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Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

Analyzing Democratic Practices


• K: • Identify democratic practices and differentiate participatory

from representative democracy;
• S: • Explain the importance of participation in democracy through
spoken poetry, rap or song writing; and
• A: • Demonstrate appreciation of the essence of democracy in daily
Picture Analysis

1.What do you see in the picture?

2.What do you think the picture is telling us?
3.Can anyone guess our topic for today?
Video Presentation

1. Write at least four words that you may associate

with the word DEMOCRACY. Compare the
descriptions that you have written.
2. What have you noticed during election?
3. Is freedom an essential element in democracy?
Support your answer.
Now let’s dig deeper!
• Democratic practice is a set of principles and practices that guide how
people interact and work together every day to improve their community and
to create a more just society.
• Representative democracy also called indirect democracy is observed to be more
popularly exercised. It is a political system where the qualified citizens exercise
their political power through representatives.
• Participatory democracy also encourages a more active and wider involvement
of citizens.
What are some democratic practices?

A.Suffrage or the right to vote.

B.Public assembly and consultation.
C.Majority rule and minority rights.
D.Conduct of plebiscite to amend a
constitutional provision.
Importance of Participation in Democracy
1. Democracy provides equality and admission to opportunities for all its citizen in
the government;
2. Checks and balances the government to prevent possible abuse of political
power from the officials;
3. Allows citizens to influence and suggest policies and laws through plebiscite in
selecting delegates or representatives.
4. Allows the popular majority to oust a representative or a politician who hold
too much power and abuses it;
5. Promotes freedom where citizen enjoy human rights, allows people to engage
the business and innovations
Group work
Group 1 Group 2

Choose one of the various significance/importance of Create a slogan which encapsulates the idea
democratic participation and write a two-stanza of democracy.
poem, rap or song. Each stanza must have four lines.
Your output will be graded based on the rubrics
provided below. Do it in your notebook.

Group 3 Group 4

Make a least of changes that you want to Present a role play by showing
happen in the election process in the participatory democracy and its
next 20 years. Provide necessary value system in the society.
conditions that would lead to its

1.If you are given the chance to be a congressman,

what will you change in your situation? What are
your considerations?
2.How did you find the activity?
3.What are the ways/means presented in
achieving each goal?
1.As a student or citizen of this country, give one
situation where democratic
participation benefits you. Write your answers in
your notebook.
a)in school; and
b)at home
“A goal without a plan is just a wish”

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