LD Free Flap

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LD Free Flap

• Unit musculocutaneous terbesar, versatile, sangat
• Dimensi 30x40 cm (batasan tutup primer lebar 10
• Origin: Spinous process T7-L5, sacrum,
thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, last 3 ribs
• Insertion: humerus (intertubercular groove)
• Innervation: thoracodorsal n. (C6-C8)
• Main action: Extends, adducts, and medially
rotates humerus

Atmodiwirjo P, Sari EP, Putri NM. How to harvest latissimus dorsi flap: step by step. LSBP
Netter Atlas of Clinical Anatomy
Latissimus Dorsi Free Flap
Latissimus Dorsi Free Flap
Latissimus Dorsi Free Flap
Latissimus Dorsi Free Flap
Flap Components
• Muscle
• Musculocutaneous
• Osteomusculocutaneos
• Perforator flap
• Combinations and extension  component from subscapular system

Germann G, Reichenberger M. Latissimus Dorsi Flap. In: Wei F, Mardini S. Flaps and Reconstructive Surgery. 2009. Chapter 41
Advantages Disadvantages
• Dissection is rapid, easy, and safe  reliable
anatomy of thoracodorsal and subscapular vessels
• Skin islands in musculocutaneous
• Long pedicle and large calibre of vessels flaps  bulky and require
• Skin island can ber orientated vertically, obliquely,
or transversely secondary thinning and contour
• Suitable for large skin defects or anastomostic sites
remote from defect
• When large areas of a thinner flap coverage are • Functionally deficit of shoulder
required  muscle alone can be transferred + skin
and arm function
• Musculocutaneous flap  providing bulk for • Donor site complications  pain,
correction of contour defects
seroma formation

Germann G, Reichenberger M. Latissimus Dorsi Flap. In: Wei F, Mardini S. Flaps

and Reconstructive Surgery. 2009. Chapter 41
LD Free Flap Application

Atmodiwirjo P, Sari EP, Putri NM. How to harvest latissimus dorsi flap: step by step. LSBP
• Komplikasi yang sering  seroma
• Dapat diatasi dengan  pemasangan drain, quilting
sutures, fibrin sealant

Nicole Glassey (2008)

• Tidak ada gangguan fungsi, nyeri, kekuatan, ROM
setelah 1 tahun
• 6 bulan pertama  rasa tidak nyaman dan lemah

Scott L. Spear (2005)

• Cepat lelah setelah aktivitas yg membutuhkan
pergerakan mengangkat lengan di atas kepala 
berenang, memanjat

Atmodiwirjo P, Sari EP, Putri NM. How to harvest latissimus dorsi flap: step by step. LSBP

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