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Quarter 1 
MELC: Classifies various art forms found in the Philippines

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1.Define integrative arts in the Philippines.

2.Describe the contemporary art form and practices from various regions.
3.Classify various art forms in the regions.


Activity 1: Graphic Organizer
. Instructions:
1. Based on the previous lesson, what is
contemporary art and what are its different forms,
techniques, and performance practices. 2. Copy the
graphic organizer and write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
Activity 2. Let’s Discover.
• Do a short research about the arts of a certain region in
our country. Select a region of your own choice except
. region XII. Use the graphic organizer provided to write
your answer. If the space provided is not enough, you may
copy the graphic organizer and write your answer on a
different sheet of paper.
• The context of your research will cover the following.
A.Contemporary art forms found in the region and their
B.What makes the contemporary arts in the region unique

Integrative Art to Philippine

Contemporary Art
• The art are classified in distinct forms:
. architecture, visual arts, literary arts,
dance, dramatic arts, cinema and
broadcast arts, and new media.
• However, the arts in the regions have
evolved and have taken a new form.
They are no longer what they were
several years ago.

The arts in the regions have combined to

create integrative art. Because of this, there is
now an interconnection among the arts,
resulting in the combination of arts.
• Integrative arts often also refers to
hybrid art forms in which new
practices are invented and/or
combined. ...
An example of integrated art that
involves new media might be a
musical performance done on a
computerized interactive multimedia
Contemporary art forms are the

. —1. Choreography
—2. Musical instrument
—3. Literary and music composition
—4. Visual design
—5. Theatrical performance
6. Cinema
• Try to analyze these
integrated contemporary art
forms in the regions.

Choreography is an arrangement or design for dance

. movements usually accompanied by music. It is the
art of dancing that is composed of a series of dance
steps and movement to create a story. It has become
an integrated art, for it incorporates both dance and
Musical Instruments
• A musical instrument is any tool or device that produces
sound. It consists of an array of shapes and styles from the
. simple to the complex.
• One interacts with a musical instrument in a way that it
produces a sound, like a guitarist plucking the strings of his
guitar or a drummer beating his gong. Examples of
traditional musical instruments in the Philippines are the
kulintang, gangsa, and the kutyapi.
• Integration of arts is seen through the intricate design of
musical instruments, representing visual arts; and their
functions, which is primarily to create music. A musical
isntrument alone is an example of integrated art.
• One notable Filipino, National Artist for Music
Lucresia Kasilag, infused the sounds of naive
instruments on new forms, such as theater and
. pictures.
• Some of her remarkable works are Orientalia Suite
for Piano and Chamber and Philippine Percussion
Instruments, and Improvisations No 3 and 4 for
Moslem gamelan and tipaklong.
Literary and Musical Compositions

• Literary works are written works meant to be read,

. sung, or delivered in a play. They can be written in
prose or in poetry form.

• Musical compositions, on the other hand, are not

written but notated (represented by muscial
symbols). Since they use symbols particular to their
field, they must be learned.
• These two types of compositions are some of the
easisest art forms to integrate with another form.
. Literary pieces, such as novels, short stories,and
epics are the most common bases of other forms
like theater and cinema.
• A theater without a playwright is nothing; so is a
cinema without a scriptwriter.
In the contemporary times, the most common
examples are the movie adaptations of some well-
known literary pieces, such as “Bata, Bata, Pa’no ka
. Ginawa?” and “Dekada ‘70,” novels by Lualhati
Bautista that were turned into films by Chito Roῆo;
and Mars Ravelo’s comics “Darna,” “Captain
Barbell,”and “Dyesebel,”which were adapted into
numerous movies and TV programs through time.
Visual Design
• Visual Design is a composition or layout of lines,
shapes, and color to form patterns on paper; textile,
. or any piece for that matter. It can be found in
either two-dimensional works like painting and
drawing; or three-dimensional works like
installation and sculpture.
• Integration of arts in visual design happens in
several hybrid art forms like installation videos and
the like.
Theatrical Performance
• The staging and execution of a production, like
drama, opera, festivals and the like fall under the
. form called theatrical performance. It pertains to a
public presentation of a dramatic or musical
• It involves a lot of teamwork that includes the
producer; the director, the cast, and the crew of
workers. Technology, whether traditional, digital,
multimedia, innovative, or alternative, is a vital part
of any performance.
• Contemporary theatrical performance is
experimental , innovative, controversial, and
interdisciplinary, going beyond theater and other art
. forms, like puppetry, cinema, and sculpture. It also
goes out to other disciplines like psychology, and
the social and political sciences.

• One specific example of a contemporary theatrical

performance is PETA’s Rak of Aegis, a musical
tribute to the Filipino 90s band, Aegis. It used the
integration of music, theater, and dance to create a
hybrid piece of art.
• The cinema is the most popular of the art forms;
yet, it is the youngest of all. It appeared only in
. early 1900s in Manila and later spread in the
regions. It has gained public acceptance since then.
• The characteristics of the cinema is similar to the
theater; except that it is not a live performance and
the action is seen in a flat screen.
• However, in the advent of technology,
even the theater- known to produce live
. performances-has been brought to the
• One recent example is the 2012
comedy-musical, I Do Bidoo Bidoo:
Heto nAPO Sila! a movie tribute to the
prized trio of the 80s, the APO Hiking
. 2.Musical Instruments
3.Literary and Musical Compositions
4.Visual designs
5.Theatrical Performances
Activity 3: Know your Locality
• In what region does your school belong? How many
. provinces/cities are there in your region?
• Write a specific province in your own region,
specifically about its integrated contemporary arts.
• Describe its contemporary art forms and practices
using the graphic organizer below.

. Oral Recitation:
1.Define integrative arts in the
2.Classify various art forms in the
Assignment: Internet Research
1. Do research about integrated contemporary arts in your assigned
region (By group).
. 2. Cite examples of each classification of contemporary works of art
found in your region. Provide images if possible.Take note on the
following information:
a. Description of the arts in any forms present in the region: visual
architecture, music, literary arts, dance, dramatic arts, cinema and
broadcasting and the new media.
b. Historical Background
c. Artist(s)
d. Instruments/Materials/Processes used
Guide questions for discussion:
Q1. Which of these art forms is/are most
. distinct in that region? Why do you say
Q2. How is the region responding to the
promotion of culture and the arts?
Q3. How can you promote the region’s
contemporary art?
Q4. How do these art forms represent

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