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Save Our Earth

I've seen so many videos of our dear earth falling apart

They made me think: "Why are people so careless?", I was so furious, where do I start

Just imagine a day with no plants no nature no greens

N o veggies, no fruits, no food source, no protein

No taste of the fresh green leaves we enjoy everyday
Our earth will be brown, dry, and lifeless, if with these actions they stay

We're getting closer day by day, to the day we thought would never come

A day where we fight to live on the planet we are from

But with people being this careless, as careless as the dead, that'll be faster than we could overcome
"Recycle" and "Never waste" is what I hear
people say
B ut their irresponsible actions are a more opaque overlay

You think you can hide the truth, but it's already all around

O ne look is all it takes for a act of pollution to be found

People's shameless actions are so discreet yet so profound

So if you want to hide your mischiefs, don't think you can do that
They say: "you are what you eat", but I don't think that applies here

ecause if people really are what they eat, they'd look like the damaged atmosphere

They'll look like withered grass and rubbish, polluted lands and helpless trees

L ooks that not even a blind man, at its most beautiful stage, would please
You might think thats impossible, but never think too soon
B ecause the faster the days go by, the more out earth is being damaged

T he faster the days go by, on the ground we find more pieces of garbage

So I'm here to tell you one thing, a statement short but true

Save the earth and watch the planet, or this life of yours you will rue
What inspired me to write about this topic is everything that's
been going around, and watching some videos of all the living
things (plants/humans/animals) that are being negatively
affected by all the pollution and the carelessness and
irresponsibility of all the people who pollute, or don't care about
the planet, this poem is to remind them about what will happen
in a couple of years if they keep on polluting and don't do
anything to stop it.

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