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Quality of Work Life, Strategies for Work Life

Date: 21/12/21
Dr. Murtaza Hassan Itoo
Assistant Professor,
Postgraduate Department of Management Studies
Cluster University of Srinagar.
• The success of any organisation is highly dependant on
how it attracts, recruits, motivates, and retains its
workforce. Today’s organisations need to be more flexible
so that they are equipped to develop their workforce and
enjoy their commitment.
• Therefore, organisations are required to adopt a strategy to
improve the employees’ quality of work life (QWL) to
satisfy both the organisational objectives and employee
• Quality of Working Life (QWL) is a term that had been
used to describe the broader job-related experience an
individual has.
• Ithas been differentiated from the broader concept of
quality of life.
• To some degree, this may be overly simplistic, as Elizur
and Shye concluded that quality of work performance is
affected by quality of life as well as quality of working
• However, it will be argued here that the specific attention
to work-related aspects of quality of life is valid.
Quality of Work Life

• “Quality of work life is a process (QWL) of work

organisations which enables its members at all levels to
participate actively and efficiently in shaping the
organisation’s environment, methods and outcomes.
• Quality of Work-Life is a value based process, which is
aimed towards meeting the twin goals of enhanced
effectiveness of the organisation and improved quality
of life at work for the employees.”
• Quality of Work-Life is a generic phrase that
covers a person’s feelings about every
dimension of work including economic rewards
and benefits, security, working conditions,
organisational and interpersonal relationships
and its intrinsic meaning in a person’s life
• Lloyd Suttle defines QWL as – “the degree to which members
of a particular organisation are able to satisfy important
personal needs through their experiences in the organisation”.
• For example, providing ample opportunities to workers to
directly participate in problem-solving and decision-making,
particularly in their work related areas is considered to be a
necessary condition for greater freedom at work and leads to
self-development, self-control or self- direction, ultimately
leading towards better QWL.
• Quality of Work-Life is a generic phrase that covers a person’s
feelings about every dimension of work including economic
rewards and benefits, security, working conditions,
organisational and interpersonal relationships and its intrinsic
meaning in a person’s life.
• It is a process by which an organisation attempts to unleash
the creative potential of its personnel by involving them in
decisions affecting their work lives.
• Quality of Work Life – Concept
• Quality of work life is a multifaceted concept. The premise
of quality of work life is having a work environment
where an employee’s activities become more important.
• This means implementing procedures or policies that make
the work less routine and more rewarding for the
employee. These procedures or policies include autonomy,
recognition, belonging, progress and development and
external rewards.
The concept of QWL view work a process of
interaction and joint problem solving by working
people-managers, supervisors, workers.
• This process is:
i. Co-operative rather than authoritative,
ii. Evolutionary and changing rather than static
iii. Open rather than rigid,
iv. Informal rather than rule-based
v. Interpersonal rather than mechanistic,
vi. Problem solving
vii. Win-win rather than win-lose and
viii.Based on mutual respect.
Objectives of QWL

• The basic objectives of a QWL program are improved

working conditions for the employee and increase
organizational effectiveness.
Strategies for Work Life

• Job Satisfaction
• The term "job satisfaction" refers to how satisfied an
employee is at his/her organization. Factors such as
working environment, people at work, job security, and
work responsibilities majorly impact an individual's job
dissatisfaction levels
• Workplace Stress
• Stress is a silent killer. This is especially true for most
working individuals. With the added pressure to manage
their work-life, employees feel extreme levels of stress.
Not only does it impact their physical health, but it affects
their emotional wellbeing as well.
• Financial Reimbursement
• he purpose behind any work is to get a substantial income
in return.
• Rewards, pay, and benefits enhance organizational
QWL. With better compensation, employees are more
involved in their work. Unless the company provides 
extrinsic motivation (in the form of better financial gain),
workers will less likely go beyond the job requirements.
• 4. Work-Life Balance
• Rigid work schedules are a big no for the current
millennial workforce. The modern worker wants to
balance his life at work with his personal life. That means
more remote working and more flexible work hours.
• Achieving a satisfactory work-life balance is a significant
factor in the quality of work-life. Splitting time, energy,
and resources into two different aspects of your life is
challenging. Adding to this challenge are obstacles such as
long hours of commute, family commitments, or longer
working hours.
• Working Conditions / Job Environment
• Businesses need to understand the value of a pleasant
working environment for enhanced organizational
effectiveness. The job environment affects life at work,
mood, performance, and motivation.

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