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Business Skills

Week 4 & 5

Tr Khin Phone Kyaw Ko Ko


• Where do we want to be?

• What is the mission of the business?
• What objectives should be set for the
next year?
• What strategy will be adopted in order to
achieve those objectives (for example,
should the company go for a high
price/low volume strategy, or a low
price/high volume one)?

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1. Company Profile

• Name
• Founder
• Founded in
• Number of employees –
• Product and Services
• Address
• Contact

Source:????? 3
• Set Vision, Mission and Objectives of
your selected organisation
• Vision (Where do you want to be in
the future?)
• Mission (How will you achieve it?)

The goal must be SMART

• Specific (Who? What? Where? Why? Which?)

• Measurable (How will you know? Quantitative?)

• Attainable (How will you meet the target?)

• Realistic (Does it matter? Is it possible?)

• Time Based (When?)

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Activity Time
• Create a SMART objective of you?

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Organizational Structure

• Organizational Structures can be categorized according to the Functional Units OR Task

• The organization is divided into fragments according to the functions they perform.

• Responsible for certain activities with the resulting benefits of experience and expertise.

• As the organization grows in size, it may further sub-divide the activities into region.

Tr Khin Phone Kyaw Ko Ko

• Set budgets early in the financial year (profitability targets, Cost allocation)

• Pricing to cover costs and profit

• Dealing with customers with proven credit records

• Financial record keeping of transactions involving monetary inflows or outflows

• Preparing financial statements (the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement) for reporting to
external parties such as shareholders.

• Starting point for calculating any tax due on business profits

• Payroll administration; paying wages and salaries and maintaining appropriate income tax and national insurance
records. (social security contribution)

• Preparing management accounting information and analysis to help managers to plan, control and make decisions.
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IT (Information Technology)
• Providing the infrastructure for automation

• Implements the governance for the use of network and operating systems,

• Assists the operational units by providing them the functionality they need

• It's important to note that although the IT department implements and

facilitates the flow of information, it doesn't create the policy that defines
which information is correct or accessible to others.
• Long production runs of standardized items, together with finite sales forecasting for planning

• Control and supervision of the production workforce (H&S, working hours, skills training, etc.)

• Managing product quality (including process control and monitoring) e.g. technology to detect

• Maintenance of plant and equipment (must consider maintenance time)

• Control of inventory (warehouse arrangement, stock management, transportation, etc.)

• Deciding the best production methods (e.g. technology replaces human) and factory layout

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• Responsible for managing the process of creation of goods and services

• Involves planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling all the resources needed to
produce a company’s goods and services

• E.g. managing people, equipment, technology, information, and all the other resources
needed in the production of goods and services

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Human Resource
• Recruitment and selection: Ensuring that the right people are recruited to the right jobs.

• Training and development: Enabling employees to carry out their responsibilities effectively and
make use of their potential.

• Employees relations: Including negotiations over pay and conditions.

• Grievance procedures and disciplinary matters: Dealing with complaints from employees or from
the employer.

• Health and Safety matters: Making sure employees work in a healthy and safe environment.

• Redundancy procedures: Administering a proper system that is seen to be fair to all concerned
when deciding on redundancies and agreeing redundancy payments.
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Research and Development
• Emphasize a need for pure research, for experimentation and greater
accuracy and development time.

• Developing new products or processes and improving existing


• Ensure organization is providing exactly what its customers want in the

most efficient, effective and economical way.

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Purchasing (Procurement)
• Acquiring goods and services for use by the organization

• Include, e.g. raw materials and components for manufacturing and production

• Buying goods and services for the entire organization (e.g. office equipment,
furniture, computer equipment and stationery)

• Must take into account a number of factors (Quantity, Quality, Price, Delivery)

• Sometimes, after-sales service is vital in purchase decision (installation, guarantees,

technical training, etc.)
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Marketing Department Organisation Chart
Marketing Department Organisational Structure Outline
• Marketing
• Branding and Strategy
• Content Marketing
• Market Research and Analysis
• Product Management
• Programs and Campaigns
• Public Relations (PR)

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