Naive Bayes

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Learning – Classification
Using Naive Bayes
• When a meteorologist provides a weather forecast, precipitation is
typically predicted using terms such as "70 percent chance of rain."
These forecasts are known as probability of precipitation reports.
Have you ever considered how they are calculated?

• It is a puzzling question, because in reality, it will either rain or it

will not. These estimates are based on probabilistic methods, or
methods concerned with describing uncertainty. They use data on
past events to extrapolate future events. In the case of weather,
the chance of rain describes the proportion of prior days with
similar measurable atmospheric conditions in which precipitation
occurred. A 70 percent chance of rain therefore implies that in 7
out of 10 past cases with similar weather patterns, precipitation
occurred somewhere in the area.
Understanding naive Bayes
• The basic statistical ideas necessary to
understand the naive Bayes algorithm have been
around for centuries.
• The technique descended from the work of the
18th century mathematician Thomas Bayes, who
developed foundational mathematical principles
(now known as Bayesian methods) for describing
the probability of events, and how probabilities
should be revised in light of additional
• We'll go more in depth later, but for now it
suffices to say that the probability of an event is a
number between 0 percent and 100 percent that
captures the chance that the event will occur
given the available evidence.
• The lower the probability, the less likely the
event is to occur.
• A probability of 0 percent indicates that the
event definitely will not occur, while a probability
of 100 percent indicates that the event certainly
will occur.
• Classifiers based on Bayesian methods utilize training data to
calculate an observed probability of each class based on feature
values. When the classifier is used later on unlabeled data, it uses
the observed probabilities to predict the most likely class for the
• new features. It's a simple idea, but it results in a method that often
has results on par with more sophisticated algorithms. In fact,
Bayesian classifiers have been used for:
• Text classification, such as junk email (spam) filtering, author
identification, or topic categorization
• Intrusion detection or anomaly detection in computer networks
• Diagnosing medical conditions, when given a set of observed
• Typically, Bayesian classifiers are best applied to
problems in which the information from numerous
attributes should be considered simultaneously in
order to estimate the probability of an outcome.
• While many algorithms ignore features that have weak
effects, Bayesian methods utilize all available evidence
to subtly change the predictions.
• If a large number of features have relatively minor
effects, taken together their combined impact could be
quite large.
Basic concepts of Bayesian methods
• Before jumping into the naive Bayes algorithm, it's worth
spending some time defining the concepts that are used
across Bayesian methods.
• Summarized in a single sentence, Bayesian probability
theory is rooted in the idea that the estimated likelihood of
an event should be based on the evidence at hand.
• Events are possible outcomes, such as sunny and rainy
weather, a heads or tails result in a coin flip, or spam and
not spam email messages.
• A trial is a single opportunity for the event to occur, such
as a day's weather, a coin flip, or an email message.
• The probability of an event can be estimated from
observed data by dividing the number of trials in which
an event occurred by the total number of trials.
• For instance, if it rained 3 out of 10 days, the
probability of rain can be estimated as 30 percent.
• Similarly, if 10 out of 50 email messages are spam,
then the probability of spam can be estimated as 20
• The notation P(A) is used to denote the probability of
event A, as in P(spam) = 0.20.
Joint probability
Conditional probability with Bayes'
The naive Bayes algorithm
• However, in most cases when these assumptions
are violated, naive Bayes still performs fairly well.
• This is true even in extreme circumstances where
strong dependencies are found among the
• Due to the algorithm's versatility and accuracy
across many types of conditions, naive Bayes is
often a strong first candidate for classification
learning tasks.
The naive Bayes classification
The Laplace estimator
Using numeric features with naive
• Keep in mind that the choice of four bins was
somewhat arbitrary, based on the natural
distribution of data and a hunch about how the
proportion of spam might change throughout the
• We might expect that spammers operate in the
late hours of the night, or they may operate
during the day, when people are likely to check
their email. That said, to capture these trends,
we could have just as easily used three bins or
• One thing to keep in mind is that discretizing a
numeric feature always results in a reduction of
information, as the feature's original granularity
is reduced to a smaller number of categories.
• It is important to strike a balance, since too few
bins can result in important trends being
obscured, while too many bins can result in small
counts in the naive Bayes frequency table
Example – filtering mobile phone spam
with the naive Bayes algorithm
• As worldwide use of mobile phones has grown, a new
avenue for electronic junk mail has been opened for
disreputable marketers.
• These advertisers utilize Short Message Service (SMS)
text messages to target potential consumers with
unwanted advertising known as SMS spam.
• This type of spam is particularly troublesome because,
unlike email spam, many cellular phone users pay a fee
per SMS received.
• Developing a classification algorithm that could filter
SMS spam would provide a useful tool for cellular
phone providers.
• Since naive Bayes has been used successfully for email
spam filtering, it seems likely that it could also be
applied to SMS spam.
• However, relative to email spam, SMS spam poses
additional challenges for automated filters.
• SMS messages are often limited to 160 characters,
reducing the amount of text that can be used to
identify whether a message is junk.
• The limit, combined with small mobile phone
keyboards, has led many to adopt a form of SMS
shorthand lingo, which further blurs the line between
legitimate messages and spam.
Step 1 – collecting data
• To develop the naive Bayes classifier, we will
use data adapted from the SMS Spam
• Collection at
Step 2 – exploring and preparing the
• The first step towards constructing our classifier
involves processing the raw data for analysis.
• Text data are challenging to prepare because it is
necessary to transform the words and sentences
into a form that a computer can understand.
• We will transform our data into a representation
known as bag-of-words, which ignores the order
that words appear in and simply provides a
variable indicating whether the word appears at
• We'll begin by importing the CSV data using
the read.csv() function and saving it
• to a data frame titled sms_raw:
• > sms_raw <- read.csv("sms_spam.csv",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Data preparation – processing text data
for analysis
• SMS messages are strings of text composed of
words, spaces, numbers, and punctuation.
• Handling this type of complex data takes a large
amount of thought and effort.
• One needs to consider how to remove numbers,
punctuation, handle uninteresting words such as
and, but, and or, and how to break apart
sentences into individual words.
• Thankfully, this functionality has been provided
by members of the R community in a text mining
package titled tm.
• The tm text mining package can be installed
via the install.packages("tm") command and
loaded with library(tm).
• The first step in processing text data involves creating a corpus,
which refers to a collection of text documents. In our project, a text
document refers to a single SMS
• message.
• We'll build a corpus containing the SMS messages in the training
data using the following command:
• > sms_corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(sms_raw$text))

• This command uses two functions. First, the Corpus() function

creates an R object to store text documents. This function takes a
parameter specifying the format of the text documents to be
loaded. Since we have already read the SMS messages and stored
them in an R vector, we specify VectorSource(), which tells Corpus()
to use the messages in the vector sms_train$text. The Corpus()
function stores the result in an object named sms_corpus.
Data preparation – creating training and
test datasets
Visualizing text data – word
• A word cloud is a way to visually depict the
frequency at which words appear in text data.
The cloud is made up of words scattered
somewhat randomly around the figure.
• Words appearing more often in the text are
shown in a larger font, while less common terms
are shown in smaller fonts.
• This type of figure has grown in popularity
recently since it provides a way to observe
trending topics on social media websites.
• The wordcloud package provides a simple R
function to create this type of diagram.
• We'll use it to visualize the types of words in SMS
messages. Comparing the word clouds for spam
and ham messages will help us gauge whether
our naive Bayes spam filter is likely to be
• If you haven't already done so, install the
package by typing install.packages("wordcloud“)
and load the package by typing
library(wordcloud) at the R command line.
Data preparation – creating indicator features
frequent words
• The final step in the data preparation process is to transform the
sparse matrix into a data structure that can be used to train a naive
Bayes classifier. Currently, the sparse matrix includes over 7,000
features a feature for every word that appears in at least one SMS
• It's unlikely that all of these are useful for classification. To reduce
the number of features, we will eliminate any words that appear in
less than five SMS messages, or less than about 0.1 percent of
records in the training data.
• Finding frequent words requires use of the findFreqTerms()
function in the tm package. This function takes a document term
matrix and returns a character vector containing the words
appearing at least a specified number of times. For instance, the
following command will display a character vector of the words
appearing at least 5 times in the sms_dtm_train matrix:
Step 3 – training a model on the data
• Now that we have transformed the raw SMS messages into
a format that can be represented by a statistical model, it is
time to apply the naive Bayes algorithm.
• The algorithm will use the presence or absence of words to
estimate the probability that a given SMS message is spam.
• The naive Bayes implementation we will employ is in the
e1071 package. This package was developed at the
statistics department at the Vienna University of
Technology (TU Wien), and includes a variety of functions
for machine learning.
• If you have not done so already, be sure to prepare the
package using the commands, install.packages("e1071")
and library(e1071) before continuing
Step 4 – evaluating model
• To evaluate the SMS message classifier, we need to test
its predictions on the unseen messages in the test data.
• Recall that the unseen message features are stored in a
matrix named sms_test, while the class labels spam or
ham are stored in a vector named type in the
sms_raw_test data frame.
• The classifier that we trained has been named
• We will use this to generate predictions, and we will
compare the predictions to the true values.
Step 5 – improving model

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