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Power Point Presentation Rubric

Name____________________ Topic____________________ Date_____________

Points 3 2 1 Total

Content Student presents major points and Student presents major points Student does not present all major
fully supports them with but partially supports them points and/or partially supports
arguments, ideas and data them

Presentation Visual aids are relevant, clear, easily Visual aids somewhat relevant, Visual aids are not relevant, clear or
a. Visual aids seen from a distance, and attract clear, easily seen from a distance easily seen from a distance
Presentation Fonts are large enough, and the Fonts are somewhat large and Some fonts are not large enough
b. Fonts contrast makes the clearly legible the choice of font makes them and the contrast is not enough to
somewhat easy to read make them legible

Presentation Slides present a clear idea, Slides are somewhat busy and Slides are either too busy with text
c. Layout supporting arguments, and contain challenging to make sense: too and/or have too many pictures that
some visual aid many words or pictures make the slide difficult to
Presentation Student reads and uses text on Students reads text on slides and Student just reads the text off the
d. Oral slides as prompts for original is able to elaborate. Student slides and/or does not make eye
production narration. Students makes eye makes some eye contact with the contact with the audience
contact with the audience. audience.
Presentation Student is knowledgeable of the Student is somewhat Student is not comfortably
e. Knowledge material beyond what’s on the knowledgeable of the material knowledgeable with the material
and effort slides and can pronounce all words beyond the slides and and mispronounces most of the
correctly. pronounces most words correctly terminology words

Citations Bibliography list has at least 5 items Bibliography list has 2-4 items Bibliography has two or less items
and they are properly formatted and they are properly formatted and/or are not properly formatted


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