1A. Organization and Mangement

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Basic Concepts of Organization

and Management
Motivating Questions

Share your views and experiences on the

following questions for 10 minutes in a group of
five students.

1. What is Organization?

2. What is Organization and Management?

Objectives of the presentation
At the end of the presentation, students are expected to:
• Explain the concept of organization and management,

• Identify the levels and functions of management in various

organizational successes,

• Distinguish common characteristics and aspects of

• Define management and different managerial roles in
educational organization, and

• Describe the features of educational organization and

management from other organizations.
Definitions and Characteristics of Organization
Definition of Organization:
A number of scholars have given different definitions for the term
organization. Some are the following:
• Organization is “ a system of continuously coordinated personal
activities of two or more persons” to attain common goal.
• Organization is an assemblage of resources particularly human,
that are arranged and sequenced through technology to achieve
an intended output.
• Organization is a structure and process by which a cooperative
group of people allocate tasks among its members towards
common objectives.
• Organizations are social units deliberately structured and
reconstructed to seek specific goals.
 The variations of definitions emanate from variations in views,
experiences, field of study, type of organization, philosophy of life
Common Characteristics of Organization
Organizations have certain defining characteristics:
• It is composed of individuals and groups.

• It is made up of people.

• It is oriented towards the achievement of common goals.

• It requires specialization and coordination to achieve common


• It assumes responsibility to individuals.

• It involves interaction.
Modern Characteristics of Organization

1.Social Entities: People willing to contribute action.

2.Large Sized
3.Work towards a common purpose/goal/objectives.
4.Set pattern of behavior: Hierarchal structure within an
5.Continuing system: Sustains over a period of time.
6.Differentiation: Task and status differences.
7.Import-Conversion-export: Gets feedback from the environment
and sells it back.
8.Group Behavior: refers to team work and spirit.
Typology of Organization

The major classification criteria of organization are:

1. Function

2. Beneficiaries and

3. Arrangements
1. Classification Based on Function
According to Talcott Parsons, organizations can be classified
into four categories based on their functions.
1. Economic Organization: Producing something valuable to the
society such as Industries, Commercials and Trades.

2. Political Organization: Services to the society such as

governmental organizations.

3. Integrative Organization: Social control and maintenance such as

police department, courts.

4. Pattern Maintenance Organization: Concerned with long term

interests of the societies culture, knowledge, values etc. such as
educational & research institutions, religious organizations, etc.
2. Classification Based on Beneficiaries
Blau and Scott have suggested “who benefits” criterion for
classifying organizations and they have suggested four types
of organizations as follows:
1. Mutual benefit associations: Trade unions, political parties,
professionals etc. crop up to serve interests of members.

2. Business organizations: Owners are primary beneficiaries.

3. Service organizations: Educational Institutions, Hospitals, social

welfare agencies etc: clients are the primary beneficiaries.

4. Commonweal organizations: Like the army, police department,

post offices, etc. are mainly concerned with serving the public
at large.
3. Classification Based on Arrangements

According to Samuel Deep, organizations can be classified by:

1.Their structure: line & staff, functional, project….

2. Concentration of authority (centralized and decentralized).

3.Their objectives: profit, nonprofit, government service, religious.

4.Their Degree of Formality: Formal & Informal.

Forms of Organization
Organization can be two forms depending on the communication
linkage among employees: Formal and Informal.
A.Formal Organization: is one in which position, responsibility,
authority and accountability at each level is clearly defined.
It has the following characteristics that differentiate it from the
1.Objective: Systematically defined to achieve goals.
2.Formal structure: Hierarchical structure represented by
organizational chart.
3.Perpetual and specialized functions: Individuals use their skills
and knowledge & experience to carry out their duties and
B. Informal Organization (IO)
• IO refers to the relationship between people in an organization
based on personal attitudes, emotions, prejudice, etc.
a. Origin: according to Davis, it is a network of personal and social
relations between employees that are not developed based on
procedures and regulations lied down in the formal
organizational structure.
b. Objectives: Support the formal organization and/or resist the
formally introduced changes or directions by spreading rumors.
c. Structure: Established on unwritten rules and could not be
indicated in the formal organizational structure. Managers could
utilize IO as:
• a channel of communication,
• forum for exchange of ideas,&
• instrument for obtaining support
The Nature & Scope of Management
What is Management?
• Management is the process undertaken by one or more
persons to coordinate the activities of other persons to achieve
results not attainable by one person acting alone.

• Management is the art of getting things done through (by)

people, with other people and for people.

• Management is marshalling resources towards common

organizational goals.
• Management is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, directing and controlling the
work of the organization members and of using all
available organizational resources to reach stated
organizational goals.

• Management is a process of effectively achieving

organizational objectives through the efficient use
of scare resources in changing environment.
• Peter F. Drucker
“Effective management is becoming the main
resource of developed nations and that is the most
needed resource for developing nations.”

Hence management requires:

• Coordination of human and non-human resources.

• Directing and unifying group efforts to a common

The Management Dilemmas (Section I 17

Aug 2021)
Management Vs Administration
• Used widely in business oriented organizations,
• Has explicit results, and
• Has technical aspect.
• Used in non-business oriented organizations
• Has no explicit results
• Has policy forming aspect
But, for most writers, they are both used
Is Management a Science or an Art?
Management is both an art and a science:
•Management as an art
As an art, management is about carrying out organizational
functions and tasks through people. This art involves the
application of techniques in:
• human and public relations.
• the delegation of an authority: assigning and sharing
responsibilities and duties.
• communication: including decision-making and problem-
• managing change.
Is Management…Cont’d
• Management as a science
Management here is concerned with establishing a
philosophy, laws, theories, principles, processes
and practices which can be applied in various
situations, including schools.

Managerial levels and hierarchy
The management of a large organization may have
three levels:

1. Senior management (or "top Level management" or

"upper management"),

2. Middle Level management, and

3.Low-level management (First Line management),

such as Subordinate supervisors or team-leaders.
Top-level management:
• Require an extensive knowledge of management
roles and skills.
• They have to be very aware of external factors such
as markets.
• Their decisions are generally of a long-term nature
made using analytic, directive, conceptual and/or
behavioral/participative processes.
• They are responsible for strategic decisions.
• They have to chalk out the plan & see that plan may
be effective in the future.
• They are executive in nature.
2. Middle management:
• Mid-level managers have a specialized understanding
of certain managerial tasks.
• They are responsible for carrying out the decisions
made by top-level management.

3. Lower/Frontline management:
• This level of management ensures that the decisions
and plans taken by the other two are carried out.
• Lower-level managers' decisions are generally short-
term ones.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Skills of management:

1. Technical skills: the ability to use tools, techniques,

and approaches in specialized manner.

2. Human Skills: The ability to deal with people.

3.Conceptual Skills: The ability to coordinate and

organize/integrate the organizations activities as
a whole.
Managerial Function
• Regardless of the type of organization, all managers
have certain basic functions: Planning, Organizing,
Staffing, Directing & Controlling.
• Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the
future (today, next week, next month, next year, over
the next five years, etc.) and generating plans for
Managerial Function…Cont’d
• Organizing: (Implementation) making optimum
use of the resources required to enable the
successful carrying out of plans.

• Staffing: Job Analyzing, recruitment, and hiring

individuals for appropriate jobs.
Managerial Function…Cont’d

• Directing: Determining what needs to be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

• Controlling: checking progress against plans,

which may need modification based on feedback.
Managerial Roles

1. Interpersonal roles:
• Figurehead role
• Liaison role
• Leader role

2. Informational roles:
• Role of monitor
• Role of disseminator
• Role of spokes person
Managerial Roles…Cont’d

3. Decision roles:
• Entrepreneur role
• Disturbance handler role
• Resource allocator role
• Negotiator role
Unique Features of Educational Organization and
Different factors distinguish educational
organization and its management from other
A. According to Campbell, they
1. Are crucial to the society
2. Have public visibility and sensitivity
3. Have complexity of functions
4. Need intimacy of necessary relationship
5. Are difficult in appraisal
6. Have staff professionalization
B. According to Bush et. al.

1. School objectives are more difficult to define than

industrial objectives

2. The raw materials of schools are human beings

3. Managers and most staff in schools are from a

common professional background

4. The output of schools cannot be measured in the

same way as industrial output
C. According to Graff and Street,
1. The school is a unique institution

2. The school takes its direction from the community


3. The school is pointed directly toward people

4. The school is at the vertex of conflicting values

5. The closeness of school and community

2. Evolution of Management Thoughts
2.1. Pre Classic Management Period

2.2. The Classic Approach to Management

2.3. Human Relation School of Management

2.4. Behavioral School of Management

2.5. The Contemporary Management Views

Pre Classical management Period
Pre Classical Organizations which Contributed for
Management Evolution
Major contributors:
a. The Roman Catholic Church:
• The development of hierarchy of authority
• The specialization of activities along functional lines
• The early use of staff device for efficiency
b. The Military Organizations:
• Contribution for terminologies like supervisor,
subordinate, line, staff etc.
c. The Cameralists:
• The principles of specialization of functions
• The selection and training of subordinates for
administrative positions
• The establishment of the office of controller in the
government organizations
Pre classical Pioneer Individuals
The following people have contributed to the
evolution of management in the pre classical period
A. Robert Own (1771-1858) (Father of modern
Personnel Management)
• Exploitation of child labor
• Poor working conditions
• Brutal labor exploitation
To solve these problems, he proposed the following reforms:
• No child under age 10 were employed but go to school,
• 10:45 hours work per day,
• Provision of improved facilities,
• Opening stores for goods storage, and
• Punishment of employees forbidden.
B. Charles Babbage (1792-1871)
• Focused on the methods that would increase
efficiency of workers
• He devoted on division of labor, economies of
scale in manufacturing, incentive pay, profit
C. Henri Varnum Poor (1855)
• Clear organizational structure in which people
have clear responsibility and accountability
• Clear communication and reporting system

• Maintaining feeling of unity and team spirit >>>>

The Classical Approach to Management
• The Scientific Management Approach (Getting the
most out of workers)
• Administrative/Management/Process Organization
Theory Getting the most out of the management?
• Bureaucratic Organization Theory

The Scientific Management Approach
Taylor’s Concept of Management:
• No inherent conflict in the interest of employers,
workers and consumers,
• Concerned for high productivity (benefiting all),
• Advised management to take responsibility for
determining standards, planning work,
organizing, controlling and devising incentives.
Principle of Scientific Management
• Development of a true science

• Scientific selection of the workmen

• Scientific education and development of

• Intimate and friendly cooperation b/n the
management and the men

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