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S-6 Linear method-Collector modulator
S-7 Non-linear Modulation-Balanced Modulator
S-8 Linear diode detector
• Linear method-Collector modulator
• Non-linear Modulation-Balanced Modulator
Linear modulation
• It is operated in the linear region of its transfer characteristics
• A>Em
• Used in High level modulation
• Types
Transistor and switching modulator
Non linear Modulation
• It is operated in the non-linear region of its transfer characteristics
• A<Em
• Used in low level modulation
• Types
Square law and Balanced Modulator
Collector Modulator Circuit
• The diode modulator does not provide Amplification.
• Amplifying device like Transistor and FET can provide amplification. It can be
used for amplitude modulation by varying their Gain parameter, if Transistor
is used then it is called as collector modulator.
• Transistor ---T1---Class c Amplifier---Carrier signal is applied,Vcc is collector
supply used for biasing
• Transistor---T2--- Class B Amplifier---Message signal is applied,after
amplification modulating signal appears across the modulating transformer
• Capacitor C offer low path to carrier(prevents carrier to flow in modulating
Principle of operation
• The output voltage is replica of input voltage
• The amplitude of output voltage is equal to Vcc ,When there is no
message signal(fig a)
• When Message signal is applied,the net effect is slow variation in
output(fig b)
• The slow varying supply voltage Vc is given by
Collector circuit efficiency
• A simple diode can be used as non linear modulator by restricting its
operation to non-linear region of its characteristic.
• The diode modulator does not provide amplification, this limitation
can be overcome by using amplifying device like transistor ,FET or an
electron tube in balanced mode.
• The circuit is similar to AM-SC generation, except that the feeding
point of carrier and modulating signals are interchanged.
Balanced Modulator
Advantages of balanced modulator
• In simple non-linear circuits ,the undesired non-linear terms are
eliminated by bandpass filter. Hence bandpass filter must be carefully
• In balanced modulator ,the undesired non-linear terms are
automatically eliminated. The output will have only desired terms.
Demodulation of AM Wave-Linear diode
• A diode operates in the linear region ,can extract the envelope of an
AM wave. Such a detector is called envelope detector.
• This detector is popular in commercial radio receivers circuits, it is
very simple and less expensive.
• Tunned transformer provides perfect tuning at desired carrier
• R-C forms the time constant network.
• When modulated carrier at the input of diode is 1v,the operation
takes place in the linear region
Linear diode detector (a)circuit
(b)Chracteristics (c)Detected output
• Assume Capacitor is absent in the circuit,then output will be like half-rectified as shown
in fig b.
• The diode will provide low resistance rd.
• The total resistance will be rd+R.
• For positive half cycle ,the capacitor is charged to peak.
• For negative half cycle ,the diode is reverse biased and carrier voltage is disconnected
from R-C circuit.
• capacitor starts discharging through resistor with time constant.
• If time constant is chosen properly, the voltage across the capacitor does not falls below
• The voltage across the capacitor will be like spiky base band as shown in figure c.
Diagonal clipping
Choosing time constant RC
• IF RC is too high-cause diagonal clipping
• The optimum value of time constant has to be choosen which
provides a compromise between the two following two facts
At t=to

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