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• 1.Determining the topic, purpose, role, and audience for the assigned topic.
Questions to be asked-
a. What am I writing about? How long will the piece be?
b. Why am I doing this topic? Is it to inform? To Persuade? Or to argue a
c. Who am I writing this for? Is there a specific type of knowledge my readers
need to understand the piece?
2. Expanding subtopics. This requires determining the scope of work.
3. Collecting sources and making notes. In this part of the process, In this part of
the process, selection of source materials and identification of important
excerpts are crucial.
4. Brainstorming, forming the thesis statement, and outlining In this part of the
process, you need to create a plan. This means jotting down important ideas and
organizing them into an outline and thesis statement.
5. Drafting. In this step, parts of the outline are written. With the use of notes the
ideas in your thesis statement are elaborated on.
6. Peer evaluation and revision. In keeping with the notion that writing is a social
process, seeking another reader’s feedback is essential.
The Outline
Since the outline helps in organizing ideas, it is important that
entries that comprise subtopics are well thought out. Essays
usually require an 1. introduction 2. body and 3. conclusion.
Hence the outline should manifest these important parts of the
work. Some questions to consider in writing your outline.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 What is the topic about?
1.2 What is the purpose of the assigned task?
1.3 What is covered in the assigned task?
1.4 What is the thesis statement?
2.0 Body
2.1 What is the major topic?
2.1.1 What is the first supporting idea?
2.1.2 What is the second supporting idea?
2.2 What is the second major topic?
2.2.1 What is the 1st supporting idea?
2.2.2 What is the 2nd supporting idea?
3.0 Conclusion
3.1 What are the main points of my topic/assigned task?
3.2 What course of action would I like my readers to take?
After putting the drafts of the parts of the outline together, seek for partners
to provide feedback? Let them answer the following questions and write their
1. Does the essay provide adequate background and information for readers?
2. Is the thesis statement clear?
3. Are supporting details provided in the body? Do they help strengthen the
4. Does the conclusion summarize the main points of the essay?
5. Did you like the work? Why or why not?
6. In what ways can the work be improved?
I. Introduction
A. Definition of a hero
B. Definition of anti-hero
C. Introduction of the play
II. Body
A. Willy as a common man
1. Salesman
2. Aging
3. Husband and homeowner

B. Forces within Willy cause his destruction

1. Does not see his sons as they really are
2. Cannot face economic reality
3. Believes success is founded on popularity

C. Forces outside Willy cause his destruction

1. Irresponsible sons
2. Loss of job
3. Cannot keep up with changing business because of age
III. Conclusion

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