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Telepon yang digunakan manusia berasal dari sebuah
alat yang ditemukan oleh Alexander Graham Bell pada
tahun 1876. Telepon adalah alat untuk
mengkomunikasikan suara,terutama ucapan. Tele-
berarti jarak jauh dan –phone berarti suara,suara atau
Apa itu Percakapan Telepon?
Ini adalah transmisi pesan melalui telepon.
● Ini bisa bersifat informal –Ketika anda menelpon teman atau
● Bisa formal – Saat anda menelpon ke kantor,ke atasan anda,dll
Top tips for Telephone Conversation in English

> Greeting
Every phone call should begin with a polite greeting such as , Hi , how've you been ? or
Nice to hear from you .
> Getting to the point
There always comes the point , however , where you want to move on from friendly banter
and get down to business . E.g .. I'm just calling to ... For example , I'm just calling to see if
you'd like to set up a meeting . If the situation is reversed , however , and you are waiting to
find out why someone called you , you can guide the conversation by saying , So what can I
do for you?
> Interrupting without insult
For example , begin with I would like to say something here , if I may or Allow me to make
a point . Or , you could just ask : May I interrupt you for a second ?
Top tips for Telephone Conversation in English

> Confirming Action

Please let me confirm ... and So , let me make sure I've got things straight...
> Closing the call
Well John , it's been a pleasure talking to you
Important points
Do you know what helps you make your point clear?
Lists like this one:

● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!

And the most important thing: the audience won’t

miss the point of your presentation

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