Quiz 1 1st QTR

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Quiz #1

July 2, 2018
1. What system of our body is being responsible for
the inhalation oxygen and exhalation of carbon
A. Circulatory C. Respiratory
B. Skeletal D. Digestive
2. Which of the following is NOT a part of
A. Alveoli C. Bronchi
B. Arteries D. Trachea
3. Air first enters to the nose and is filtered by
A. blood vessels
B. mucous membrane
C. cilia
D. nasal passage
4. Which shows the correct order through which air passes to the lungs?
A. Trachea-bronchi-bronchioles-alveoli-nasal passageways
B. Mouth-nose-nasal passageways-bronchi-trachea-alveoli
C. Nose-nasal passageways-trachea-bronchi-bronchioles-alveoli
D. Nose-trachea-nasal passageways-bronchi-bronchioles-alveoli
5. A bunch of grapes is a good representation of the
parts of the breathing system, which of the following
pair is INCORRECT?
A. branching stems – bronchi
B. main stem – trachea
C. grapes – alveoli
D. little stems - alveoli
6. Which does not belong to the group?
A. bronchioles C. arteries
B. veins D. capillaries
7. The circulatory system is
A. the nerve system of the body
B. the breathing system of the body
C. the life support of the body
D. the food processing of the body
8. Which is TRUE about respiration in our body?
A. It is the exchange of glucose into oxygen.
B. It is the exchange of oxygen into glucose.
C. The taking in of oxygen and giving off of carbon
D. The taking in of carbon dioxide and giving off of
9. What makes up the circulatory system?
A. heart, stomach, blood
B. nose, trachea, bronchi
C. heart, blood, blood vessels
D. arteries, capillaries, veins
10. This is where the exchange of gases and nutrients
take place.
A. arteries C. heart
B. capillaries D. veins
11. It is the movement of the blood from the heart to
the rest of the body, excluding the lungs.
A. systematic circulation
B. coronary circulation
C. pulmonary circulation
D. blood circulation
12. When a person breathes in, he inhales oxygen and other
gases present in the air. What will happen to the other gases
that are not needed by the body?
A. It will go out to the mouth.
B. It will not be accepted by the nose.
C. It will not be processed into nutrients and transported in
the body.
D. It will still pass to the body from the lungs to the blood
and circulate throughout the body.
13. All of the following are respiratory diseases
A. asthma C. hypertension
B. emphysema D. pneumonia
14. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the human
A. It has a double pump.
B. It has four chambers.
C. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs.
D. The left atrium accepts blood from the body.
15. During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts so that
A. More air enters in the chest cavity.
B. Less air enters in the chest cavity.
C. More nutrients will be processed by the body.
D. Space inside the lungs lessened for gas exchange.
16. Negative lifestyle negatively affects breathing
and blood circulation. Which of the following is
NOT an example of negative lifestyle?
A. cigarette smoking
B. alcohol drinking
C. living in polluted places
D. enough rest and sleep
17. How does cigarette smoking increase the risk of
developing cardiovascular diseases?
A. It produces smoke.
B. The chemicals harm the blood cells.
C. It makes the air polluted.
D. It blocks the arteries of the heart.
For items 18 – 20, List 3 positive/healthy lifestyles to
keep the normal functioning of the respiratory and
circulatory system.


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