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Cold storage design for 35-ton

beef and 30-ton apple

Chapter 1
 Preface
 The refrigeration and air-conditioning industry is becoming more
extensive and varied. At one time the principal use of refrigeration
was a product of ice. Today, refrigeration is essential in the
production and distribution of food and for the efficient operation of
industry. Because of air conditioning, people live more comfortably
and healthfully, and many industrial operations are conducted more
 The application of refrigeration and air-conditioning has been
divided into four groups: food production and distribution, chemical
and process industry uses, special applications of refrigeration, and
many industrial and comfort air conditioning.
 Meat and Poultry Packing
For the simple and essential purpose of preserving meat,
refrigeration enters packing operations early and prevails until the
meat is being prepared for eating. After slaughter when cutting
begins, the rooms in which the meat is processed are refrigerated.
For long period of storage, the meat remains in rooms maintained at
32 to 34 F. Meat may also be packaged in consumer size containers
and frozen. After freezing it is maintained at 0 to -10 F.
 Cold Storage
Some foods do not lend themselves to freezing but their life can be
extended by “cooler” storage at temperatures slightly above 32 F.
Many fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, and the citrus fruits, can
be stored perhaps for several months if maintained at proper
temperatures. Eggs, nuts, dried fruits, and vegetables also keep
longer when stored at temperatures slightly above 32 F than when
stored at room temperatures.
What is cold storage cold storage is food storage of any kind of
Food storage is both a traditional domestic skill and is important industrially.
Food is stored by almost every human society and by many animals.
Storing of food has several main purposes:
 preparation for periods of scarcity or famine
 taking advantage of short term surplus of food as at harvest time
 enabling a better balanced diet throughout the year
 preparing for special events and celebrations
 planning for catastrophe or emergency
 protection against predators or others
Chapter 2
• To be able to design a cold storage plant
for beef that conforms to the given

•   To be able to recommend necessary

equipments for the plant.

• To calculate the total refrigeration load for

a freezer storage with design criteria as
Design Criteria
Chapter 3
 This chapter presents information on storage requirements of perishable
foods that enter the market on a commercial scale. The data are based
on the storage of fresh, high-quality commodities that have been
properly harvested, handled, and cooled. Tables 1 and 2 present
recommended storage requirements for the products. Some products
require a curing period before storage. Other products require different
storage conditions, depending on their intended use. The recommended
temperatures are optimum for long storage and are commodity
temperatures, not air temperatures. For short storage, higher
temperatures are often acceptable. Conversely, products subject to
chilling injury can sometimes be held at a lower temperature for a short
time without injury. Exceptions include bananas, cranberries, cucumbers,
eggplant, melons, okra, pumpkins, squash, white potatoes, sweet
potatoes, and tomatoes. The minimum recommended temperature for
these products should be strictly followed.
 The listed storage lives are based on typical commercial practice. Special
treatments can, in certain instances, extend storage life significantly.
Bulacan (Filipino: Bulakan) (PSGC: 031400000; ISO: PH-BUL),
officially called the Province of Bulacan (or Lalawigan ng Bulakan
in Filipino) or simply Bulacan Province, is a first class province of
the Republic of the Philippines located in the Central Luzon Region
(Region 3) in the island of Luzon, north of Manila (the nation's
capital), and part of the Metro Luzon Urban Beltway Super Region.
Bulacan was established on the 15th day of August 1578.
It has 569 barangays from twenty-one (21) municipalities and three
(3) component cities (Malolos, the capital city; Meycauayan; and
San Jose del Monte). Bulacan is located immediately north of
Metropolitan Manila. Bordering Bulacan are the provinces of
Pampanga to the west, Nueva Ecija to the north, Aurora and
Quezon to the east, & Metro Manila and Rizal to the south. Bulacan
also lies on the north-eastern shore of Manila Bay.
Bulacan prides itself for its rich historical heritage. The
province figures prominently in Philippine History. Many
national heroes and political figures were born in Bulacan.
The province was also one of the first to revolt against Spain
(The province is honored as one of the 8 rays of the sun in
the national flag). It is the home of the "Three Republics".
These are the Republic of Real de Kakarong de Sili (1896), the
Republic of Biak-na-Bato (1897) and the very first Philippine
Republic (1899–1901). In recognition thereof, these three
republics established in Bulacan have been incorporated in
the official seal of the province of Bulacan.
In 2007, Bulacan recorded the highest population in Region 3, and
second in the whole Philippines with 2,826, 926 people.

In 1899, the historic Barasoain Church in Malolos, is the birthplace of the First
Constitutional Democracy in Asia. It is also the cradle of the nation's noble
heroes, of great men and women; also home to many of the country's
greatest artists, with a good number elevated as National Artists.
Today, Bulacan is among the most progressive provinces in the Philippines. Its
people—the Bulaqueños (or Bulakenyo in Fili7pino)—are highly educated,
enterprising and industrious. It is well-known for the following industries:
Marble and Marbleized Limestone, Jewelry, Pyrotechnics, Leather,
Aquaculture, Meat and Meat Products, Garments, Furniture, High-Value
Crops, and Sweets and Native Delicacies, and a wide variety of high-quality
native products.
Bulacan has fast become an ideal tourist destination, owing to its vital role in
Philippine history, and its rich heritage in culture and the arts. The province is
popularly known for its historical sites; nostalgic old houses and churches;
idyllic ecological attractions; religious attractions; colorful and enchanting
festivals; swimming and various themed attractions; and a wide selection of
elegant native crafts and sumptuous delicacies. It is also home to numerous
resorts, hotels, restaurants, and other recreational facilities.
 Preface
Total refrigeration load includes (1) transmission load, which is heat
transferred into the refrigerated space through its surface; (2) product
load, which is heat removed from and produced by products brought into
and kept in the refrigerated space; (3) internal load, which is heat
produced by internal sources (e.g., lights, electric motors, and people
working in the space); (4) infiltration air load, which is heat gain
associated with air entering the refrigerated space; and (5) equipment-
related load. The first four segments of load constitute the net heat load
for which a refrigeration system is to be provided; the fifth segment
consists of all heat gains created by the refrigerating equipment. Thus,
net heat load plus equipment heat load is the total refrigeration load for
which a compressor must be selected This chapter contains load
calculating procedures and data for the first four segments and load
determination recommendations for the fifth segment.
Product load
The primary refrigeration loads from products
brought into and kept in the refrigerated
space are (1) heat that must be removed to
bring products to storage temperature and (2)
heat generated by products (mainly fruits and
vegetables) in storage. The quantity of heat to
be removed can be calculated as follows:
 Respiration Heat
 Fruits and vegetables are still after harvesting and continue to
undergo changes are produced by respiration, a process during
which oxygen from the air combines with the carbohydrates in the
plant tissue and results in the release of carbon dioxide and heat.
The heat released is called Respiration heat and must be
considered as a part of the product load where considerable
quantities of fruits and/or vegetables are held in storage
temperatures above the freezing temperature.
 Since respiration heat is given in Btu per pound per hr, the product
load accruing from respiration heat is computed by multiplying the
total mass of the product by the respiration heat.
Internal Loads

Lighting load
The lighting load is determined from the nameplate wattage
from the lighting layout drawings. The actual layout should be
used whenever possible, however in practice most of time
these nameplate ratings shall not be available during design
phase and therefore an estimate can be made using the rule
of the thumb guidelines. Check the tables below.
Note that the lighting values for most energy conscious will be lower
values and can be very high if theatrical and fancy lights are used. The
cases which have not been mentioned above shall be based on the
judgment of the most comparable use.
People add to the heat load, in amounts depending on factors such as
room temperature, type of work being done, type of clothing worn, and
size of the person.
Air Change Load

• The air changes occurring in the space are brought about almost
entirely by infiltration through door openings. The quantity of outside
air entering a space through door openings in a 24-hr period
depends on the number, size, location of the door or doors; on the
frequency and duration of the door openings; and the densities of
the inside and outside air;
Blast freezing (convection)

• Cold air is circulated over the product at high

velocity. The air removes heat from the
product and
• releases it to an air/refrigerant heat exchanger
before being re-circulated.
Blast Freezer Refrigeration Load Calculation
Refrigerated Load Calculations
Product Load
For the Blast Freezer:
Miscellaneous Load
Air Change Load

For the Blast Freezer only:

From Table 6 . Average air changes per 24 hours for storage rooms below 32°F
due to door opening and infiltration.
By interpolation: Considering an area of with Blast Freezing temperature of
Assume that the inside is maintained @ 28°F and 90% RH, and the
outside condition is 113°F and 50% RH. From Mechanical
Engineering (tables and charts), From Psychrometric page 74-75.

From Dossat, the total cooling load for a 24-hr period is the summation of the
heat gain as calculated above. It is common to add 5% to 10% to this value
as a safety factor. The percentage used depends on the reliability of the
information used in calculating the cooling load.
As general rule 10% is used.

To compute for the Required Equipment capacity applies:

Assuming that the Blast Freezer would only run for 2 hrs:
Also by conversion:
Storage 1 & 2 Refrigeration Load Calculation:

Transmission Load
Refrigerated Load Calculations
Design Storage 2 Temperature, -10˚F
Refrigerated Load Calculations

Product Load
Miscellaneous Load
Air Change Load
Assume that the inside is maintained @ -10°F and 95% RH, and the outside
condition is 113°F and 50% RH. From Mechanical Engineering (tables and
charts), From Psychrometric page 74-75.
 For the Storage 2 only

From Table 6. Average air changes per 24 hours for storage rooms below 32°F
due to door opening and infiltration.
By interpolation:
Considering an area of with Storage temperature of -10°F

Assume that the inside is maintained @ -10°F and 95% RH, and the outside
condition is 113°F and 50% RH. From Mechanical Engineering (tables and
charts), From Psychrometric page 74-75.
From Dossat, the total cooling load for a 24-hr period is the summation of
the heat gain as calculated above. It is common to add 5% to 10% to this
value as a safety factor. The percentage used depends on the reliability of
the information used in calculating the cooling load.

As general rule 10% is used.

To compute for the Required Equipment capacity applies:

As the general rule recommended by Dossat, the 18-hr running time is used.
Storage 3 & 4 Refrigeration Load Calculation
Transmission Load
Refrigerated Load Calculations
Refrigerated Load Calculations
Product Load
Miscellaneous Load
Air Change Load

For the Storage 3 only:

From Table 5. Average air changes per 24 hours for storage rooms above or
equal to 32°F due to door opening and infiltration.
By interpolation: Considering an area of with Storage temperature of 32°F

Assume that the inside is maintained @ 32°F and 95% RH, and the outside
condition is 113°F and 50% RH. From Mechanical Engineering (tables and
charts), From Psychrometric page 74-75.

For the Storage 4 only:

From Table 5. Average air changes per 24 hours for storage rooms above or
equal to 32°F due to door opening and infiltration.
By interpolation: Considering an area of with Storage temperature of 32°F
Assume that the inside is maintained @ 32°F and 95% RH, and the outside
condition is 113°F and 50% RH. From Mechanical Engineering (tables and
charts), From Psychrometric page 74-75.

From Dossat, the total cooling load for a 24-hr period is the summation of
the heat gain as calculated above. It is common to add 5% to 10% to this
value as a safety factor. The percentage used depends on the reliability of
the information used in calculating the cooling load.

As general rule 10% is used.

To compute for the Required Equipment capacity applies:

As the general rule recommended by Dossat, the 18-hr running time is used.

Also by conversion:
For the Storage 1 & 2 only

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