Content of Poetry-Gr 11-2021

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• The content of poetry comprises the context or the author’s background,

the the tone or the author’s attitude or personal view toward the subject,
the symbol or something used to represent something else, the theme or
what the poem is all about, and the motif or the recurring idea in a poem.
Individually, poetry has distinct functions that arouse the interest of the
reader and stirring up in them the feeling s or emotions such as love,
happiness,excitement, disappointment, brokenheartedness or points of
view regarding life, technology, beauty, or any other subjects.
• Tone- in poetry, it refers to the author’s attitude toward the subject. The
tone may be serious, enthusiastic, formal, objective dramatic, humorous,
among others.
• The theme of the poem is its general idea. . It may be stated in an
abstract way or explicitly.
• The motif is the recurring idea in the poem. The motif is always explicit
and obvious through repetition.
• Symbol- it is one of the component of poetry. It is used to represent
something else, e.g. an idea, belief, etc. Through symbols, the author is able
to go beyond the literal meaning of a text and present ideas figuratively.
• Ex. A blooming flower may mean that it is something growing or unveiling
itself beautifully.
• Assignment April 29,2021 – deadline for submission- May 7, 2021
• Read the poem “ Education Gives Luster to Motherland” by Jose Rizal.
Please look for the entire poem in Youtube.
• Answer the following questions:
1. What is the poem all about?
2. What is Rizal’s personal view toward the poem’s topic?
3. What specific events in rizal’s life might have influenced him in writing the
4. As a student ,did this poem affect you?, If not, why? If yes, in what way ?
Forms of Fiction
(May 3, 2021 )
• Writing fiction develops one’s creativity and imagination.
• Elements of short story
1. Character – they are the people r animals that make things happen in fiction
a. flat character – a character drawn with only surface facts and details.
b. rounded character - fully developed character as opposed to flat character.
2. Setting – presents the time, place, weather and seaso. It helps create mood or the
general feeling of the story.
a. Time and place
b. Sociological, cultural, political, religious
c. Sensibilities that lead to specific modes
3. Plot- the sequence r interrelated actions or events that make us a
story. The plot contains the following:
a. Exposition – the start of the story or the introduction of the
problem/conflict. Types of conflict – man vs. man, man vs.
nature, man vs. himself
b. Rising action – the tension or uncertainty developing out of the
conflict increases.
c. Climax- the point of highest emotional intensity
d. Falling action – the action which follos the climax
e. Resolution r denouement- the solving of the problem
4. Point of view
The eyes and mind through which the reader views the unfolding of events
a. First person- can make the story personal; it can build a strong response
to a character, but the reader can only tell what the character sees,
hears, knows, and believes.
b. Third person (limited)- focuses on one character’s perspective. The
narrator can enter the character’s mind.
c. Third person(omniscient)- most flexibe outside narration. It gives a
wider view of the story.
5. Theme- the central idea or meaning of a tory
d. Moral
e. Dramatic Premise
f. Insight
• Assignment- May 3, 2021- deadline for submission- May 6, 2021

Read “The Necklace “ by Guy de Maupassant

1. Name the characters and describe their personality and appearance
2. Identify the
a. Conflict
b. Climax
c. Falling Action
d. Denouement/resolution

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