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Keseline Day

Rj A.
Bachelor Elementary
Education - 1
Software Application

Components of
Computer System
Physical Elements that make up the system.
It is tangible parts ( things you can touch )
Parts of Hardware
1. Central processing Unit – Also known As the CPU. It is the brain of the computer.
It is an integrated circuit chip containing the electronic circuitry that controls the
interpretations and execution of instruction.
2. Input Unit – Wherein computer accepts coded date.
3. Output Unit – Processed data in converted into human readable form.
1. CONTROL UNIT ( CU ) – It is the most critical part of the CPU. It directs the
step by step operation of the computer. It monitors or supervise all operations of
the computer.
2. ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT ( ALU ) – Where arithmetic and logic operations
are performed. It makes comparison for the CU in order to determine whether
operations are mathematical or logical.
3. MEMORY UNIT ( MU ) – It is where the computer holds date before and after
they are processed. It is an electronic filing cabinets that holds data instruction.

1.PRIMARY STORAGE / MAIN MEMORY – Physically attached to the computer

and it is known as the internal memory.

2.SECONDARY STORAGE / MAIN MEMORY – Used storage medium. It is

permanent storage that supplement the RAM

It a fast memory capable of operating at

electronic speeds where programs and
data are stored before execution.
1. READ ONLY MEMORY ( ROM ) –Holds permanent computer instructions. It cannot be altered nor
erased the information. A memory form which you can read into but cannot write. The instruction stored
are needed by the computer to perform its basic routine operations. A non-volatile memory, specifically
designed to store data even when the computer is not running.
2. RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY ( RAM ) –Often referred to as read / write memory. One make edit or
make changes. It works the CPU in receiving and transferring data and instruction form or to input or
output ports. A volatile memory, data are easily replaceable and requires electrical current to retain
3. CACHE MEMORY – It is the most technologically advanced among the three. It is place to keep
something safe. It is a special set of very fast RAM chips used to store data that the CPU most frequently
receives from the RAM. It delivers data to the CPU at the speed Processing.
Physically separated but connected directly to the CPU through a communication line
so data can be accessed with almost no intervention from human operator. It is used
when large amount of data have to be stored, particularly if some of the data need not
to be accessed very frequently. It supports “virtual memory” refers to a method by
which memory is extended or increased through the used of direct-access storage
devices connected by a communication line to the CPU and the shorter the distance
the electrical signals have to travel the faster processing.

1. To store large data files

2. Store programs seldom used by the computer
3. Back up pruposes

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