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Upekkha (平舍心 ) - 思


慈心 悲心 喜心 舍心
The 4 Brahma-Viharas are also known as
* The 4 Sublime States * The 4 Divine Abodes * The 4 Positive Emotions
四无量心也可以被称为四梵住 2
Upekkha is one of the 4 Sublime
States. The other 3 are Metta
(Loving-kindness), Karuna
(Compassion) and Mudita
(Altruistic Joy). One with Upekkha
SEES things as they really are; his
mind is unruffled by the ups and
downs of conditioned existence, a
mind of profound peace. This state
is attained through Sila, Samadhi
and Panna. (Morality,
Concentration, Wisdom)

Upekkha (舍心)是四 无量心之一,

Upekkha 是 另外三样是 Metta (慈心)、 Karuna
(悲心)和 Mudita (喜心)。 拥有
* 平舍的 舍心能够如实看事物; 他的心不受缘
* 心是平衡的 起法生灭所影响,心是寂静的。 这种
* 心是稳定的 境界是透过戒、定,慧而达到的。
* 心是自由不动摇的
Birth, Ageing, Sickness, Death are
natural processes. One who does
not learn, understand, practice and
actualize the Dhamma is more likely
to be negatively affected as he ages
--his sense faculties decline and the
mind with little wisdom gained,
faces many problems --emotional,
physical, intellectual and social.
Unable to age gracefully, unable
able to accept the changes that
emerge, anxiety, worry , frustration
and fear may set in.
生、老、病、死是自然的过程。 一个
当我们随着岁月变老, 随着年龄的增长,更有可能受到负面影
我们有 Upekkha 吗? 许多问题——情感、身体、智力和社交
的。 无法优雅地老去,无法接受即将
It’s natural to have sickness.
SEEING this, be more patient and
enduring. Complaining,
condemning, cursing, worrying and
feeling angry or frustrated can only
worsen the state. Even The Buddha
had Dukkha or pain in the body but
His mind is FREE from all Dukkha.
Dying will happen because we’re
born. Accepting this fact, live a
Dhamma-based life, righteously and
wisely …we can die more
生病是理所当然的。 看到这一点,更
当我们病危 加耐心和容忍。 抱怨、谴责、诅咒、
或将近死亡时, 即使是佛陀也有身体上的痛苦,但他
的心是从所有的苦中解脱出来的。 死
我们有 Upekkha 吗? 亡会发生,因为我们出生了。 接受这
We cannot control our last thought
moments. Our usual thinking,
speaking and actions, our habitual
behavior will dictate the last
thoughts. So we must keep on
repetitively thinking good thoughts,
speaking kind words and doing
wholesome deeds. Then last
thoughts will be good and there’ll
be good rebirths. So good Dhamma
practice throughout life is what

我们无法控制我们临终的想法。 我们
为将决定最后的想法。 所以我们必须
临终时出现的想法, 不断地反复修习善念,善语,善行。
的来生。 所以,一生中良好的佛法修
我们有 Upekkha 吗? 持是最重要的。

Things that happen have their
causes -- a lack of mindfulness, an
operation of a Natural Law when
conditions set in (eg an
earthquake), a present or past
kamma . If there is something one
can do to reduce the suffering, we
need to do our best. If it’s beyond
one’s control, acceptance based on
wisdom will reduce Dukkha. We just
do all the good we can and avoid
燃烧的房子 **** 洪水 ******
意外 发生的事情有其原因——缺乏正念,当
抢劫 自然法则运作时(例如地震),现在或
过去的业力。 如果有什么可以减少痛
当悲剧或灾难降临时, 苦的事情,我们需要尽力而为。 如果
我们有 Upekkha 吗? 会减少苦。 我们只是尽我们所能,避

In life we are bound to meet with all
sorts of people -- some can be trying.
Instropect to check our own
weaknesses --if there are, take steps to
correct and relationship with others
will improve. Sometimes it could have
a kammic link. Reacting with anger, ill-
will, hatred will only increase our own
bad kamma. Patience, tolerance and
understanding are important. Metta
practice is helpful. Guided by Dhamma
” 地狱来的老 唠叨的妻子 we can live better with others.
当我们遇到 ——有些人可能难以应对。 向内检查自己
难应对的人, 的弱点——如果有,采取措施纠正,与他
人的关系会得到改善。 有时它可能有一个
业力原因。 以愤怒、恶意、仇恨来反应只
会增加我们自己的恶业。 耐心、宽容和理
我们有 舍心吗? 解很重要。 慈心修行很有帮助。 在佛法
Losing worldly possessions and
loved ones can bring much Dukkha
to a person. The greater the
attachment, the more is the
suffering. Dhamma contemplation
and practice constantly will help cut
the attachment and lessen Dukkha.
When Anicca and Anatta are SEEN
more and more through meditation,
the mind, growing in Wisdom and
Upekkha, will undoubtedly be more
peaceful amidst the uncertainties of
情人分手 *** 生死别离 life.
道别 失去世俗财产和亲人会给一个人带来很
多苦。 执着越大,受的苦越多。 不断
当我们与亲人别离 苦。 通过禅修可以越来越看到无常和
时? 无我时,在智慧和 Upekkha 中成长
Desire, greed, covetousness,
craving, grasping, attaching and
grasping for worldly mundane
things which are impermanent will
inevitably lead to mental states of
dis-ease and suffering. Noble ones,
wise and peaceful, have developed
a high level of contentment, letting
go and letting be when their
Wisdom shows it so clearly. They
are on the way to liberation of the
金钱 ** 权力 ** 女人 物质财富 mind. They have conquered the
defilements of Loba, Dosa and
地位与权力 学业 成功 Moha. (Greed, Hatred and Delusion)

当我们得不到 贪爱、执取、执着,将不可避免地导致
身心的不适和痛苦。 圣者们,透过智
我们想要的, 慧与平静的心,已经修习得少欲知足,
在舍弃上成熟。 他们正走在心灵解脱
我们有 Upekkha 吗? 的路上。 他们已经征服了贪、嗔、痴
Failed romantic relationships have
driven many to terrible Dukkha –
sorrow, anger, hatred, depression
and even murders and suicides.
Many working youths today are
stressed and unable to cope well.
浪漫与爱情 Our education system fails to teach
LIFE lessons to prepare the young
to face life’s tribulations.
The young should have Dhamma
事业和商业成功 education to strengthen the mind.

当我们得不到 郁,甚至谋杀和自杀。 今天许多工
我们想要的, 对。 我们的教育系统未能教授生活
磨难。 年轻人应该接受佛法教育来
我们有 Upekkha ? 强化心智。
Many who did not shine academically have
achieved great success in life. Wrong
attitude and view bring unnecessary
mental dis-ease and dukkha.
Poverty and sicknesses have their causes.
Many who were poor have risen to great
heights through diligence, determination
and perseverance.
Modern medicine has helped so many who
are seriously ill. Seek help.
In some cases, poverty and sicknesses
学业失败 *** 贫穷 *** 疾 have kammic causes. The wise, accepting
病 this, strive to ‘dilute’ the effects through
doing much good.
当我们得到不想要 了巨大的成功。 错误的态度和观点会带来不必
要的精神疾病和痛苦。 贫穷和疾病有其原因。
的东西时, 许多贫穷的人通过勤奋、决心和毅力得到了很
高的成就。 现代医学帮助了许多重病患者。
寻求帮助。 在某些情况下,贫穷和疾病有业力
我们有 Upekkha ? 的原因。 接受这一点的智者会努力通过做善业
There is gain and loss, praise and
blame in a person’s life. One who can
embrace this fact is more peaceful in
the mind. Nothing lasts … realize that
worldly ‘happiness’ pales behind the
peace from Dhamma practice.
Divorce rates are rising because in
this materialistic age, patience,
understanding, endurance and other
spiritual qualities are lacking.
There’ll be greater mental peace if
Dhamma wisdom grows in the mind.
财富损失 *** 离婚 *** 责备
人的一生,有得有失,有褒有贬。 能够
当我们得到不想要 没有什么是永恒的……意识到世俗的
的东西时, 白无力。 离婚率正在上升,因为在这个
我们有 Upekkha ? 力和其他精神品质。 如果佛法智慧在心

* The spiritual way needs ardent practice
to attain true mental joy, calm and peace.
* Open your heart, watch your mind
and you will have Love and Peace Sublime.
* Good Dhamma practice brings the rise of Upekkha
and the fall of Dukkha.
良好的佛法修习会带来 Upekkha 的生起和 Dukkha 的灭去。


所 有的苦。
结束 14

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