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Education History of Brazil

University of the People

EDUC 5010 – Education in Context
Instructor: Alison Binger

Bright Appiagyei-Boakye
Eleuza Santos-Tillson

The purpose of education in Brazil is similar to those

countries that were once colonies. It is rooted not only in the
nation's economic, social, and political development but more
so in the culture.This presentation aims to highlight some
historical facts in the Brazilian Education System, describe
the purpose of education and educational philosophy. In
addition, it provides future recommendations in the field.
A Non-Western Philosophical View
The philosophy of education in Brazil follows two different ideals, a traditional (religious) and a
contemporary education model, leaning towards Progressivism when comes to social awareness
(Significado de Filosofia da Educação, 2019).

Brazilian Thinkers

Anisio Teixeira (1900-1971) stated that “Democracy will only exist in Brazil when the machine that
prepares democracies is set up in the country. This machine is the one from the public school.”
Teixeira was a Brazilian educator, jurist, and writer. He contributed to the Brazilian education

Darcy Ribeiro (1922-1997) was one of the leading anthropologists and thinkers of education. In
addition to his involvement with the Indian issue, he worked intensely to defend public schools and
attention to integral education. He was Minister of Education and later Chief of Staff. During the
dictatorial period, he was forced into exile. At that time, he contributed to educational reforms and
discussions in different countries.

Professor Paulo Freire (1921-1997) defended radical changes in education. Among his numerous
contributions was the need to value knowledge, integrating it with pedagogy. A tireless defender of a
democratic ideal. Freire believed that education was the greatest weapon against oppression and that
the autonomy of students should be the main achievement of educational activities (Critical
Pedagogy). For him, there is no teaching without learning, in an interdependent relationship, of deep
respect between educator and student (Da Redação, 2017).
Historical Facts

Standardized tests: The

Low-income families were National Course Evaluation
Adult illiteracy improved in 1995 and The National
with a creation after benefited from an
elementary school called Secondary Education The University for All
movement called MOBRAL Examination – ENEM in Program (UNIPRO)
(movement for eradication of CIAC (Centro Integrado de
Educação Popular) that 1997 (Souza, 2018). Project designed in 2004, aims to
adult illiteracy – 1970). The Bolsa Escola in 2001 to grant partial and complete
Law number 5,692 changed includes food besides free
education (Heimer,1975). sustain the attendance of scholarships at universities.
primary education from four children, R$ 90,00 (Issues In 2010, reduction of interest
to eight years (Heimer, 1975). in Brazil, n. d.) on students loans from 6.5%
to 3.4% (Redação Revista,

The military
dictatorship regulated
education from 1964 to A plan to improve
1980. It was a time of education called PNE
social unrest and (Plano Nacional de
political turmoil Educação) started in 2014,
(Cunha, 2014). it has 21 measures to be
implemented until 2024
(Khan, 2019).

Political changes in the 1900s

with any universities all over The New High School begins
the country. New laws CAPES Brazil’s to be implemented in 2022, for
(Coordination of Improvement History of
of Higher Learning Personnel -
the 1st year of high school. In
1951), CFE (Federal Council Education 2023, the changes will reach
of Education - 1961), and the 1st and 2nd years, and by
National Law 4024 (Lei de 2024 it will reach the three
Diretrizes e Bases – 1961) years of high school, according
(Cunha, 2014). to MEC (Dias, 2021).
Social Issues that still Plague or Interfere with the Education
Teenage Pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy has become
very alarming in Brazil, resulting in many students Low Income/Poverty. Studies review that because of
dropping out of school. For example, in 2017, 459 poverty, 60% of students enrolling in the first year at
000 babies were born to adolescents aged from 15–19 school complete the eight years of the country’s
years and 29,000 to adolescents who were from 10–14 compulsory education (fundamental education”)
years, a drop of 36% and 24%, respectively, since (Henriques, Giambiagi, Veloso, 2009). Parents find it
2000. Brazil, therefore, tops globally in teenage challenging to take care of their wards because of the
pregnancy (46 per 1000) with a pregnancy rate of low-income rate in the country. According to Romero
68·4 per 1000 adolescents. With all these pregnancies, (2021), in Brazil, the 2018 poverty headcount ratio at
66% were unintentional, while 75% of these teenage $3.20 a day amounted to 9.2%, which indicated that
mothers were not school-going people (The Lancet, many Brazilians were living on less than $3.20 a day .

Racial prejudice and discrimination. Even though Brazil is a

Juvenile Crime. The crime rate done by the school- multi-racial society and a racial democracy, it has a
going age in Brazil is very alarming. This has resulted contradictory position on race relations. The Brazilian school
in some young boys and girls not been in school but environment has two types of racial discrimination (Valente,
end up in Juvenile. Some offenses committed by these 2017) which has become a plaque in their educational system.
include theft and drug trafficking. Less than 10% First is the underrepresentation of non-whites at the university
level and in the nation’s private schools, where Afro-Brazilians
commit murder or robbery followed by death— constitute less than 35.8% of students in universities,
Brugnerotto (n.d). According to the Brugnerotto (n.d., representing more than 50.7% of the Brazilian population.
as cited by IPEA), about 60,000 juveniles are under (Valente, 2017; as cited in IBGE, 2010). Secondly, the race is
socio-educational measures in Brazil, and almost seen as an element of inferiority, which results in pejorative
22,000 are imprisoned. About 12,000 are on parole or name-calling and other forms of racism. Valente, 2017; as cited
probation. in Botelho, 2000). This has made an impact a robust negative
effect on educational achievement.
The International Student Assessment Program (PISA) is a worldwide study organized by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Brazil’s educational
system according to PISA results -An international evaluation. Brazil has been participating in PISA since 2000. The last participation was in 2018, in which the performance was very disappointing.

The results showed that socioeconomic status was a factor in the

performance of the three subjects (Reading, Mathematics, and Science).
• 50% of students scored
• Advantaged students

PISA results on what students know and can do in reading

• According to the results Level 2 proficiency (OECD
OECD’s Results

average: 77%), showing that performed better than

released in 2019, students were disadvantaged students in
scored below the OECD they can identify and reflect
on the purpose and form of reading by 97 score points
average score in reading, (OECD average: 89 score
mathematics, and science. In texts. 32% attained Level 2
in mathematics (OECD points). According to
2018, the assessment shows OECD (n.d.), 17% of
that students scored lower than average: 76%), which
means that they can Brazilian students were
the OECD average in reading, enrolled in a disadvantaged
mathematics, and science. interpret and recognize how
a situation can be school (OECD average:
Only 2% of the participated 34%). In comparison, 8%
students scored at the highest represented mathematically
by themselves. In science, of students were enrolled
levels of proficiency (Level 5 in advantaged schools
or 6) in at least one subject 45% of them scored Level 2
(OECD average: 78%) to (OECD average: 18%).
(OECD average: 16%), while Thus, 1 in 10 high-
only 43% of the participated recognize correct
explanations for scientific achieving disadvantaged
students performed below the students has no hope of
minimum level of proficiency phenomena and use the
knowledge to identify if a completing tertiary
(Level 2) in the three subjects, education compared to 1 to
that is OECD average: 13% conclusion is valid based on
the data given (OECD, 25 high-achieving for
(OECD, n.d.).  advantaged students.

The law makers should:

• Improve teachers program for prospective teachers.
• Provide Professional Development and training for teachers currently working.
• Implement research-based interventions starting at the elementary level.
• Renovate old buildings.
• Build new school buildings with science and computer labs.
• Make available basic materials, such as printer paper, projector and media room for
• The Board of Education should hire trained teachers with knowledge in child
development theories to implant activities that support child growth.
“In-depth philosophical analysis of the ethical role of education in society is urgently
needed” in Brazil (Pereira et al., 2020).
Solution - Intervention

First, for "school Set up meetings with
readiness," screenings teaches and parents.
should start on the first The school curriculum
day of registration for must have embed the
preschool. Collect major theories of child
information on the development. Design
child's health history possible interventions
and possible traumas. to address the
student's needs.

Plan accommodations
right the way. The
teacher can record
daily observations and
print monthly reports.
Finally, the pilot can
be replicate in other

Successful intervention: children will go

to upper grades, academically

Brazilian education is in a fragile phase. For the past decades, many individuals have finished higher
education through government incentives or economic status. However, the mindset of the mass population
did not change. Many people believe that school is for the smart and privilege. The reality is poor people do
not afford higher education. Moral and unethical attitudes extended into education. The system's lack of
equality for all. The country has a history of social instability that negatively reflects education in general
(Pereira et al., 2020). Public schools need financial assistance and perhaps an educational reform. The
Brazilian Government planned to boost education with 21 different measures through the PNE program
(2014-2024); however, time is running out (Khan, 2019). Nowadays,
it is visible the consequences of educational barriers in the country. For example, standardized testing keeps
the poor population off the college gates due to low scores. In addition, "functional illiteracy" is another
concern. This term is used to refer to people that function in society with minimal knowledge." Our
education system is weak, and functional illiterate individuals have more disadvantages (Menezes, 2001).
Social problems such as poverty, high dropout rates, school
attendance, standards falling, and weakness in inclusive education are and gangs recruit children as young
as 10 to run/sell drugs are barriers to high quality education (Issues in Brazil, n. d.). Brazil currently has
about 20 million illiterates. Children from middle class have the freedom to pay for education. (Pereira et
al., 2020). The Government should revise the philosophy of education in Brazil. A
progressivist approach might make positive changes in education for future generations. As much as it has
evolved, Brazilian education still has social problems. Reactionary and alienating characteristics in
education, contribute to the formation of passive beings, exempting themselves from the commitment to
form active and conscious citizens (Souza, 2018).
Brazil-History & Background (n.d.).
Brugnerotto, J. C. (n.d.) An overview of juvenile offences in Brazil.
Cunha, L. A.(2014). Professional Education: The Great Failure of the Brazilian Dictatorship.
https://www.scielo.br/j/cp/a/sNXBnvvBY84RY7bJdpt7bmb/?lang=en&format=pdfMEC anuncia cronograma para o Novo
Da Redação. (2017, January,3). 7 educadores brasileiros fundamentais para compreender a educação integral.
Dias, L. (2021, July 14). Ensino Médio e alterações no Enem Leia mais em:
https://guiadoestudante.abril.com.br/atualidades/mec- anuncia-cronograma-para-o-novo-ensino-medio-e-alteracoes-no-enem/
Heimer, F. (1975). Education and Politics in Brazil. Comparative Education Review, 19(1), 51-67.
Henriques, R., GiambiagI, F. & Veloso, F. (2009) Educação básica no Brasil: construindo o país do futuro [Primary education
in Brazil: building the country of the future]. São Paulo: Campus.
Khan, S. (2019, October 28). Things you need to know about Brazilian education system.
Issues in Brazil. (n. d.). https://sites.google.com/a/nygh.edu.sg/brazil---people-and-society-poverty-environmental-
Mindbug Studios. (2012, July 19). Brief history of education in Brazil. [Video file]. Retrieved March 1, 2018, from
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRFmmgzlu2o&t=2s (4:45)
OECD (2015). Education Policy Outlook Brazil. https://www.oecd.org/education/Brazil-country-profile.pdf
OECD (2020). PISA – The OECD programme for international students assessment. [pdf].
OECD (n.d.). Programme for international student assessment (PISA) results from PISA 2018.
Pereira et al., (2020). The importance of the philosophy of education. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar
Núcleo do Conhecimento, (10) 05-12.
https://www.nucleodoconhecimento.com.br/education/philosophy-of- education
Picanço, L. B. (2019, August 30). Brazil’s Mass Incarceration Policy Has Not Stopped Crime.
Redação Revista. (2019). Como surgiu: Enem, Sisu, Prouni e Fies. https://querobolsa.com.br/revista/como-
Romero, T. (2021). Brazil : Share of population living on less than 3.20 U.S. dollar per day in Brazil from
2011 to 2018. https://www.statista.com/statistics/788897/poverty-rates-brazil/
The Lancet (2020, February 15). Preventing teenage pregnancies in Brazil.
Valente, R. R. (2017). The vicious circle: Effects of race and class on university entrance in Brazil.
class-on university-entrance-in-Brazil.pdf
Souza, J. C. S. (2018, November 27 ). Educação e História da Educação no Brasil..
Significado de Filosofia da Educação.(2019). https://www.significados.com.br/filosofia-da-educacao/

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