Plantilla de Linea de Tiempo

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US Timeline

1794.- Whiskey Rebellion

1776.- Declaration of Independence During this time a group of
the American Revolution’s pursuit of 1787.- Construction of the people refuse to pay taxes
liberty was made meaningful by the United States Of America for the whisky so
founding document of the great With the war won, independence
Washington send tropes to
American experiment in democracy. secured the next step was created
the laws and build the nation
stop this

1815.- Battle of New

1823.- Monroe Doctrine. Orleans. 1803.- Louisiana Purchase
The Americans In the past lousinana wa part
defeat the British in of France but it was
New Orleans purchase for 27 millions

1848.- Treaty of Guadalupe 1857.- Dread Scott Decision

Hidalgo The 1850s were awash in harbingers of the American Civil
1829-1837.- Era of common man The American-Mexican war War to come—from the Compromise of 1850, which
temporarily forestalled North-South tensions, to John
end and US add 525000 Brown’s Harpers Ferry Raid, which ramped them up. 
squares miles to his contries

1876 Battle of the Little

1886 Haymarket Riot 1863.- Battle of Gettysburg
1896. Plessy v Ferguson
With the end of Reconstruction in the
1870s, the enactment of Jim Crow
laws enforced racial segregation in the 1902-1904.- Breakup of 1915.- Sinking of the
South. In its 7–1 decision in Northern Securities Lusitania
the Plessy v. Ferguson case in May 1896,
the U.S. Supreme Court gave
constitutional sanction to laws designed to 1933.-FDR First Fireside Chat
achieve racial segregation by means of In 1933 at least one-fourth of the 1929.- Stock market Crash
separate and supposedly equal public U.S. workforce was unemployed The era of prosperities came to a
facilities and services for African when the administration of close in October 1929 when
Americans and whites. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt first the stock market crashed, setting
took on the ravages of the Great the stage for years of economic
1945.- The atomic Bombing of Depression with the New Deal, a deprivation and calamity during
Hiroshima and Nagasaski federal government program that the Great Depression.
sought to bring about immediate
economic relief as well as reforms
in industry, agriculture, finance,
labor, and housing. 
1954.-U.S Army-McCarthy 2020.-January - US drone strike
Hearings. kills leading Iranian commander
2000s September 11 Attacks
Qasem Soleimani at Baghdad
Airport, promoting Iranian threats
of retaliation.
1859 1960.-Nace la arqueológia
Ecoceutics. (2018).El
nacimiento del
Charles Darwin publica el origen de las procesual o mas conocidas
especies y con este se presenta un nuevo
Sistema naturae de
Carlos Linneo.
[IMAGEN].  como la nueva arqueologia 
Sistema taxonomico.

jrbatalle. (2018). EL ORIGEN DE

LAS ESPECIES: CHARLES 1969.- Se presenta una de las
1735.-Carl Von Linneo Desarrollo el
15/9/15/el-origen-de-las-especie primeras industrias liticas de la
primer Sistema taxonomico en base
antiguedad Tambien conocido
a un Sistema Binomial 
como modo tecnico I,
1986.-Se distinguieron grupos de 1980.-Nace la arqueologia
diferenciación social en el Cementerio conocida como
FRANCISCO. (2022).El
proceso de la
recolección de miel.

de la isla de los Ciervos Zvelenil postporcentual


1988.-La aparicion de las primeras herramientas de

piedra se hallaron asociadas a restos oseos de Homo
1987.-En Dinamarca se registro habilis en africa oriental, se definio el inicio del 2015.- Se descubrió que la
paleolitico hace 2.8 millones de años 
un Campamento pequeño que recolección de miel fue una actividad
data de los 7000 A.C y tuvo González, María y Guzmán, Jorge
(2014, 26 de enero). La
Prehistoria. Historia que surgió en esa época y que se fue
ocupación de 2000 años Universal. [IMAGEN].
istoria/prehistoria desarrollando con el paso de los años

1934.-Lázaro Cárdenas, another former

1923.-After three years, the
revolutionary general, is elected 1917 Mexico stay neutral during the
U.S. recognizes the Obregon
president.  WW1 and Carranza gets power
1968.- As a symbol of its growing 1992, December 17
international status, Mexico City is President Carlos Salinas
chosen to host the Olympic Games. joins George H.W. Bush of
Over the course of the year, student 1985.- An earthquake in Mexico the U.S. and Prime Minister
protesters stage a number of City kills nearly 10,000 people Brian Mulroney of Canada
demonstrations in an attempt to draw and causes heavy damage. in signing the North
international attention to what they see American Free Trade
as a lack of social justice and Agreement (NAFTA)
democracy in Mexico under the PRI
government and its current president,
Gustavo Díaz Ordaz. 1994 The latest PRI candidate,
Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, is 1989.- Berlin Wall comes down;
1997 elected president and immediately collapse of Communism in
The corruption-plagued PRI suffers a faces a banking crisis when the Eastern Europe.
shocking defeat value of the Mexican peso plunges
on international markets.

2000 Vicente Fox, of the

opposition Partido de
Acción Nacional (PAN)
2012.- Candidate Enrique Pena 2020.- Febreary First case of
wins election to the
Nieto wins presidential election. COVID-19
Mexican presidency,
ending more than 70
years of PRI rule.

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