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Govt. P.G.

college, New Tehri


Antigen, Hapten, Adjuvants

Preeti Dharmola
M.Sc. 2nd semester

 An antigen is a molecule capable of inducing an
immune response ( to produce an antibody) in the
host organism.

 Most antigen are either proteins, Lipids & nucleic

acids are usually antigenic only when combined with
protein & polysaccharides.

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•Most antigens are large , complex, molecules with a
molecular weight generally than 10,000 to 6,00,000

•The ability of a molecule the funtion as an antigen depends

on its size , structural complexity, chemical nature, degree
of foreginess to the host.

•The antigen may originate from with in the body ( self

antigen or auto antigens). Or from the external enviornment
( non self antigen or hetroantigen or foreign antigen).

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 Mean to fasten.
 Many low molecular weight organic molecule
that are not antigenic by themselves but become
antigenic if they bind to a larger carrier molecule
such as a protein. These low molecular weight
antigens are called haptens.
 Eg. A hapten is penicillin, a small molecule and
is not antigenic. However , when it is combined

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Eg. A hapten is penicillin, a small molecule and is not
antigenic. However , when it is combined with certain
serum proteins of sensitive individual, the resulting
molecule become immunogenic, activate lymphocytes,&
intiate a serve & sometimes fatal allergic reaction.

•Term hapten was first coined :- Karl landsteiner.

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Haptens may be complex or simple

Complex haptens :- 1. polyvant

2. precipatate with specific antibodies.

Simple haptens :- 1. univalent

2. non participate with with specific

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Eg. Of haptens

 1. Aniline ( first researched haptens).

 2. Hydralzine , A blood preesure lowering drug.
 3. Fluroescein , A fluroscent dye.
 4. Penicillin , Antibiotic.

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Similarities b/w antigen &
 1. Both are antigenic.
 2.Both are present an external cellular surface of
microbial pathogens & other agent.
 3. Both form a part of the defence mechanism
sysyem between antigen & antibody.
 4. Both have the ability to bind to the antibody
via weak linkage such as ionic interaction ,
hydrogen bonding & hydrophobic intreaction.

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 Antigens are not conjugated with a carrier
Differnce b/w Haptens & Antigen molecule.
 Antigens are used in vitro techinque such as
ELISA and in pharmacology purpose.
 Antigen reaction are antigenic & immunogenic .

 Haptens conjugate with carrier molecule.

 Haptens are ued in antibodies & anesthetics
 Haptens reaction are only immunogenic.

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 Are substance that , when mixed with an antigen &
injected with in , enchance the immunogenicity of
that antigen.

 Adjuvants means:- to help

 Adjuvants are often used to boost the immune

response when an antigen has low immunogenicity or
when only small amount of an antigen are available.

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 Addjuvants may be added to vaccine to modify

the immune response.

 The antibody response of mice to immunization

with bovine serum albumin (BSA) can be
increased five fold or more if the BSA is
adminstred with an adjuvant.

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Commonly used Adjuvants
 Aluminum potassium sulphate (alum) (first aluminum
salt used as adjuvants & now complety replaced by
aluminum hydroxide & aluminum phosphate for
commercial vaccine).

 Freund’s incomplete adjuvant ( oil in water


 Freund’s ( inactivated & dried mycobacterium

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Commonly used adjuvants
 Cytokines
 Bacterial products:- toxids, lipopolysaccharides,
& killed bordetella pertussis.

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Thank you

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