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evolution of horse

Euchromatin and


1 Msc ist year student

Pamit Nautiyal

 The phylogenetic sequence in the evolution of horse is
dependent on enviornment conditions.
 Hyracotherium or eohippus lived in marshy forests with
abundant soft vegetation and protection.
 Due to climate change,there was decilination in the
number of forests.
 As a result , hyracotherium had to shift to lands and hard

oHence , the molar teeth of these organism become larger,
stronger and saw like to chew grass.

oLegs became modified to assist fast running on open ground.

1.EOHIPPUS : the modern horse started evolving about 52
million years ago in the eocene epoch in north america.

oThe first species was a fox size species named as eohippus.

oFossils helped in deriving these information.

oThey spread throghtout asia and europe. The primitive horse

differntiated from modern horse, In three ways.

oSmall body , head and neck.

oForelimbs with four and hind limbs with three nailed digits.

oIncomplete cement and no serrations upon molar teeth.

oThey lived in marshy and had to feed on grassy vegetation

oMesohippus- mesohippus arose from hyracotherium during

oligocene about 3 crore years ago.

oIt was of the size of modern sheep.

oAll its limbs had three nailed digits.

oThe middle digit was longer than others and it supported

most of the body weight.

oMolar teeth had some serrations. 6

3. Merychippus- merychippus evolved from mesohippus in miocene about 2
crore years ago
Characters- merychippus was of the size of a mule.

oIts limb also had three digits with middle one longer then others, but this digit

had a hoof instead of a nail.

oOnly this digit could touch the ground and supported the entire body.
oRemaining digits were useless and reduced.

oThese didn’t touch the ground.

oMolar teeth were larger with well developed cement and serrations.

4. PILOHIPPUS- this form evolved from merychippus about 50 lakh years ago.
oPilohippus was larger than the present day mule.

oCharacters- its limb had a single hoofed digit.

oThe rest were reduced to small spliny bones hidden beaneath the skin. 7

oIts molar were long with long well developed cement and serrations.
5. EQUUS. The modern horse equus evolved from pliohippus about 9 to 10 years
ago. During pleistocene in north america.

oIt spread throughout the world.

oCharacters- greater height.

oLong neck, snout, molars and limbs.

oIts limbs have a single hoofed digits. Others digits have disappeared

oEuchromatin is defined as loosely packed form of chromatin.

oIt is a part of chromosome, which is rich in gene concentration.

oEuchromatin is highly active during transcription.

oEuchromatin consist of approximately 90% of the entire human genome.

oIt covers the maximum part of the dynamic genome of the inner of the nucleus.

oThe structure of euchromatin is similar to the nucleosome,

oWhich includes the histones protein having about 147 base pair of DNA wrapped
around them.

oEuchromatin actively takes part in the trancription from DNA to RNA.

o The gene regulating mechanism is the process in which the euchromatin is
transformed into hetrochromatin or viceversa.

oThe active genes present in euchromatin are used in the transcription to make
mRNA. While the main function of the euchromatin is to further encoded the
functional proteins.

oHence they are contemplated as genetically and transcriptionally active.

oHetrochroatin is defined as the enormously stained region of the chromosomes with
DNA are firmly packed form of DNA in the nucleus.

oThe structure of hetrochromatin is so highly compact that these are very hard to get
acces to the protein which is engaged in gene expression.

oDue to this reason , it becomes difficult to perform the chronosomal cross over,hence
the hetrochromatin is transcriptionally as well as gentically inactive.

oTypes of hetrochromatin:-

1.Facultative hetrochromatin:- The facultative hetrochromatin is defined as the

genes which get still through the process of histone methylation.

Hence they consist of the inactive genes and are considerd as not a permanent character
of every nucleus of the cells.

2. Constitutive hetrochromatin:-

oAs the reptitive and structually functional genes like telomeres or centromere. During
the interphase of the cell , the struture of the constitutive hetrochromatin is capable to

oThey don’t contain any genes in the genome. They are also describe as the continuing
nature of the cells nucleus.


oThe main function of hetrochromatin is to secure the DNA regions to get accesed to
proteins during gene expression. Due to its compact nature hetrochromatin also prevents
the DNA from endonuclease damage.

oOnly euchromatin is strongly involved in the transcription process. While

hetrochromatin and its types don’t play such as important role.

oIt’s conclude that the eukaryotic cells and their inner structure are relatively complex.

Stages in human evolution

1. DRYOPITHECUS:- these are the ancestors of both man and ape.

 They lives in china , africa, europe and india.

 They genus dryopithicus refer to the oak wood apes.

 Dryopitheicus like predominetely ate fruit called frugivory.

 A male specimen was estimated to have weighted 44 kg in life.

 A degree of suspensory behaviour to reach them.

 The anatomy of a humerous & femur suggest a greater reliance on walking on all
four (quadrupedalism)

is a form of terrestrial locomotion where a tetrapod

animal uses all four limbs to bear weight , walk, & run.

2. Ramapithecus:- late miocene and early piocene age.

Ramapitheicus is regarded by many as transitional b/w the true miocene apes

( dryopitheicus) & the later hominidae.

Also called sivapitheicus b/c their ramains were discovered from the shivalik range in
punjab and latter africa.

Thickened tooth enamel, short cranine.

Usage of hands for food and defence.

3. Australopithecus:- the fossil of this genus was first discovered in 1924 in

south africa.

They lived on the ground , used stones as weapon and walked erect. They were 4 feet

4. Homo erectus:- the first fossil of homo erectus was found in java in 1891.
another discovery made in china was the pecking man.

The specimen had large cranial capacities and is believed to have lived in

Homo erectus used tools comprising quartz.

Tools made of bones is belived to dwell in caves.

There is also evidence of the use of fire.

There is evidence of collecting hunting.

Thank you


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