Function of Communication 2

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Function of

Presented by: John Dominic P. Ferrer
Paul Kenzo P. Soronio
Function of communication

 Every human activity requires a communication

in one way or another and in doing so, do we
have a purpose or a motives why we commune
with persons in our every day lives.
Function of communication
 Oral communication is an essential for teamwork
and group energy. allows an individual to
express emotions, ideas, and feelings; it gives
people the ability to empower, inspire, and
motivate those who listen; and it allows people to
share knowledge and traditions, as well as build
their self-esteem.
What are its Functions?

01 Regulation/ 02 Social Interaction


03 Motivation 04 Information

05 Emotional
Regulation or Control
Communication can be used to
control human behavior. It can be
used to regulate the nature and
amount of activities humans engage

● Communication as means of
regulation and control can come
in different form:
Regulation or Control


Directives (commands) Comments

Prompts Declarations

Questions Predictions

Requests Reflections
Regulation or Control
Verbal Cues Non-Verbal Cues

Verbal cues are the specific Nonverbal cues include hand

words chosen and used. The gestures, bodily action
Speaker and the Listener, when (including posture), vocal tone
using verbal cues, should be (paralanguage), and eye
respectful of each other’s contact. The Speaker and the
culture as well as of their age, Listener, when exhibiting
gender, social status, and nonverbal cues, should be
religion. The words are usually respectful of each other’s
directives, orders, requests, culture as well as of their age,
etc., meant to regulate and gender, social status, and
control other people’s behavior. religion. The tone and the
In certain cases involving bodily action that accompany
women or the powerful in the words are authoritative and
Philippine society, an order is firm. Eye contact is direct. In
oftentimes worded as a our culture, these cues may be
request. softened for children and the
Social Interaction
Social Interaction

Will you marry me?

Lets be Friends.
You mean so much to
I like you.
Social Interaction
In it very definition, communication is always
social and always involves interaction.

Social interaction is any communication that occurs

between people. This includes everything from
greeting a neighbor with a gesture to intensive
communication such as negotiation, debate and
public speaking. The following are common
examples of social interaction.
Social Interaction
Verbal Cues Non-Verbal Cues

Verbal cues are the specific

Nonverbal cues include hand
words chosen and used. The
gestures, bodily action
Speaker and the Listener, when
(including posture), vocal tone
using verbal cues, should be
(paralanguage), and eye
respectful of each other’s
contact. The Speaker and the
culture as well as of their age,
Listener, when exhibiting
gender, social status, and
nonverbal cues, should be
religion. The words usually are
respectful of each other’s
mostly inform and delivered,
culture as well as of their age,
although Philippine society
gender, social status, and
dictates certain decorum when
religion. The tone is friendly,
talking to elders or figures of
even teasing, and the bodily
action relaxed.
Motivation is function of
communication refers to express
needs, desires, wants, likes and
dislikes, inclination, choices, and

● Forms expressing motivation

include the following:
Verbal Cues Non-Verbal Cues

Nonverbal cues include hand

gestures, bodily action
Verbal cues are the words
(including posture), vocal tone
chosen and used specifically to
(paralanguage), and eye
achieve this Function. The
contact. The Speaker and the
Speaker and the Listener, when
Listener, when exhibiting
using verbal cues, should be
nonverbal cues, should be
respectful of each other’s
respectful of each other’s
culture as well as of their age,
culture as well as of their age,
gender, social status, and
gender, social status, and
religion. More direct and
religion. Strong words are
purposeful words are chosen
accompanied by emphatic
for both men and women,
gestures and a forceful tone of
although these can be softened
voice. Direct eye contact is
for children and the elderly.
necessary to underscore the
Speaker’s sincerity and

I will succed… I wil…..

I can …..
I need this…
I wish…

I want that… I hope….

I like…… I dream of….

Communication as information
dissemination enables humans to get
to know the world. It enables them
to process and structure what they

Getting information can come in

the form of question, statements and

Show me how
I have three to tie a knot.

Did you know that some earphones

can be used as microphones.
Verbal Cues Non-Verbal Cues

Verbal cues in this case really

Nonverbal cues include hand
have to be carefully chosen.
gestures, bodily action (including
The scientist most likely will use
posture), vocal tone (paralanguage),
Filipino to be understood by
and eye contact. The Speaker and the
many and will use po and opo.
Listener, when exhibiting nonverbal
The dentist will use simple
cues, should be respectful of each
words for the benefit of the
other’s culture as well as of their age,
children in the kindergarten
gender, social status, and religion. To
class. The weather forecaster
convince the community to try the
will not use too much technical
experiment, the scientist will do an
jargon to be understood by the
actual demonstration. The dentist can
people listening to the radio
show pictures or videos that the
and watching TV. Again, the
children can understand showing what
Speaker and Listener, when
happens when they do not brush their
using verbal cues, should be
teeth. The forecaster calmly gestures
respectful of each other’s
on the map, pointing out the path of
culture as well as of their age,
the LPA, using a soothing tone of
gender social status, and
voice to avoid alarming the audience.
Emotional Expression
Emotional Expression
It is a communication whether it is love, fear, anger, joy,
hope, or any other emotions, humans need to let them out
other wise they harm our well being. Emotional expressions
through language can come in the form of interjections or

Not unusually, emotional expression can be done through

gestures, facial expressions and other simple or energetic
body movements.
Emotional Expression

Yes! Ouch!
Oh no!


Emotional Expression
Verbal Cues Non-Verbal Cues

Nonverbal cues include hand

Verbal cues are the chosen
gestures, bodily action (including
words used specifically to
posture), vocal tone (paralanguage),
achieve this function. The
and eye contact. The Speaker and the
Speaker and Listener, when
Listener, when exhibiting nonverbal
using verbal cues, should be
cues, should be respectful of each
respectful of each other’s
other’s culture as well as of their age,
culture as well as of their age,
gender, social status, and religion.
gender social status, and
When we appeal to someone by using
religion. Words that may appeal
emotions, we accompany this appeal
to men may not appeal to
with touching, hand holding or hugging,
women. Also, be careful about
or even putting an arm around
using English words in different
someone’s shoulder. Certain societies
cultures. For example, the word
do not allow women and men to touch,
“gift” means poison in German.
while others still frown on men and
So do not tell German visitor
women intermingling freely(unless they
that one has a gift for him/her.
are married or related by blood). This
Words should be carefully
has to be considered when using the
function of Emotional Expression.
Good bye!
Thank you
for listening!

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