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Competency -
Based Standard
Competency - Based Standard
* Develop by Department of Education
*Teacher Education and Development Program
* is guide for helping the teachers to become more effective teachers or more effective
facilitators of student learning.
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National Domain 7

Competenc- Personal Growth

Professional Statement of
Domain 3
Based Development
Principles Learners

Domain 6 Domain 4
Community Curriculum
Domain 5
Planning, Assessing
and Reporting
Social Regard for Learning
- Act as a positive role model for student

“ The Teacher action, statement, and different type of social interactions with the students
exemplify this this ideal “ - unknown
Learning Environment

- create environment that promote fairness

- make the physical environment safe and conductive to learning
- communicate higher learner expectation to each learner
- establishes and maintain consistent standard of learning behavior
Diversity of Learners

- is familiar with learner’s background knowledge and experience

- demonstrate concern for holistic development of learners

- Demonstrate mastery of the subject

- communicate clear learning goals for the lessons that are appropriate for learners
- make good used of allotted instructional time
- select teaching method, learning activities and instructional materials / resources
appropriate to learners and aligned to the objective of the lesson
Planning, Assessing and Reporting

1. used of assessment data to plan and revised teaching Learning Plan

2. the integration of assessment procedures in the plan and implementation of teaching-
learning activities
3. reporting on learners actual achievement and behavior
- communicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents and superiors about the process of
- develop and uses a variety of appropriate assessment, strategies to monitor and evaluate
- monitors regularly and provides feedback on learners’ understanding content
Community Linkage

- establishes learning environment that respond to the aspiration of the community

Personal Growth and Professional
- takes pride in the mobility of teaching as a profession
- build professional links with colleagues to enrich teaching practice
- reflect on the extent of attainment of learning goals

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