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LEARNING  Quantitative research involves data,
COMPETENCIES reasoning, and an impartial viewpoint.
Quantitative research prioritizes precise,
CHARACTERISTICS, convergent thinking over divergent
reasoning, which is the creation of ideas
regarding a research subject in an
Code- CS_rs12-Ia-c1 unstructured, free-flowing manner.

 Greater knowledge and comprehension of

the social world are the goals of
quantitative research. To examine
situations or events that have an impact on
people, researchers utilize quantitative
methodologies. Quantitative research
generates unbiased data that can be
explained in detail using statistics and
2.Draw the conclusion
3.formulate the conceptual framework
4.State the recommendations
5.construct research design
6.specify the instruments
7.formulate the problem and sub-problems
8.survey the related literature
9.gathering procedures
10.define terms
11.formulate proposed programs/output
12.formulate the testable hypothesis
13.presentation and interpretation of results
14.discuss the environment
15.identify research subjects and sampling techniques.



1.What are the things/experiences you

like/learn in doing research?

2. what are your challenges and

The term research comes from the French work
recherché which means to travel through or to
survey. webster defines Research it as the
systematic, patient study and investigation in some
fields of know ledge, undertaken to discover and to
establish facts principles. According to Calderon
and Gonzales (1993), research may be defined as a
purposive, systematic and scientific process of
gathering analyzing, classifying organizing,
presenting and interpreting data for the solution of a
problem, for prediction, for intervention, for the
discovery of truth or for the expansion or
verification of existing knowledge, all for
preservation of human life. Quantitative means
presenting a data through numerical parameters and
statistical values.
A more basic and all- inclusive
definition of Quantitative research is:

Quantitative Research is a systematic,

objective and comprehensive
investigation of certain phenomenon
which involves accurate data
gathering, recording, and critical
analyzing and interpreting of all facts
about the phenomenon through
numerical evaluations and statistical
Generally, the purpose of research may be
expresses in a capsule as:

To discover is to find truth about a subject

which was not yet part of the stream of

To verify is to find whether what was

found to be true fifty years ago is still true
Research Function:
1.Research discovers new facts or new "truths" about known phenomenon for primal
2.research corrects perceptions as well as expands them.
3.research gathers information on subjects or phenomena with title knowledge/ information.
4.Research expands or verifies existing knowledge.
5.research finds answers to queries by means of scientific studies.
6.Research develops and evaluates concepts, practices and theories.
7.Research also develops and evaluates method that test concepts, practices and theories.
8.research obtained- knowledge can be utilized for practical purposes.
9.Research provides hard facts which serves as basis for planning, decision making,
monitoring and evaluation.
10.To satisfy the researcher's curiosity by searching again exhaustively new facts either for
personal satisfaction or social society's gain.
Characteristic's of good research What are the characteristics of a
According to Paul Leedy and Best (2000) GOOD researcher? (Calmorin,2004)
1.Systematic Research-oriented
2.controlled Efficient
3.Empirical Scientific
4.Analytical Effective
5.Objective, unbiases and logical Active
6.employs hypothesis Resourceful
7.employs quantitative or statistical methods Creative
8.original work Honest
9.done by an expert Economical
10patients and unhurried activity Reliable
11.requires an effort-making capacity
12.requires courage and intelligence
1.Reasoning power
3. Accurate
4. Intellectual Honest
5. Zeal of Investigation
6. organize and Systematic
7. Efficient
8. Resources/Innovative
9. Prompt/Has time management
10. Hard work
11. Positive thinker
12. wide reader
13.patient and has perseverance
14.Has good working knowledge on statistics and grammar
15.Enjoy doing research
Ethical Principles
3.Confidentiality 4.Respect
for 5.Intellectual 6.Property


asking people for their opinions in a
structured way so that we can produce
hard facts and statistics for guidance. To
survey people in fairly large number and
to make sure they are a representative
sample of our target market.
" a formal, objective, systematic process
in which information about the worlds".
Research Problem and Topic
1.Research problem is an educational issue or
problem in the study.
2.Research topic is a detailed and insightful analysis
of a 3.research problem. It should not beyond 50
4.Research topic reflects three components:
A. the independent variable
B. the dependent variable
c.the population under study.
The dependent variables is the problem variable
while the Independent variable is that whose
influence to the problem variable to be established,
which brings desirable changes on the dependent
The Problem
1.1 Introduction
The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context
for the research problem.
How to frame the research problem is perhaps the biggest problem in proposal writing.
1.2 Background to the problem
Place the problem under study in a historical, sociological traditional or cultural
perspective and see does the problem have any history, or does it have any cultural or
sociological root in the tradition or culture of the population under the study.
1.3 Statement of the Problem
The researcher analyses the problem to which is trying to contribute a solution through
their research.
The problem statement itself is just one sentence. it is always accompanied by several
paragraphs that elaborate on the problem and arguments why the problem is important
enough to study.
The Problem
1.4 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is for getting solution of a problem. It tells the major
objective of the study.
1.5 Research Questions
Research questions are those that the researcher would answered or addressed in the
Research questions should be clear, concise and as simple as possible, focused and
empirically answerable.
They should not be questions that require a yes or no answer. They should be framed
to provide the guide for the conduct of the study.
1.6 Statement of the hypotheses
A hypothesis is a logical supposition or an educated intelligent guesses. It provides a
explanation for a phenomenon under investigation
The Problem
1.7 Significance of the Study
It includes,
what contributions do you think your study intend to make to the advancement of knowledge.
What are the intrinsic benefits of the study.
What is the potential usefulness of the findings of the study.
1.8 Assumptions
Assumptions are not testable but are statements about observations and experiences related to the
study that are assumed to be true.
they are statements that help to remove/reduce doubts on the validity of the study and are accepted
in faith, or taken to be true without proof or verification.
1.9 Delimitation
Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus,
1.10 Definition of Terms
List and define conceptually unusual terms to avoid misinterpretations particularly where they
have different meanings.
2.1 introduction
Its about how are you going to arrange the materials in it.
Here the researcher present and critically analyze the empirical experiences of other researchers who had tried to
contribute solution to problems similar or related to his/her problem.
2.2 Literature Review
The research framework is built on previous literature and strengthened with new and emerging knowledge.
Review analytically the findings. the design and methodology used.
2.3 Reviewing Literature
The most important skill for efficient review of literature is the ability to read fast, comprehend and summarize
material quickly and put it in a form that can easily be retrieved and used in the future.
2.4 Summary of Literature and Justification of Study
Provide a comprehensive summary of the reviewed materials. How you going to used them in your study. what is
the place of the reviewed materials in your study.
State the gaps, inconsistencies, inadequacies or deficiencies in existing literature which are trying to fill or correct
through study.
3.1 Research Design
Besides indicating and justifying the type of research qualitative, quantitative or mixed model, clearly describe the
design of the study and defend your choice of type and design for your study.
3.2 Population of the Study
Describe the population so well that you leave no doubt in the reader's mind as to who is qualified or not qualified to
member of the population of the study.
There is the need to first define or describe the research population in your study, for it is not in all cases that the
research population will be human beings.
3.3 Sampling Procedure
Describe the sampling procedure that you used to select the sample from the explicit, do not just say
"simple random sampling was done.
3.4 The Sample
Describe the resulting sample in details in terms of each level of the independent variables implied in the study.
Describe, if possible, the sample to- population ration.
Evaluate this ratio in terms of the anticipated or desirable precision of your study.
3.5 Instrumentation
What instruments are going to use to collect data for the study. If the instrument to be used is constructed by you,
describe clearly, with accurate details, how the set of items designed to illicit responses for each variable were
constructed, or how you came by the set of items.
3.6 Data Collection
How the research data been collected and under what conditions.
what special precautions, instructions did you take or give during the administration of the instrument or interview
or during the observation to minimize the data-collector effect on the result of the data collection procedure.
3.7 Ethical Considerations
what type od and how is each ethical issue likely to manifest during the study.
what is likely to be consequences of each of these to the subject.
what procedures have you put in place to address each of these issues and their probable consequences. For
example, What precautions and safeguards have you incorporated in the study design to protect the rights of
human subjects.
3.8 data Preparation
Describe how you will score, in respect of each variable, the responses by the subjects to each item of your data
collection instrument.
3.9 Operational Definition of Research Variables
Give meaning to your variables by spelling out what you did and how did it to measure or manipulate it. This can
be through experimentation or through measurement.
3. 10 Procedure for Testing Hypotheses: or Answering Research Questions
Restate each of the hypotheses in the null form and for each identify the variables involved.
Indicate and defend your choice of the type of statistical analysis you will be doing to test the hypotheses.
4.1 Introduction
Data analysis is a means of determining and testing for the extent of convergence, commonality or divergence
among data collected during the study, and hence the relationship among variables which these data represents.
4.2 general Description of Data
Give a general descriptive analysis including the number of cases, mean and standard deviation for each dependent
variable given each of the independent variables in your study.
this is a descriptive summary of the for those research data and should be presented in tabular and figural forms.
4.3 Answering Research questions
For those research questions that were not convertible to hypothesis answers, must be sought through descriptive
analyses of relevant data. This might involve frequencies, percentages, graphs and other descriptive data analysis
should be presented in appropriate tables and figures. Tables must be numbered and given titles.
4.4 Summary of Findings
Summarize all the findings in a paragraph, and with it, prepare the reader's mind for the ensuring discussion of the
findings that follows.
5.1 Discussions
all discussions should be done in the light of the limitations to the study.
Discussion is a means of presenting and analyzing the convergence or divergence of ideas from the
findings of the study, the findings from the literature reviewed, and from the theories that underlie
the problem under consideration of the findings of the study.
5.2 Implications
what is the implication of the findings of the study.
what do the findings of the study suggest or what do evidences from the study suggest.
what are the theoretical, practical and policy implications
5.3 Conclusions
conclusions serve two purposes: to summarize and bring together. Summarize your thoughts
5.4 Recommendations
Be very clear, specific and practical in your recommendations. Specifically, to whom are you
directing each recommendations.
5.5 Suggestions for further Studies
what other related studies should be carried out in order to addd to the contribution to the solution
to the problem

Practical Research 2 published by Rex Book store, 2nd edition (2019).

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