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Heat Engine
Let Us Pray!
Heavenly Father, we are so grateful for this
opportunity to learn today. We are thankful for the
knowledge that our wonderful teacher is willing to
share with us.
Help us to be attentive and engaged as we learn
together, allowing us to apply what we are learning
to our lives. Bless this classroom and all of the
activities that occur within it.

We thank you for all of your many blessings and

ask that these would be shared with us today. We
ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
 Always wear your face mask

 Observe social distancing

Identify the following if
spontaneous process or non spontaneous process.


Drying of leaves
It does not requires any external energy to
Identify the following if
spontaneous process or non spontaneous process.


Breakage of egg

It needs mechanical energy to occur.

Identify the following if
spontaneous process or non spontaneous process.


Spoilage of food

It does not requires any external energy to

Identify the following if
spontaneous process or non spontaneous process.

Rice cooking

It needs mechanical energy to occur.

Identify the following if
spontaneous process or non spontaneous process.


It does not requires any external energy to

4 Pics in 1 Word

      E  N G II N E 
 H E  A  T  N E 
Heat Engine
Learning Objectives
01 Identify heat engine and their parts.

02 Discuss the four -cycle stroke of a gasoline engine

03 Make a poster about the effects of exhaust gases

in the health and environment .

04 Realize the effects of the exhaust gas to the

environment and take actions on how to minimize it.
Unscramble the sentence/phrases
. that changes mechanical works is a device
thermal energy into Heat engine

. Heat engine is a device that changes

thermal energy into mechanical works..
Unscramble the sentence/phrases
. In 1976 invented an effective In 1976 four stroke
engine called "Otto Cycle Engine" Nicolaus August

. In 1976, Nicolaus August Otto invented an effective

four stroke engine called "Otto Cycle Engine"

. During the  17th century fire piston used by tribes in S

outheast Asia and the Pacific islands to kindle fire. They
continue to be developed today.
From the option in the box, label the part of the engine
and identify each part from the same given option

PISTON Basic components

o Crankshaft
CONNECTING ROD o Connecting rod

______________ Connected to the crankshaft through the connecting rod.
______________ is
the part of a piston engine which connects the piston to the crankshaft.
CRANKSHAFT is the part of an engine which translate the reciprocating linear motion of
piston into rotation
From the option in the box, label the part of the engine
and identify each part from the same given option

INTAKE MANIFOLD Fuel Delivery System

FUEL INDICATOR o Intake/ Exhaust

SPARK PLUG o Spark plug
o Fuel Injector

INTAKE MANIFOLD also known as the inlet manifold, distributes air to the engine’s cylinders, and on
many cars it also holds the fuel injectors.
FUEL INDICATOR  are designed to be open and close many times per second.
SPARK PLUG in petrol engine only which help to ignite the air-fuel mixture for combustion.
INTAKE/ EXHAUST intake fresh air fuel mixtures into the cylinder and exhaust the burnt gases by the
VALVE force of piston.
Title : Start the Engine
Objective: After the activity, the students should be able to discuss the four-cycle stroke
of a gasoline engine.
Materials: printed activity sheets, downloaded video
1. Get the copy of activity sheets
2. Watch the video about the four cycle- stroke of gasoline engine.
3. Fill in the table below and answer the guide questions.

Cycle stroke Movement of the Piston What happened to mixture of

Title : Start the Engine
Objective: After the activity, the students should be able to discuss the four-cycle stroke
of a gasoline engine.
Materials: printed activity sheets, downloaded video
1. Get the copy of activity sheets
2. Watch the video about the four cycle- stroke of gasoline engine.
3. Fill in the table below and answer the guide questions.

Cycle stroke Movement of the Piston What happened to mixture of

Intake   Moves down   Gas filled in the cylinder
Compression   Moves up   Gas compressed
Power   Moves down   Gas ignited in the spark plug
Exhaust   Moves up   Gas expelled out
Guide questions

1.What are the basic internal parts of the four stroke engine?
 _____________________________________________________________________________
2.What are the four stroke engine?
 _____________________________________________________________________________
Intake, compression, power and exhaust
3.Describe what happens to the piston and the gases during the;
 Intake ___________________________________________________________________
Piston moves down and the gas filled in the cylinder
 Compression______________________________________________________________
Piston moves up and the gas compressed
 Power____________________________________________________________________
Piston moves down and the gas ignited the spark plug.
 Exhaust___________________________________________________________________
Piston moves up and the gas expelled out
4.How many times the crankshaft rotate within the minute?
 ____________________________________________________________________________
500 RPM or 83 times per seconds
5.How many times the piston travels UP and DOWN?
 ____________________________________________________________________________
166 times at the same seconds
Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and the write
the correct word for the underlined word if not.
TRUE 1.Heat engine is a device that changes thermal energy into
mechanical works.
TRUE 2.Crankshaft is the part of an engine which translate the
reciprocating linear motion of piston into rotation
Moves up 3.During the compression, the piston moves down and the gases
TRUE 4.In exhaust stroke, the piston moves up while the gas expelled out.
TRUE 5.The piston moves down as the gas ignited the spark plug during
the power stroke.
TRUE 6.The crankshaft rotates within 5000 RPM or 83 times per seconds.
TRUE 7.The piston travels UP and DOWN 166 times at the same seconds
1. Ask What do you think is the effect of exhaust
gas in the environment?

Make a poster about the effects of exhaust gases

2. Do in the environment that contribute to air
pollution and eventually causes thermal
Rubrics for Poster Making
Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
(5 pts.) (4 pts) (3 pts) (2 pts)
Content Details on the drawing Details on the drawing Details on the drawing Details on the drawing
capture the important capture some in incomplete. does not contain
information about the important information information about the
topic and the audience about the topic and the topic.
can fully understand audience may not fully
the concept. understand the

Visual Impact Poster is exceptionally Poster is attractive, Poster is less attractive Poster is not attractive
attractive in terms of with color but not so with minimal colors at all.
color and neatness. neat. and somewhat messy.

Originality The poster shows The poster shows The poster shows few The poster shows no
many considerable several considerable original works of the original work of the
original works of the original works of the student. student.
student. student.
Complete the statement.
mechanical works
thermal energy into _________________
1.Heat engine is a device that changes __________________
2.The basic components of heat engine are _______________, ___cconnecting rod and
intake manifold fuel injector
3.The fuel delivery system of the engine are __________________, _______________,
spark plug
___________________ Intake / exhaust valve
and _______________.
intake compression
4.The four stroke of the gasoline engine are _________________, _______________________,
power exhaust
______________________ and _______________________.
moves down and the gases filled in the cylinder
5.In intake stroke, the piston _________
6.During the compression, the piston moves ______ up ___ and the gases ________________
7.In exhaust stroke, the piston moves __________ while the gas expelled out.
8.The piston moves __________ power .
as the gas ignited the spark plug during the __________

Reflection .
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it on the space provided by each number.

a___1.A device that changes thermal energy into mechanical works is

a. Heat engine b. Energy c. Power d. electrical
a___2. What happens to the piston and the gases during the intake stroke
a. piston moves down and gas filled in the cylinder
b. piston moves up and gas compressed
c. piston moves down and gas ignited the spark plug
d d. piston moves up and gas expelled out 
___3.What happens to the piston and the gases during the exhaust stroke
e.piston moves down and gas filled in the cylinder
f. piston moves up and gas compressed
moves down and gas ignited the spark plug
c h.piston moves up and gas expelled out 
about the wild
___4.During the four cycle-stroke of the gasoline, how many times
d animals in rotate within the minute?
the crankshaft
i.5500 RPM b. 5050 RPM c. 5000 RPM d. 5005
your area.
___5.The exhaust gas in the environment causes the thermal pollution. As student , how can you help
minimize the effects of thermal pollution?
j. Inform the vehicles operators to always clean their muffler.
k. Inform the general public regarding the bad effects of this exhaust gasses to ones health and environment.
l. Encourage them use unleaded gasoline.
m.All of these
1.What are the fuel /petrol engine, 2 stroke engine and diesel
2.Give the advantages and disadvantages of using of the four
stroke engine.
Thank you for
your active

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