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MGMT 1902 Human Resource

Orientation session
Mineva C. Glasgow
September 6, 2022

 Icebreaker
 Navigating the course page
 Objectives
 Essentials for success
 Expectations
 Developing people skills
 Models of HRM
 Important dates

 Icebreaker Activity
- What are the first 3 words that
come to your mind when you think about Human
Resource Management?
 Why did you choose this course? What are your
 How do you plan to utilise the new knowledge gained
in this course?

 On completion of this course, you will be able to:

1. Apply and examine the principles and concepts of HRM when engaging in HR
planning, recruitment, selection, training, performance management and compensation.
2. Conduct job analyses and utilize information from job analyses in functions such as
selection, training and compensation.
3. Assess the HR needs and their alignment with an organization’s strategic goals.
4. Examine performance management system to determine effectiveness; and

5. Apply key principles of collective bargaining in union management relations.

Essentials for success

• Reorganize and prioritize to ensure

success- needed lifestyle changes-
family, work, education
• Log in regularly
• Time Management
Expectations and commitment

 Personal commitment, and drive to

Rather than highlighting traditional HR

practices , HR has taken on a strategic role
Strategic partner
Developing administrative expertise
Serving as employee agent
HR as a change agent
Developing People skills

An explanation of the importance of developing people skills as well as technical

skills for career success

 others respectfully. Strive to always treat people with respect, no

matter wһаt tһеіr stance in life. Treat tһеm tһе way уοu would Ɩіkе to

be treated. Tһіѕ shows character and strength, both of wһісһ are

characteristics of someone with superior people skills .

People Skills

 Delegate appropriately.
 When уοu delegate tһе rіɡһt tasks to tһе rіɡһt people,
everyone gets a chance to excel а‫ח‬ԁ tһе team works
together at іtѕ best.
 Tһіѕ raises tһе morale of tһе people around уου а‫ח‬ԁ
motivates tһеm tο ԁο a ɡοοԁ job.
People Skills

Be һοnеѕt. Honesty іѕ always tһе best policy. If уοu've еνеr

bееn caught іn a lie, уοu know һοw quickly уοu саn lose
someone's trust. Earning and maintaining trust іѕ an
important people management skill. When others trust you,
tһеу believe in you, аnd уοur opinions mean more tο tһеm.
People Skills

 Listen attentively. Listening іѕ fifty percent of

communication. Truly listen tο wһаt it іѕ people
are telling уοu.
 Make an effort to understand tһеіr point οf view,
even іf уοu don't agree with іt. Wһеn they know
you consider tһеіr feelings аѕ іmрοrtа‫ח‬t, уου' ve
already won half tһе battle.
People Skills

 Practice tһеѕе strategies each day in уουr

communications with others, аnd one day soon
уοu'll find tһаt more аnd more people agree wіtһ
People skills

 Understanding people
 People not only come in all shapes and sizes, but
they come with different personality types as well
 Expressing your thoughts and feelings clearly
People skills

 Our brains can only take so much information in at any

one time. We are bombarded with messages every
second of the day, so to compete with the barrage of
'noise' a person faces, your message needs to be clear,
succinct and to the point.
People skills

Itis very worthwhile taking time to plan

your communication -- no matter by what
method it is delivered -- to ensure that you
are taking the least amount of time to
express the right level of thought in the
most receptively simple manner.
People Skills

 Speaking up when your needs are not being met

 Just as important in business relationships as in
domestic ones, speaking up to ensure that your needs
are met is a fundamental part of any relationship.
People Skills

 You may wish to know the difference between being

assertive, not aggressive, communication, but in a
nutshell there are six different ways you can be assertive
and not aggressive in your communication: by
rehearsing your behaviour prior to the communication;
by repeating your communication (the 'broken record'
technique); fogging; asking for negative feedback;
tentative agreement with negative feedback; and
creating a workable compromise
People Skills

Assertiveness is a useful communication

tool. It's application is contextual and it's
not appropriate to be assertive in all
situations. Remember, your sudden use of
assertiveness may be perceived as an act of
aggression by others.
People skills

 Asking for feedback from others and giving quality feedback in


 Alongside assertiveness techniques, the giving and receiving of feedback

is a key communication skill that must be learnt if you want to have any
hope of developing long-term relationships..

 Bringing conflicts to the surface and getting them resolved

 Some people are not 'natural' at handling conflict.

People Skills

 Your group members might resent you, but you must find out what they
are, bring them into the light of day-essential for successful group work
 It's embarassing, potentially humiliating and requires a strong level of
patience not to launch straight into a defensive mode, but giving people the
opportunity to express their concerns, disappointments and anger, face-to-
face, gives you tremendous opportunity to put things right, or help them
see where their thoughts and feelings are misplaced.
People Skills

 Collaborating with others instead of doing things by yourself

 Learn to delegate is instrumental in getting the work done.

 The quickest way of burying yourself in excess detail and

workload is to try and do everything yourself. Yet sharing the
workload can be the smartest thing you will ever do. Here's why:
People Skills

 One bricklayer can only lay a certain number of bricks in an hour, but that same bricklayer can
train 15 mates to lay bricks and suddenly those 15 bricklayers are building monuments while
the first bricklayer is out securing more work for them.
 While the 15 are laying bricks, the original bricklayer can be learning how to perform advanced
 The lesson is simple: try and do it all yourself and the 'all' will bury you; teach others to do what
you do and you build a monument.
 Jesus taught 11 men how to do what he did. Then he left them to carry on while he moved on to
other things. From the simple act of one man teaching 11 others, a church and the largest, most
influential religious movement the world has ever known was born.
Models (framework)

Strategic scheme designed to

coordinate and administer the
business function
Management of employees to
achieve set objectives
Importance of the models

They provide an analytical framework

for studying HRM
They look at situational factors
Strategic choice levels
Models of HRM

 The hard and soft models-Shorey’s Model (1989)

 The Fombrum’s human Resource Cycle model
 The Guest Model 0f HRM (1997)
 The Harvard framework for HRM
 The warwick model of HRM
 Schuler’s five p’s Model
The Hard model of HRM

The hard model of strategic HRM emphasises the quantitative,

calculative and strategic aspects of managing personnel numbers
in as "rational" a way as for any other economic factors (Storey,
in Legge, 1995, p. 66). This task focused view of HR strategy
reflects Storey's (1995) "utilitarian instrumentalism" where
human resources appear to be an "expense of doing business"
(Tyson and Fell, 1986, p. 135). According to Legge (1995), the
"hard" model of HRM ultimately focuses on HRM.
The Hard Model

 The continual pressure to survive and gain competitive advantage in the

market may lead a company treating labour as a variable input where it is a
cost to be minimised. "Tough love" is used to mediate actions that appear to
treat individuals as a cost, rather than a resource in the interests of business
strategy (Legge, 1995). Strategic decisions based on the hard HRM model tend
to focus on economic bottom line considerations. Downsizing, for example,
may manage employee numbers in the short term, but has major human as
well as long-term strategic implications. Often the organization loses the skills
needed to move forward. Building long-term employment relationships based
on mutuality of goals and expectations has to be part of strategic HRM
The Soft model of HRM

 The "soft" model of HRM is based on a different concept of

human resources. Employees are seen to be proactive, capable of
development, and worthy of trust and collaboration. It
emphasises communication, motivation, and leadership. The
focus of this model of HRM is on resourceful humans (Morris
and Burgoyne, in Legge, 1995, p. 67). An organizational culture
that gives direction, sense of purpose and involvement will build
long-term competitive advantage.
The Soft model of HRM

 Although clear distinctions exist between

the soft and hard models of HRM, they need not be mutually
exclusive when it comes to a strategic orientation. The
developmental (soft) and structural, task focused (hard) HR
strategies do not have to be discrete categories, but can be
complementary (Stace and Dunphy, 1991).
Strategic HRM requires a balance of emphasis.
Strategic HRM needs to integrate with the business strategy as
well as generate employment policies aimed at generating
employee commitment.
The Fombrum Model (1984)

 Deals with 4 functions and their interrelatedness

 Selection
 Appraisal
 Development
 Rewards
 HRM is much more than these-insufficient variables to
contribute to the effectiveness of any organization.
 No account of environmental factors and contingency factors
that impact HRM
The Harvard Model

 A very comprehensive model-6 components

 Stakeholders
 Interests
 Situational or contingent factors
 HRM policy choices
 HRM outcomes
 Long-term results
 Feedback loop


Private individuals
Situational factors

 Workforce factors
 Business strategy, policy, and conditions
 Management philosophy
 Labour market
 Trade Unions
 Technology
 Legal and societal values
HRM policies

Employee influence
Reward systems
Work systems
HRM outcomes

Cost effectiveness
The warwick model

 Macro-environmental forces-External context

 Micro-environmental forces-internal context
 Business strategy context
 HRM context
 HRM content
The warwick model

 Macro-environmental forces-External context

 Micro-environmental forces-internal context
 Business strategy context
 HRM context
 HRM content
The Guest model (1997)

 Specific strategies will lead to specific outcomes

 HR strategy
 HR practices
 HR outcomes
 Behavioural outcomes
 Performance results
 Financial consequences
The Guest model

 Wheel within a wheel –synergistic model looks at inputs-outputs-

 Financial results depend on employees’ performance, which is
influenced by employees’ behaviour (productive employees)
 Behavioural outcomes depend employees’ commitment, quality, and
flexibility-these are influenced by HR practices
 HR practices must align with HR strategies and these strategies must
align with organizational strategies
 Bear in mind that people management is comprehensive –so no one
best model
The Guest model

 Wheel within a wheel –synergistic model looks at inputs-outputs-

 Financial results depend on employees’ performance, which is
influenced by employees’ behaviour (productive employees)
 Behavioural outcomes depend employees’ commitment, quality, and
flexibility-these are influenced by HR practices
 HR practices must align with HR strategies and these strategies must
align with organizational strategies
 Bear in mind that people management is comprehensive –so no one
best model
Schuler’s 5 p’s model

 Purpose-Vision, Mission, objectives

 Principles-operational protocols set to lead to
purpose achievement
 Processes-systems, and methods of operation
 People-Most important assets who perform tasks
in line with established principles and processes
 Performance-can ultimately be measured by
setting appropriate standards
Course work

 Individual Assignment-40%-due date-October6, 11. 55pm-Models of HRM

 Group Assignment-35% and 5% for peer review -due date –Training and
Development-November 6 @ 11.55pm
 Multiple Choice Quiz-20% -November 23-1 hour
Essentials for Success

 Read the Course Guide

 Read all materials
 Do your Assignments
 Meet the due date
 Log in daily as far as is practicable
 Work with your groups-Together everyone achieves more
 A chain is as strong as its weakest link
Thank you

 Questions

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