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Systems life cycle

A systems analysis team is often brought

in to review an existing system and
suggest a number of improvements
Systems analysis life cycle
1. Analysis
• Research or collect data about the current system
• Describe the current system (Inputs, outputs and
• Identify the problems with the current system
• Agree the objectives with the client
• Identify customer requirements
• Produce a cost-benefit analysis
• Identify suitable hardware and software
• Produce a data flow diagram
Common methods of fact finding
1. Interviews
– This involves asking questions to employees about their working
details and the problems they have with the current system
2. Questionnaires
– Distributing carefully designed questionnaires to the workforce
3. Observation
– Watching personnel using the existing system to find out exactly
how it works
4. Looking at existing documents and screens
– This method allows the analyst to see how data is kept in paper
files, look at training manuals and operating instructions..
2. Design
• Design data capture forms
• Design screen layouts
• Design outputs in the form of screen displays and printed
• Produce system flowcharts
• Design or select verification methods and validation rules
to be applied on data
• Design file structure and databases
• Produce algorithms and program flowcharts
• Design a testing plan
3.Development and testing

After designing the system, it has to be

developed (or created)
The newly created system needs to be tested
before actual use.
Testing Strategies:
• Test each module individually
• Test the entire system after linking modules
• Use different types of test data:
– Normal values
– Abnormal values
– Extreme values
– Live data
As a result of testing some actions might
need to be taken as follows:
• Change programs
• Change file structure
• Change validation rules
• Change hardware or software specifications
• Change design of screen layouts or reports
• If all tests are successful , then go to next step
4. Implementation
• Implementation is replacing the old system
with the new system, there are different
– Direct changeover
– Parallel running
– Pilot implementation
– Phased implementation
Direct changeover
• Stop old system and start the new one
immediately (overnight)
• Advantages:
– Benefits are immediate
– Costs are reduced (no need for extra staff)
• Disadvantages:
– Cannot use old system if the new one fails (no
backup from old system)
Parallel running
• Operate both systems side by side until the new
system proves itself
• Advantages:
– Has the old system as a backup if the new system fails
– Possible to train staff gradually
• Disadvantages:
– More expensive than direct as extra staff are needed
– More time consuming as data needs to be entered twice
Pilot implementation
• The new system is introduced in one branch
and performance is assessed before use in
other branches
• Advantages:
– If the new system fails, only one branch will be
– Can make any required improvements before
switching to other branches
Phased implementation:
• Introduce only one part of the system, and when it
proves itself, introduce the next part and so on.
• Advantages:
– If a part fails, it is only necessary to check this part and
not the rest
– Can ensure the system works properly before expanding
• Disadvantages:
– Very time consuming since each part needs to be fully
evaluated before making any further changes to the
5. Documentation
User documentation:
Designed to help users to learn how to use the software or system and perform tasks,
It includes:
–The purpose of the system/program/software package
–How to log in/log out
–How to load/run the software
–How to save files
–How to do a search
–How to sort data
–How to do printouts
–How to add ,delete or amend records
–Screen layouts (input)
–Print layouts (output)
–Hardware requirements
–Software requirements
–Sample runs(with test data and results)
–Error handling/meaning of errors
–Troubleshooting guide/help lines/FAQs
–Input and output formats
–How to perform certain functions
–What do in exceptional circumstances
Technical Documentation:
Designed to help programmers, analysts to make improvements to the system or to
repair or maintain the system.
It includes:
–The purpose of the system/program/software package
–Program coding
–Programming language used
–Program flowcharts, system flowcharts
–Input formats
–Hardware requirements
–Software requirements
–Minimum memory requirements
–Known bugs in the system
–List of variables used
–File structures
–Sample runs
–Output formats
–Validation routines
–Meaning of error messages
6. Evaluation
Once a system is running, it is necessary to do some evaluation and carry out
any maintenance or improvement if necessary.
Items in a system evaluation:
• Compare the solution with the original requirements
• Identify any limitations to the system
• Evaluate the users’ response
• Compare test results from the new system with results from the old system
• Compare the new system performance with that of the old system
• Give out questionnaires to gather responses about the ease of use of the
new system
• Identify any required improvements
• Interview users to find out how did it increase productivity and profitability

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