CR Complete

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Common Terms used

in Critical Reasoning
 An argument is a set of statements, out of which, one is
conclusion, another is facts and third is assumptions and
the facts support the conclusion. In order to strengthen or
weaken the argument, one has to support or go against the
unstated assumption related to the question given.

Reason, cause, Facts, Statistics

Ex. - Ramesh is good at English language

so he will get higher salary.
 Premises are the facts or evidence that support or lead to the
conclusion. Unlike assumptions, they are explicit. Here is an
example from the text: A CEO of a major company noted a
serious decline in worker productivity during the previous five
years. This premise helps the author lead to the conclusion or
main idea of the text.
 Conclusion' means the point that the author is trying to prove
based on the given facts. It is the opinion, position or
judgment reached after considering the given facts or
Effect, prediction, advice
, consequence, opinion

Ex. - Ramesh is good at English language

so he will get higher salary.
 An assumption is information not stated in the argument that
has to be true in order for the argument's logic to hold.
Simply put, an assumption is something the argument takes
for granted in reaching its conclusion

Logic, Basis, Premise, Taken
for granted, supposed

Ex. - Ramesh is good at English language

so he will get higher salary.
 To infer something means to arrive at a conclusion based on
certain information provided
•So, let’s first understand some important differences between the two:
•As discussed above, inference can be logically deduced from any given
information. On the other hand, assumption is a new information and can never
be logically deduced from any given information.
•Inference must be true if the given information is true. While assumption must be
true for the conclusion/given information to be true. If you see carefully, both
follow opposite direction for either to hold ‘true’.
•Generally, the questions structure of the two varies in the following ways:
•If the statements above are true, which of the following must be true? (Inference)
•Select the assumption on which the argument depends? (Assumption)
Types of Critical Reasoning Questions
  Critical Reasoning Questions can be categorized into eight
types. First four types occur more frequently than other
1. Weaken the Argument 5. Structure of the Argument
2. Strengthen the Argument 6. Flaw in the Argument
3. Supply the Assumption 7. Paradox Questions
4. Supply the Conclusion 8. Evaluate the Conclusion
Strategies to handle
CR questions
1. Break the CR passage into parts
 If you are having difficulty in understanding the passage,
break the passage into various parts. Identify the conclusion,
facts, and assumptions. This will help in understanding of the
passage using the structural approach for solving the
2. Beware of answer choices, which are
contradictory to the main idea given in the question

 Always read the question carefully, and be careful of what it is

asking. For example, if the question asks which of the
following weakens the argument, then definitely there will be
one option which will be strengthening the argument. Beware
of such answers, these are specially written to confuse the
students. If you are careful about this trick, you will be able to
save yourself from a lot of incorrect answers, and thereby
increasing your score.
3. Rephrase passages into simpler words
 The language given in critical reasoning passages is always
tough and confusing. Hence for your own benefit it is better
to simplify the language. That ways you will understand the
question better and will also be able to break the question
and get rid of the irrelevant data, which might hinder the
process of finding the correct answer.
4. Understand what is being asked
 A lot of times, the students get really confused about what is
being asked in the question, thus it is imperative to
understand the question, because of the lack of
understanding, we tend to mark the wrong answer.
Critical Reasoning Questions
1. Statement/Conclusion: Chandigarh is a pleasant city.
 Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the
above conclusion?”
I. There are many great galleries in Chandigarh.
II. Patiala has many great restaurants.
2. Statement: The serious accident in which a person was run
down by a car yesterday has again focused attention on the
most unsatisfactory state of roads.

 Conclusions/Inference:
 I. The accident that occurred was fatal
 II. Several accidents have so far taken place because of

unsatisfactory state of roads.

3. Statement: Jade plant has thick leaves and it requires
little water.
 Conclusions/Inference:
 I. all plants, with thick leaves, require little water.
 II. Jade plant may be grown in places where water is not in

4. Statement:  The best evidence of India’s glorious
past is the growing popularity of Ayurvedic medicines
in the west.

 Conclusions/Inference:
 I. Ayurvedic medicines are not popular in India.
 II. Allopathic medicines are more popular in India.
Psychological novels are superior to novels of adventure. Immature readers prefer
novels of adventure to novels with less action and greater psychological depth. The
immature reader, who prefers James Bond's exploits to the subtleties of Henry James,
can be identified easily by his choice of inferior reading matter.

A criticism of the logic of this argument would be likely to find fault with the author's

A) Presupposing the conclusions he wishes to prove

B) Failure to define "adventure" clearly
C) Failure to cite possible exceptions to this rule
D) Hasty generalisation on the basis of a limited specific case
Many very effective prescription drugs are available to patients on a "one
time only" basis. Suspicious of drug abuse, physicians will not renew a
prescription for a medicine that has worked effectively for a patient. This
practice denies a patient her right to health.

Which one of the following is a basic assumption made by the author ?

A) A new type of medicine is likely to be more expensive

B) B) Physicians are not concerned with a patient's health
C) C) Most physicians prescribe inadequate amounts of medicine
D) D) Patients are liable to suffer the same ailment repeatedly
Violence against racial and religious minority groups increased sharply throughout the
county last year, despite a slight decline in state wide figures. Compiling incidents from
police departments and private watchdog groups, the County Human Relations Committee
reported almost 500 hate crimes in the year, up from only 200 last year. It was the first
increase since the committee began to report a yearly figure six years ago. The lower state
wide figures are probably in error due to underreporting in other counties; underreporting is
the major problem that state surveyors face each year.

All of the following, if true, would support the conclusion or the explanation of the
discrepancy in the state and county figures EXCEPT:

A) The number of hate crimes and those resulting in fatalities has increased in
neighboring states.
B) B) Anti-immigration sentiment was fanned this year by an anti-immigration ballot
C) C) Many law-abiding members of minority groups are fearful or distrustful of the police.
D) D) All of the counties in the state have active private watchdog groups that carefully
monitor hate crimes.
Geographical division of the Earth resulting in the so-called sovereign nations is artificial
because it is man-made, just as division of society on the basis of religion, language, caste,
etc., is artificial. While the so-called intellectuals raise hue and cry about the latter, they
maintain divine silence about the former. Does it not amount to double standard?

Which of the following statements, if true, is the essence of the passage mentioned above?

A) Geographical division of the Earth is of divine origin

B) B) Only division of society on the basis of religion, language, etc. is man-made
C) C) The response to geographical and sociological divisions are very different
D) D) Patriotism is a barren concept
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