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Challenges of Junior High
School Students in Adapting
the New Learning
Strategies of Hybrid
Approach in Mathematics
during Pandemic
Challenges of Junior High School Students in Adapting the
New Learning Strategies of Hybrid Approach in
Mathematics during Pandemic
Covid-19 has been confirmed in our country last March 17, 2020 and we
were mandated to quarantine due to lockdown implemented by the
government. One of the affected of this pandemic are the students and the
schools. In fact, the government pushed the Department of Education
(DepEd) and Commission on Higer Education (CHED) to do alternative ways
of learning because face to face classes are not possible during pandemic.

They implemented distance learning education (DLE) wherein the teacher

have provided 3 alternatives method of learning which are
synchronous/virtual class, asynchronous class and modular
method/providing modules only and they will set a deadline of it and will be
sent via email or messenger. This is still push even though quarantine and
lockdown lifted.
Covid-19 pandemic has affected all levels in the education system in Philippines,
starting from the elementary level up to universities, all having a negative impact
because students, students and students are "forced" to learn from home because
face-to-face learning is eliminated to prevent covid-19 transmission. Though not
all students, students and students are accustomed to learning through online
even many teachers and lecturers who are not yet proficient in teaching using
internet technology or social media, especially in
various regions (Zaharah & Kirilova, 2020).

Since the day the pandemic hits the world, many of the students that are currently
enrolled, and the teachers and instructors of the school, campus, and universities
were affected in such ways of having challenges through daily lives. And with this,
many of the schools, and universities, from lower to higher education are
struggling to catch up to learn even further. This is especially difficult on learning
mathematics. Learners tend to do distractions while in the middle of the
discussion, within the current set-up of learning.
Which is by having online classes, or having e-learning program implemented to
all of the learners and teachers. “Governments and civil society concerted efforts
that mobilise resources, and expertise to address the impact of COVID-19 on
education is urgently required. This process should include developing long term
strategies to address the needs of education in emergencies”
Grant Kasowanjete, GCE Global Coordinator. In terms of teaching strategy a lot
of teachers is now under pressure because this is the first time that they will
experience of using online class and they didn’t know what kind of approach
they will apply to be more effective teachers.

According to Ifran, Yulia, and Widodo (2020) that the times of the COVID-19
Pandemic, many of the institutions in Indonesia established the online-based
learning policies. For this is a rapid response from the institutions in Indonesia to
prevent and minimize the cases of COVID-19 virus transmission around the
campus. It is said that having these online-based learning or e-learning will
make through to the times of pandemic. This would help to lessen the
transmission of the virus, and at the same time, they would be safe on their
places without having any contacts to any of the people, especially to co-
learners, and to the co-teachers of the institutions, universities, and campuses.
Teaching in mathematics is hard and going harder because of this pandemic,
using only a virtual class they did not explain more information and they didn’t
know if their student understand mathematics. Now the student know different
application that will make their life easier by cheating and teachers did not know
it. Student learned to be more independent to survive in their subject and learn
more techniques to collect data’s that has a connection to mathematics.

The challenges of the students on learning mathematics is self-concept in the

context of online learning has not yet been investigated, despite the fact that
the barriers to online learning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic have
been outlined. Students faced difficulties as they transitioned from face-to-face
to online learning platforms. To transition to an online learning platform, you
must have access to a device, the Internet, and a physical learning space, as
well as a strong habit of learner autonomy. Device ownership is a persistent
challenge in the effective implementation of online learning due to the digital
divide. In developing countries, intermittent Internet access continues to be a
barrier to effective online learning.
Understanding students' effectivelys for both ssynchronous and asyncronous
students' learning mathematics self-concepts early in the implementation of
online learning could help educators improve or diversify their mathematics online
teaching strategies. As a result, it is critical to comprehend the relationship
between these variables and students' mathematics self-concept in an online
learning environment. The study's findings will be beneficial to teachers, students,
and schools. Teachers can improve their online pedagogies by implementing the
recommended approach based on the study's findings.

There were many challenges for teachers, students and their families, including
an unprepared digital infrastructure for virtual classrooms and frequently
inadequate learning environments at home (Huber & Helm, 2020). Survey
findings indicate that students were less engaged in school-related activities in
general and learning activities in particular during the German lockdown in spring
2020 (Grewenig et al., 2021). Even though international studies suggest
detrimental lockdown effects on student achievement (Engzell et al., 2021;
Maldonado & De Witte, 2021), the city of Hamburg, Germany, reports no
systematic long-term loss in learning achievements (Depping et al., 2021).
Divergent results in these different reports might be due to differences between
the studies in terms of assessment dates (e.g., in relation to school lockdowns
during the pandemic), tested samples, implemented achievement tests, and
other social and educational factors.

Even though the government and the schools provided an alternative learning
method during pandemic, still it will be a hardship for both teachers and students
to adapt this new learning method especially in understanding the Mathematics
lessons. Most of the challenges are the limited resources in using the new
learning method although there some students can afford it but not all. Others
said, thy cannot fully understand the discussion because of the distraction in
their surrounding and/or the connectivity is flactuating. Teachers are not
responding to their questions because they also exprienced the same thing as
well. In short, both students and teachers are not fully prepare for this new
learning method.
Parents will help the students in motivating them to focus and give a quiet
space at home during synchronous classes and on other hand they will also
help the students in giving a time to answer the activities. They will limit the
students to use the gadgets for studies first then after that they can use gadgets
for personal use.

University and school administrators will help the teachers in executing this
modified approach of new learning strategies that will be more flexible and
effective. They will also enhance the students’ to be more open to the teachers
and professors if there is something that they seek clarification or questions
during discussion and lastly allow the students to provide some suggestions in
having a better way of executing this new learning strategies.

Other reseachers can use this study to develop new diagnosis and
processes that could help the next generations to improve this study in the
This study generally aims to determine the challenges of Junior High School
students’ in learning Mathematics through adapting the Hybrid Approach during
pandemic possess significant relationship with their understanding in the class.

Specifically, this study shall seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of understanding in Mathematics lessons of Grade 9 & 10

students of STA. ELENA HIGH SCHOOL in terms of:

a. teacher’s instruction

b. examples provided in the discussion

c. delivery of the topic in the synchronous class

2. What is/are the challenges of Grade 9 & 10 students in using new learning
method towards learning Mathematics during pandemic?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of understanding in

Mathematics lesson of Grade 9 & 10 and the challenges they encountered in
using online class?

This study will able to contribute research – based data and determining
the possible relationship between challenges of Junior High School students’
in learning Mathematics through adapting the new learning strategies during
pandemic and their understanding in Mathematics lessons. Futhermore, the
society, in general can make informed decisions that are relevant to this area.

More specifically, this study shall be beneficial to the various group of

people. Students, not only in the Junior High School levels can use the
information which this study will produce another way approaching to the new
learning method and more aware in challenges of students’ expriences to
improve their performance and understanding in Math class.

Teachers and professors will be more flexible in using the synchronous and
asynchronous class because they will be aware of the barriers that hinders to
the students to fully understand the topic more specifically in Mathematics.

The study is a correlational research focusing in determining the

relationship between challenges of Junior High School students’ in learning
Mathematics inadapting the new learning strategies and how they understand
the Mathematics lesson in online class of 60 junior high school students of
Grade 9 & 10 of STA. ELENA HIGH SCHOOL under Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Accountancy and Business
Management (ABM) in the last quarter of the school year, 2022 – 2023.

Furthermore, the study delimits itself to the undertanding of students and

will not attempt to measure this variable in other method. Challenges and
understanding of students towards Mathematics lesson in online class will be
limited to the use synchronous and asynchronous approach of researchers and
exclude this in providing alternative method in new learning strategies
Review Related Literature and Studies
This chapter includes the related literature and
studies after the thorough and in depth forage
done by the reseachers. The literature and studies
adduced in this chapter addresses the different
ideas, concepts, generalization, conclusions, and
also the different development related to the study
starting from the past up to the present. This will
serve as a guide for the reseachers in developing
this research. Moreover, the information included
in this chapter, helps in familiarizing details that
are apposite and similar to the present study.
Foreign Literature and Studies
Since the day the pandemic hits the world, many of the students
that are currently enrolled, and the teachers and instructors of the
school, campus, and universities were affected in such ways of
having challenges through daily lives. And with this, many of the
schools, and universities, from lower to higher education are
struggling to catch up to learn even further. This is especially
difficult on learning mathematics. Learners tend to do distractions
while in the middle of the discussion, within the current set-up of
learning. Which is by having online classes, or having e-learning
program implemented to all of the learners and teachers.
According to Ifran, Yulia, and Widodo (2020) that the times of the COVID-19
Pandemic, many of the institutions in Indonesia established the online-based learning
policies. For this is a rapid response from the institutions in Indonesia to prevent and
minimize the cases of COVID-19 virus transmission around the campus. It is said that
having these online-based learning or e-learning will make through to the times of
pandemic. This would help to lessen the transmission of the virus, and at the same time,
they would be safe on their places without having any contacts to any of the people,
especially to co-learners, and to the co-teachers of the institutions, universities, and

However, the e-learning or online-based learning policy have hindrances, such that
many of the learners and the teachers aren't that oriented enough to use the online-based
learning policy or e-learning (Ifran, Yulia, and Widodo, 2020). They stated that there are
some of the lecturers or the teachers of higher education couldn’t make enough materials
to present to their learners. Additional to this is the lack of capabilities to create
presentations, in a form of text or in video responses. Another is that some of the
teachers or the lecturers also are having some hindrances on using the internet, the
software programs that are used for learning, and to having such medium to have classes
online. This is also a similar case to the learners at the present times.
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organisation (UNESCO), over 800 million learners from around the world
have been affected, 1 in 5 learners cannot attend school, 1 in 4 cannot
attend higher education classes, and over 102 countries have ordered
nationwide school closures while 11 have implemented localised school
closure. ( Johannesburg, South Africa, March 2020).

In this pandemic most of the student has many distraction that can cause to less their
focus and attention to the lesson that teacher teach. Mathematics is a subject that needs a
lot of explanation and computation to solve a certain problem, student should focus on
every steps on how to calculate or to solve a problem, if there is any distraction that will
cause them not to listen they will affect the whole lesson and understanding. They will
not solve the problem correctly if they will not understand evey steps on to solve it.
“Governments and civil society concerted efforts that mobilize resources,
and expertise to address the impact of COVID-19 on education is urgently
required. This process should include developing long term strategies to
address the needs of education in emergencies” Grant Kasowanjete, GCE
Global Coordinator. In terms of teaching strategy a lot of teachers is now
under pressure because this is the first time that they will experience of
using online class and they didn’t know what kind of approach they will
apply to be more effective teachers.

Teaching in mathematics is hard and going harder because of this

pandemic, using only a virtual class they did not explain more information
and they didn’t know if their student understand mathematics. Now the
student know different application that will make their life easier by cheating
and teachers did not know it. Student learned to be more independent to
survive in their subject and learn more techniques to collect data’s that has a
connection to mathematics.
“All GCE members around the world, INGOs, regional networks and national
education coalitions, stand in solidarity to those affected by the COVID-19
pandemic. GCE reaffirms its willingness to work in close collaboration with
governments and world leaders to find appropriate solutions and mitigating
measures to ensure the right to education throughout these challenging
times.” (Refat Sabbah, GCE President).

Pandemic is here and nothing will change it but people can do their best to
adopt it and make it positive to those student that needs a quality education
they deserve. Using the help of government and the people this will make
difference and create a better kind of people in the future and this
experience will give them motivation to study hard and continue to pursue
their dreams using quality education.
This chapter presents the discussion on the
research methodology of the study, the subject,
sampling techniques, research instrument,
procedure of data gathering, and statistical
treatment that will be use for accurate data
analysis and interpretation.
Research Design

The researcher uses the experimental method in

gathering information. Key variables are first
identified and defined by the researchers. They
next develop a hypothesis, tweak the variables,
and collect data on the outcomes. Unrelated or
irrelevant factors are carefully managed to reduce
the impact on the experiment's outcome.
Quantitative research was used in this research.
Quantitative approaches, according to Babbie
(2010), stress objective measurements and
statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of
data obtained via polls, questionnaires, and
surveys, as well as modifying preexisting
statistical data using computing tools. It is
concerned with collecting numerical data and
generalizing it across groups of people or
explaining phenomenon.
Respondents of the Study
There will be 60 Junior High scholl students who
randomly participate and currently enrolled as
Grade 9 and 10 in two different strands, ABM and
STEM in Sta. Elena High School. The reseacher
will conduct an online survey that will check
students’s understanding in their modules. The set
of questions that carefully selected in the student’s
Mathematics modules for both Grade 9 and
10. .
Research Sampling

The way we select a sample of individuals to our

research is probability sampling, it is allowing
researchers to create a sample that is accurately
representative of the real – life population of
Research Instruments
The instrument is made up of questions that will rely on
observation to obtain the information needed. The consent
form will be the initial section of the research instrument, and
it will be used to ask the target respondents for their
permission to be watched.

The guided question is the second component of the research

question, and it involves to junior high students in Grades 9
and 10 answer the online survey.
Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will send the an online survey questionnaires

using Google Forms and facilitate it so that the respondents
will answer it accurately. The respondents will be given enough
time to complete the online survey questionnaires and will be
given instructions on how to complete it. The researchers will
be available during the survey to monitor and address any
concerns that participants may have. Once the 60 respondents
have completed their questionnaires, the researchers will
evaluate the data collected for analysis and interpretation.
Statistical Treatment of Data

Data that will be gathered from the online survey

questionnaires will be treated with Frequency and

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