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Many people use the stock market as a personal financial tool. With the creation of your personal portfolio, investigate the likelihood that a company will succeed in business and be a profitable investment.
This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Social Studies Learning Standard 4-Economics National Standards for teaching Economics Jump$tart Coalition Personal Financial Management Guidelines Problem based Learning Engaged, active learner Outcomes include thinking, information literacy Real world connections/authentic product
This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

NYS Problem Finding/Solving Skills

Use higher level thinking skills of comprehension, analysis, synthesis, evaluation Obtain information using library reference works Organize and use the data Develop a conclusion via summary
This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Social Studies Learning Standard 4

The study of economics requires an understanding of major economic concepts and systems, the principles of economic decision making, and the interdependence of economics and economic systems though out the world Development & application of the skills needed to make informed and well reasoned economic decisions in daily and national life.

This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Content Outline Covered

5B-Introduction to finance and personal finance 5C-Instruments, institutions, financial markets, and investors

This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

National Voluntary Standards

7. Markets exist when buyers and sellers interact. This interaction determines market prices and thereby allocates scarce goods and services. 11. Money makes it easier to trade, borrow, save, invest, and compare the value of goods and services.
This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Learning Content
Essential Questions -Evaluate a business in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. -Analyze your personal investment strategies regarding these companies

This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Learning Content
Essential Understanding
Business competition and the effects of research, innovation and technology on market share Basic understanding of the stock market The effects markets can have on individuals and the economy Effects of current events on markets Risk
This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Process and Procedure

Teacher/School Library Media Specialist Collaboration Students acquire background information Students develop open ended, meaningful questions in groups Students access information using NOVEL databases to find evidence regarding their question Students draw conclusions and present backup information
This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

NOVEL databases
Business & Company Resource Locator EBSCO Host

This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Product/Student Work
Shared with peers, teachers, and SLMS Power Point Presentations, displays, debates Presentations of questions, evidence, charts and graphs, advertising analysis Active class listening and involvement in discussion

This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Assessment Plan
Process checklist Product rubric

This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

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