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• 32 Be kind and
compassionate to
one another,
4:32 forgiving each
other, just as in
Christ God
forgave you.
• 14 For if you forgive other people
when they sin against you, your
heavenly Father will also forgive

• “Bear with each other and

forgive one another if any of you
has a grievance against
someone. Forgive as the Lord
forgave you.”
LUKE 6:37
• “Do not judge, and you will not
be judged. Do not condemn,
and you will not be
condemned. Forgive, and you
will be forgiven.”
• "Then Peter came to
Jesus and asked, 'Lord,
how many times shall I
forgive my brother or
sister who sins against
me? Up to seven
times?' Jesus
answered, 'I tell you,
not seven times, but
seventy-seven times.' "
PSALM • “You, Lord, are
86:5 forgiving and
good, abounding
in love to all who
call to you.”
“And when you stand
praying, if you hold
anything against
MARK anyone, forgive them,
11:25 so that your Father in
heaven may forgive
you your sins.
PSALM 32:1
“Blessed is the one whose
transgressions are forgiven, whose
sins are covered.”
“But if you do not forgive others
their sins, your Father will not
forgive your sins.”
1 JOHN 1:9

“If we confess our sins,

he is faithful and just to
forgive us our sins and
to cleanse us from all
When someone does something to upset us, it
can be hard to let that go and move on. But
harboring frustration or ill will towards someone
else is actually just a punishment for ourselves.
Luckily, there are Bible verses about forgiveness
to help you through that very situation. A majority
of them are about how we must forgive, lest we
not be forgiven. But, we must also forgive,
because God forgives us no matter our
Forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean that
the person is not guilty of whatever they
did to upset us. Forgiveness doesn't mean
forgetting. Rather, forgiveness means
letting go of the pain the incident is
causing us. We forgive to give ourselves
peace of mind, and in hopes that one day
someone will return the favor if we ever
offend them.
So whether a family member starts an
argument, a child throws a fit, or a friend isn't
there during a time of need, the Bible helps
us to see the importance of forgiveness for
transgressions small and large. Rely on
these passages whenever you need a
reminder that holding a grudge doesn't serve
anyone, least of all ourselves.
Forgiveness doesn't
necessarily mean that
the person is not guilty of
whatever they did to
upset us. Forgiveness
doesn't mean forgetting.
Rather, forgiveness
means letting go of the
pain the incident is
causing us. We forgive to
give ourselves peace of
mind, and in hopes that
one day someone will
return the favor if we ever
offend them.

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