NSTP Module 13 Crime Prevention

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 Welcome
 to
 Learning Module 13
 Crime Prevention
Module Learning Outcomes
After studying the module, you should be able
1. define crime and crime prevention;
2. help minimize crime in the community; and
3. apply precautionary measures on how to keep
members of the family and other people safe.
Crime is an action or omission which
constitutes an offence and is punishable by
law. It is is an illegal action or activity for
which a person can be punished by law..
What is Crime Prevention?

It is an act to be done in order that a

crime could not happen. Crime prevention is
everybody’s concern. We have to join hands
in order to lessen crime in our community if
not totally eradicate it.
How to keep your family safe
 Make sure you and your family know the
general whereabouts of all members of the
family for the day.

 Instructall family members household help

not to entertain strangers at the gate or on
the phone.
 Teach your family and household help to
verify the identity of phone callers before
identifying themselves.

 Never give out information on the

whereabouts of family members to just
anyone on the phone.
 Have standing order that a designated
family member be contacted in an
emergency or if there are dubious
characters at your door or on your phone.

 Beaware of phone swindlers who call in

and report that one family member has
been in an accident and is asking for the
family member or household help to bring
cash or other valuables to a certain place.
 House help applicants should be asked for
clearance and ID pictures. It would be
better if they are recommended by a
relative or friend.
How to Keep Strangers Out

 Verifythe identity of callers at your gate

before opening the door.

 Never admit strangers under any pretext.

Transactions should be made at the door to
minimize view of house layout.

 Ensure that all doors and windows have

locks that are in working condition.
 Keeponly the door that is used to enter the
house open; all other entry points to your
household should be securely locked to
prevent unnoticed entry into your home.

 Make it a habit to check all doors and

windows are locked at night before going to
 Duringstormy weather, double check doors
and window locks.

 Never tempt potential offenders with a full

view of your house; install curtains or cover
appliances and other expensive equipment.
Do Not Fall to Cellphone Snatching

 When in public places, refrain from

displaying your cellphone unnecessarily.

 Never lend your cellphone to strangers who

may approach you to make emergency
 Donot resist hold-up men or snatchers. Do
not panic. Follow their instructions but
remain calm enough to remember their
description and the directions they took in

 When inside establishments, offices, or

restaurants, do not leave your cellphone
lying around on tables, on top of cabinets or
even on chairs beside you.
 When paying for purchases in stores or
supermarkets, do not leave your cellphone
on the counter. Place it on your bag or
It is through crime prevention where we can
lessen crimes in our society. Don’t be a
victim. Take note of the following preventive
measures from PNP and share them with the
community you are residing in or in the place
where your NSTP instructor will assign you in
the second semester. Take note also the
different modus operandi of criminals so that
you will know what to do to prevent the
commission of crime.
Safety Tips from PNP
If you have some concerns
concerning the module, please
bring them up with your
professor in the classroom for
clarifications and further
End of Lesson

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