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Shah Waliullah

(1703 – 1762)
• Introduction
• Prevailing environment
• Causes of Muslim Decline
• Services of Shah Waliullah
– Religious Services
– Political Services
• Conclusion

• The movement of Shah Waliullah was first of

his kind in the sub-continent which was aimed
at socio-politico-religio and economic
reformation of the degenerated Muslim Society.
• The departure of Aurengzeb from the scene of
Mughal Empire cast havoc not only upon the
future of Mughal Empire but also upon the
future of Islam and Muslims of India.

• There was an important development in his

life which compelled him to serve the Muslim
of sub-continent. A brief life history.
• He learnt the holy Quran by heart at the age
• He received basic religious at the age of 15
• At the age of 17 he started teaching in the
Madrassa of his father, after his death (1720)
and remained associated with teaching for 12
• He performed Haj in 1733 and saw the holy
Prophet in his dream, telling him to guide the
Muslims of sub-continent.
• This was a turning point in his life.

• His contributions are mainly;

• Translation of the Holy Quran.
• Establishment of School for Sunnah
• Re-introduction of Ijtihad.
• Emphasizing the importance of Jihad.
• Highlighting the significance of equilibrium.
• Politically providing leadership, awareness
and inviting Ahmad Shah Abadali.
Prevailing environment

• The decline of Muslims was the prevailing

• It started with the death of Aurnagzab in 1707
and continued for 150 years(1707-1857).
• Shah Waliullah contributed in the first 50
• He led the Muslims both religiously and
Causes of Muslim Decline

1. Lack of understanding religion in its

proper perspective and true spirit
2. Emergence of rich class of feudal
lords and nobles rank
3. Reversion from the principle of
Khilafat to Kingship
Causes of Muslim Decline

4. Sectarian conflicts
5. Money obtained from the exchequer by
those who do not perform any
corresponding duty people such as Ulemas
and Soldiers.
6. Heavy taxation of peasants, merchants and
Services of Shah Waliullah

• To address the situation, Shah Waliullah

launched a moral, social and political
regeneration of the Muslims in the true spirit
of Islam so that an ideally equitable social
system could be brought in vogue.
• His services can be divided into Religious and
Religious Services
• Crusade Against Sectarianism
• Translation of Quran into Persian
• Balance Between Four Schools of Thought
• School of Hadith
• Reintroduced Ijtihad
• Economic Equilibrium
• Importance of Jihad
Crusade Against Sectarianism

• The entire Muslim Community was divided from

top to bottom.
• The nobles grouped themselves into Turani and
Irani parties which were euphemisms for Sunni and
Shiah and common soldiers and citizen also were
• Shah Waliullah tried to wipe out differences.
KHULAFA to remove misunderstandings between
Shiah and Sunnis.
Translation of Quran into Persian
• The differences on the minute details of interpretation
were magnified into big disputes
• These controversies on minor issues tended to take the
mind of the believers from the fundamentals and instead
of uniting them, created divisions in their ranks
• He emphasized on the fundamentals of Islam.
• He introduced the people again to the main sources of
Islamic doctrine and law.
• In order to make it understandable to all, he translated
the Quran into Persian.
Balance Between Four Schools of Thought


IKHTILAF in order to create a balance between the
four schools of thought:
• Hanfi
• Shaafi
• Maliki
• Hanbli
• He was also opposed to limiting the universally of
the applications of the injunctions of the Holy Quran.
School of Hadith
• He established a school for study of Hadith.
• He selected Imam Malik’s ALMAWATA as the
most authentic of all collections of the Hadith
and took steps to popularize its study.
Reintroduced Ijtihad
• It had been established by the orthodox circles
that after final codification of Islamic law by
the four great Jurists, the doors of
interpretation were closed for ever.
• He denounced this principle and adopted
Ijtihad richly.
Economic Equilibrium
• Shah Waliullah pointed out that economics played
a vital role in the social life of human beings.
• He raised his voice for economic equilibrium,
removal of inequalities and equal distribution of
• He appealed to higher classes to realize their
responsibilities towards the nation.
• He was against heavy taxes and accumulation of
Importance of Jihad
• He educated the Muslim soldiers on
importance of Jihad and asked them to go for
Jihad for glorification of Islam.
Political Services

• Leadership to the Muslims

• Awareness and Political Socialization
• Inviting Ahmed Shah Abdali
Leadership to the Muslims
• A part from his religious services, Shah
Waliullah provided leadership to the Muslims
in the political field.
• He came out with his great wisdom and
foresight to create political awakening in the
Muslims of India.
• The rise of Marhattas and Sikhs had posed
serious problems to the Muslim rulers.
Leadership to the Muslims
• The Mughal rulers were no more in a position to
withhold the supremacy of the Muslim rule which was
gravely jeopardized by the emergence of Marhattas and
Sikhs and the other non-Muslim forces.
• Marhattas even raided Delhi, the Capital of Mughal
• The Marhattas wanted to crush the Muslim rule forever.
• Shah Waliullah came up to tackle the precarious
Awareness and Political Socialization
• He had rightly noticed that if the Marhattas were
not checked effectively, the political power of
Muslims would disappear forever.
• He wrote letters to noble Muslim leaders and
informed them to the critical situation hanging
on the head of the Mughal rule.
• He asked for military assistance and was
successful in bringing some Muslim leaders
Inviting Ahmed Shah Abdali
• He eventually won over Najib-ud-Doula and Shuja-ud-
Qaula against Marhattas.
• However, the Muslim Chiefs were unable to face
Marhattas because the resources were inadequate to
crush the Marhattas.
• Shah Waliullah, therefore looked towards Ahmed Shah
Abdali, who came in India and inflicted a crushing defeat
on the Marhattas at the 3rd battle of Panipat in 1761.
• The victory blasted the Marhattas power and paved way
for revival of Islam in India.
• It is concluded that Shah Waliullah led the
Muslims during the decline period when there
was no prominent Mughal ruler in the sub-
• He extended Muslims rule by at least 100
• By rendering his services for the Muslims, he
has contributed for TNT and IOP.

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