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Juana Otegui
Materia: Literature
Mail del profesor:,
Fecha de entrega: 20/03/2020

Revision Quiz
Dear all,

Given the circumstances, we will work together

these two weeks.
This assignment is to hand in Friday 20th
Remember to send the file to both teachers (e-
mails before).
The title of the file should start with your
SURNAME, or else, it won’t be corrected.
Match each character to their first name…

Mr Birling (senior) Gerald

Mrs Birling Sybil

Miss Birling
Mr Birling (junior)
Mr Croft
Ms Smith
Which of these were predictions made by Mr

The Germans By 1940 there will George Bernard

don’t want war be no war and no Shaw and HG
strikes wells will be

Titanic is England will win By 1960 there will

unsinkable the 1966 world be no war and no
cup strikes

The Japanese will Russia will always You are marrying

never be involved be naturally at a very good
in fighting behind time
When was this play written and set?

◻A) 1945 and 1912

◻B) 1939 and 1914

◻C) 1943 and 1915

When was WW1? When was WW2?

• A) 1913-1918 ◻A) 1939-1945

• B) 1914-1917 ◻B) 1941-1945

• C) 1914-1918 ◻C) 1943-1947

Match the predictions to how we know it was

Germans don’t want war It sank

Titanic is unsinkable Russia went on to be very


By 1940 there will be no war or

strikes WW1 soon followed

Lots of bad things were to

Russia will always be behind follow

George Bernard-Shaw and HG Wells In 1940 we were at war again

will be rubbish
They were two of the most
You are marrying at a good time respected writers
Which characters are being described?

‘Heavy looking, fairly easy manners, rather provincial in his speech’

‘A cold woman, social superior’

‘A pretty girl, very pleased with life and rather excited’

‘Attractive chap, too many to be a dandy, but a man about town’

‘Not at ease, half shy, half assertive’

‘Impression of solidity and purposefulness. Speaks carefully. Habit

of looking hard at people’
How did each character contribute to Eva’s death?





In what order did these things happen?

◻ A) Arthur, Gerald, Sheila, Eric, Sybil

◻ B) Arthur, Sheila, Gerald, Sybil, Eric

◻ C) Arthur, Sheila, Gerald, Eric, Sybil

What was the other name that Eva Smith was
known by? Who knew her by this name?
Match the quotes to the character who said them…

Sheila ‘We are members of one body’

Gerald ‘Nearly any man would have done’

Eric ‘You’ll have to get used to that’

Arthur ‘Except for all last summer’

Sybil ‘Because you’re not the kind of father’

‘Hard headed practical business man’

Who said these quotes? To or about who?
What does it show about their character?
Quote Who said? To/about? Shows about their character?

‘Oh I wish you hadn’t

told me’
‘All right. I knew her.
Let’s leave it at that’
‘I don’t know really.
Suddenly I just felt I
had to laugh’
We’ve been had.
That’s all’
Go and look for the
father of the child. It’s
his responsibility.
‘Your daughter isn’t
living on the moon.
She’s hear in Brumley
Think of 2 quotes to support these statements…

Mr Birling cares more about money than people.

Mrs Birling won’t accept any responsibility.

Sheila changes and becomes more mature.

Eric drinks too much.

Gerald expects Sheila to forgive him.

Inspector is not intimidated by the family.

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