can make a Significant

impact by posting on
established blogs and see
some tremendous Benefits
Key Benefits of
Guest Posting
Here are Five benefits of Guest Posting
Builds Relation in Your Niche

By pitching fellow bloggers and

brands,you will start to get your
nameout there, building credibility for
Boost Ranking and Brand Awarness
Guest posting will help your blog
rank better in search engines.

The more relevent Backlinks you

have, the better your Blog will rank
on search engines.
Improve Your Writing Skills

When you offer your sevices as a Guest

Author, you need to deliver content that
is both Valuable and extremely Well-
Shorten the Sales Cycle
When you distribute high-
quality content through
multiple channels,you narture
trust with your Target

You also build Brand

Recognition as people become
familiar with your content
and see you as an expert in the

It is clearly seen that through the food-dining experience, the students managed
to share the taste, the smell, the ambiance and the feeling in their blog. The
thoughts are not only kept to one self but it is shared with the other students that
ate the same food but with different experience.Blog is not only a tool where the
students can express and share their thoughts but as a motivational tool for the
students to communicate through writing which could help in enhancing the
students writing skill. Through blogging, there is a clear evidence that the
students can understand the lesson better as they went through the experience
and practice writing it.The exposure to the authentic setting makes the students
to have a better connection to the real situation and could relate it better when
writing their assignments.
Thank you

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