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Applications of

Immune Responses
Important Point:
Smallpox Vaccination
Oral (Sabin?) Vaccination
Vaccination by Syringe
 “Immunization has had probably the greatest
Immunity & Vaccination impact on human health of any medical
 Passive immunization involves reception of
antibodies but with no stimulation of B or T cells.
 Infants are subject to passive immunization,
which is the acquisition of IgG and IgA from their
mothers. As a consequence, they typically are
resistant to a number of infectious diseases until
they are 3 to 6 months of age (with delay
depending in part on whether they are breast fed).
 Passive immunity also occurs with administration
of Antitoxin, Antiserum, Hyperimmune globulin.
 Active immunity, by contrast, involves the
proliferation of B and T cell memory cells.
Types of Immunity
Attenuated vs. Inactive Vaccination
“Live Attenuated” & “Whole Killed” is included
“Attenuated” are synonymous. in “Inactivated” Vaccine.

“An attenuated vaccine is a “An inactivated vaccine is

weakened form of the disease- unable to replicate, but
causing microorganism of virus retains the immunogenicity
that is generally unable to cause of the infectious agent or
disease,” but is able to replicate. toxin.”
 Inactivated vaccines typically don’t induce cell-
mediated immunity plus require boosting to effect
Inactivated Vaccines adequate B cell response.
 Inactivated Whole Agent Vaccines, a.k.a., Whole
Killed, are whole organisms (such as viruses) that
can induce humoral immunity but cannot infect.
• Infection with the disease-causing agent, though
generally not causing disease, can boost immunity.
 Toxoids are inactivated bacterial toxins that can
induce humoral immunity but are not toxic.
• Infection with the disease-causing agent typically will
not boost immunity so hence there is a need for
periodic booster vaccination.
 Protein subunit vaccines are killed and then
dismembered microbes, often via gene cloning.
 Conjugate vaccines link T-dependent and T-
independent antigens to allow immunization
particularly against polysaccharides.
• Turns T-indepent antigens to T dependent.
Important Vaccines (1/2)
Important Vaccines

1st “M” of MMR

Important Vaccines (2/2)
Important Vaccines 2nd “M” of MMR

“R” of MMR
Oral (live
attenuated) =
Sabin vaccine =
Polio Vaccine(s)
more dangerous
and more fragile

Sabin vaccine =
whole killed (not
oral) = safer,
more hardy, but
harder to
administer (shot)
 On June 8, 2006, the FDA approved Gardasil, a prophylactic
HPV vaccine which is marketed by Merck. The vaccine trial,
Human Papilloma Virus conducted in adult women with a mean age of 23, showed
protection against initial infection with HPV types 16 and 18,
which together cause 70 percent of cervical cancers. HPV types
16 and 18 also cause anal cancer in men and women. The trial
also showed 100% efficacy against persistent infections, not just
incident infections. The vaccine also protects against HPV types
6 and 11, which cause 90 percent of genital warts. Women aged
nine through twenty-six can be vaccinated, though the trial did
not test minors.
 GlaxoSmithKline is expected to seek approval for a prophylactic
vaccine targeting HPV types 16 and 18 early in 2007, known as
Cervarix. Since the current vaccine will not protect women
against all the HPV types that cause cervical cancer, it will be
important for women to continue to seek Pap smear testing, even
after receiving the vaccine. In addition, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends vaccinating women
who have already been diagnosed with HPV (October 2006).
 Yes, Wikipedia…
 Although condoms are highly effective for preventing the
transmission of other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),
Human Papilloma Virus recent studies have concluded that condoms only offer partial
protection, at best, against the transmission of genital HPVs.
 This may be due to the fact that HPVs can infect genital skin
areas that are not covered by condoms. On the other hand,
some studies have suggested that regular condom use can
effectively limit the ongoing persistence and spread of HPV
to additional genital sites in individuals who are already
 Thus, condom use may reduce the risk that infected
individuals will progress to cervical cancer or develop
additional genital warts. A 2006 study of 82 college students
suggests that condoms can be up to 70% effective for
preventing genital HPV infection if used for every sexual
encounter. Planned Parenthood recommends condom use to
reduce the risk of contracting HPV, but the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention maintain that "the effect of
condoms in preventing HPV infection is unknown."
 Also Wikipedia…
Important Not or Insufficiently
Vaccinated Diseases
 Serology is the use of serum antibodies (generally
IgG) to detect antigens, to measure antigen
Serological Techniques concentrations, or the use of antigens to detect
antibodies or detect their concentrations.
 Immunoassays are serological techniques.
 Seroconversion is the production of antibodies by an
animal against a specific antigen.
 Titer refers to the concentration of antibodies.
 A Rise in Titer of antibodies occurs following
vaccination or infection.
 Serial dilutions are typically employed in the course of
determining antibody titers.
 Serological techniques include observations of the
formation of Immune-Complexes, Agglutination tests,
Immunofluorescence, etc.
 Additional, and very important techniques include
Radioimmunoassays, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbant
Assays (ELISAs), and Western Blots.
Home Pregnancy Tests
“The Western blot is a
more laborious and
expensive technique than
Western Blotting
the ELISA; however, it
offers greater specificity,
since antigens are
identified by two criteria:
their size and their
reactivity with antibodies.”

“To test for antibodies

against HIV, commercial
kits are available in which
antigens of the HIV virus
have been electrophoresed
and blotted onto filters”
which are then exposed to
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