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Image Manipulation

An image editor is an application that contains

tools that can alter digital photos and images.
This type of application is used to enhance
photos and is typically used by graphic editors
and artists.
Image Manipulation

Image Editing Applications:

1. Adobe Creative Suites series being one of
the most famous image editors in the
market today.
2. GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) – a
free image editing software
3. Google SketchUp

Components of GIMP
1. The work area of the editor is the spacious area in
the middle. When an image is opened, the whole of
the work area is occupied.
2. The tool box or tool option is located at the left
side of the window and is tiled vertically. This
small window contains various tools for editing,
cropping and making image enhancements.
3. The layers window is located at he right side of the
application. It contains layers of the images in the
work area.
Layers are defined as another image that is
mixed or combined with another layer. The
combination will produce a composite of layers
and is the final graphic photo or image.
GIMP Manipulation

1. Opening Files – At the upper portion of the

GIMP editor, press the File option (shown on
Figure 3.4). Then choose the directory where
you are going to save the image or you are
about to edit.
GIMP Manipulation

2. Select Tool – Select the crop tool from the tool

box. Select the area that you want to enclose
while dragging left-click across the image.

3 types of Select Tool

a. Square tool
b. Ellipse tool
c. Free select tool
GIMP Manipulation

a. Square Tool – enables you to select a portion

of the image by enclosing it with a square.
b. Ellipse Tool – enables you to select a portion
of the image by enclosing it with an ellipse
or a circle.
c. Free Select Tool - enables you to select a
portion of the image by an arbitrary enclosed
shape that you define by tracing the image in
free hand.
GIMP Manipulation

3. Erase Tool – Select the erase tool from the

tool box. Then hold the left mouse button to
drag it across the image. The erase tool is a tool
used to replace any selected part with white
strokes. It is referred to as an erase tool
because any color stroked with this tool is
replaced by white as if you were raising on a
GIMP Manipulation

• 4. Paintbrush Tool – Select the paintbrush tool

from the tool box. Then hold the left mouse
button and drag it across the image. The paint
tool is similar to the erase tool. The only
difference is that you can select and change
the color of the brush.
GIMP Manipulation

5. Saving Your Work. - From the File option,

select the Save As option and save your work in
the desired directory.

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