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The Day before I
met Christ
I was raised in a “sarado katoliko” type of family. Everyone is active
in the church. Station of the cross, knights of the altar, cfc, yfc,
prex, etc… And I was part of most. I even remember a time when I
was planning to break up with my then gf because I want to be a
priest. And I had this principle that “I would never trade anything in
what I’ve found in being a Catholic.” I was religious. I know God.
But even with all that seeking, I know that I am incomplete. That
there is something really missing in my life. I don’t have any
personal relationship with the Lord.
I tried seeking my purpose in life by venturing into what
the world was offering me. Went into many relationships,
played with lust, beerhouses, strip clubs, got addicted to
pornography, alcohol and some drugs became my
comfort place. I remember even believing the powers
that “agimats” and witchcraft can give me. Studied
pseudo science, on how to astral project. I came to a
point in my life where sleeping wasn’t an option because I
am always in sleep paralysis. I know even at that time that
I was being attacked by the enemy and I boast about it
believing that I can defeat them all by myself, all by the
knowledge that I have in me. I loved being in the world.
Until I got into my darkest moment where I felt empty.
Not sad, not hurt, but not happy as well. Just empty. Like
nothing is there.
The Day I
It was one of my darkest chapter in my life. A friend invited me to
their church back in year 2013 & being a religious catholic I was still
wearing my scapular, rosary necklace and bracelets. Time passed and I

got invited to a youth camp. Back then my heart was still hardened
until that last night where Ptra Faythe Santiago was a guest speaker. I
can still remember that night, it was so powerful and for the first time,
I knelt down, cried, raised my arms up and accepted Jesus Christ as
my personal Lord and Saviour. But the battle isn’t over as we all know.
That is where the true warfare begins. For years I continued to serve
the Lord, joined a few ministries but at the last quarter of 2016 I
strayed away. And for years I felt lost again. I struggled to the things I
formerly struggled with. Fast forward to December 2021, I told the
Lord that I wanna come back and this time for real. I prayed earnestly
and He listened. From there the Lord guided me for months until the
month of February when I became a new friend of Lifegiver church.
I believe that it wasn’t an accident that I was connected to our church. I’ve been
praying for a home church, a lifegroup and a mentor. And God gave me all of that. I
attended the xroom, love and purity fest and I’ve learned a lot. All the things that I
know I do need at that moment. Then Life retreat happened. Yes I’ve been in a lot
of retreats but this one was different. I guess it’s because this time I truly
surrender everything that I am to HIM. I prayed to the Lord to humble me and that
I truly want to encounter HIM and HE did. My life was never the same after the
retreat. I was delivered in one of the sessions and right after that, my life felt really
light, I was at peace and am full of hope. Not empty anymore. I can see clearly. I
realized that in all those years I was a slave to a generational curse, I was being
held back by my heart’s desire to this world. I thought I really knew God, well
maybe yes I do, but that isn’t enough. Now I pursuing HIM, seeking HIM and
building my personal intimate relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ.
I love studying, I love learning and even though I am very
sleepy at the beginning of each classes I do enjoy every
session. It’s like a mini bible school and the thing that I
love most other than learning how to live a victorious life

is knowing more people. Each group only consists of 4-6
people but it’s like the whole church is there whenever
we meet, help each other and pray together. I am gonna
miss them and I pray that after VLC we would all still see
each other continue our walk with the Lord doing

ministry, evangelizing, etc.
I have 3 favorite topics but top 1 is “The Spiritual
Warfare” by Coach Reyzel. I am a firm believer of how the
battle in the spiritual realm is a very huge factor on

whatever is happening in the world and on each
individual. That if only everyone knows about this and
truly dig deep into it, the devil and it’s legion will really
tremble. The people of God would know and see more of
the importance of Prayer and Worship, reading the Word,
and being equipped for battle.
The Victorious
For a very long time I have heard the Lord calling me. Calling me for
a purpose but I always choose to follow my own will. I chose the
world even though I know it would grieve Him. But He never lost
His faith in me. He ran to me and still call me son. He draw me
close to Him and said that He loves me still. Totoo, na ang pagibig
na meron ang Panginoon satin ay walang hanggan at walang
kapantay. At sa kahit saan tayo magpunta, kahit na anong tumbling
pa gawin natin, kapag tinawag tayo ng Diyos, hinding hindi
matatakasan. Here I am now, a new creation of the Lord. And I
have decided to deny myself, take up my cross and follow the Lord.
And as His son, I will minister to people who are right now lost, to
my family, friends and wherever the Lord takes me. I will spread in
every way I can, may it be in action, words, y craft, I will share the
love of God. I will share about purity, love and the goodness of
God. I am giving myself to the Lord, for Him to take everything that
is mine, and use it as He will.

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