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A Glimpse into Who is

Deedrah Corral
September 11, 2022
Professor Willmott
In my life, I have collected data and evidence that is relevant to me as an individual from this class
and other sources such as in my previous semesters. In this presentation, I reflect on the data,
analyze it and reflect on it based on the themes that emerge from that data. The methods that I have
used to analyze the data and come up with the themes are:
 Compilation of my previous assessment from this class
 Compilation of previous assessments from other semesters
Research Process and Methods

The process adopted involved:

 Generating and identifying the necessary data sources
 Reviewing and understanding the data
 Analyzing and coding the data
 Grouping the data
 Assigning the tentative themes
 Constructing the final themes with the necessary supporting data
My Data Sources
This section will outline the various sources I have developed and used in the first few class modules
and others from other sources that I have gotten throughout my academic, professional and personal
life. All the data sources are relevant to me throughout the Organizational Leadership Program.
Data SourcesModule 1 Data Sources
 Three Questions (3Qs)- This exercise needed that I write an in-depth analysis of what gives me joy, my strengths and
what the world needs me to do. Additionally, I was required to identify my top five major values, their characteristics and
my values hierarchy.
 Identity Exercise (IE)- In this exercise, I was required to identify my areas of identity/roles I have in my life, analyze
how the role defines my self concept, priorities and actions and how my vales align with the said identity. In addition, I
was required to analyze how the various roles influenced my perception of myself, how they affected my view of the
world and how I priotize my roles. Further, I analyzed how I see my roles changing in the future and analyzed how my
vales and my identities align.
 Values and Dreams (VD)- In this analysis, I was required to think of the underlying meaning that I discovered from the
exploration of my dreams and desires. I was also required to analyze any connection between what I desired and my inner
purpose sense.
Data Sources

Module 2 Data Sources

 Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)-This exercise needed that I

draw my lifeline from childhood up to present time. . Additionally,
throughout the retelling of my story, we were required to identify
major themes which have persisted throughout our life.
Data Sources

Module 3 Data Sources

 Kuder Assessments (KA)
 Kuder Career Interests Assessment
 Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment®
 Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised
The Kuder assessment required one to complete career self-assessment activities. One was then
expected to notice the career interest that stuck out to them. It also required one to notice any skills or
work value-based aspects from the assessments. The final aspect was scoring one’s interest in the
Holand Occupational Code System or RIASEC.
Data Sources

Module 3 Data Sources

 Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment (MCAA)- In this assessment, we analyze
the underlying meaning that one has discovered from the exploitation of their dreams and
desires. Additionally, one was required to analyze the connection that exists between what
they desire and the inner sense of purpose that they have.
Data Sources

 Other Data Sources

 123TEST - In this test, one knows more of who they are, their strengths and the most
valuable information about their career choosing (Thiel, 2022) .
 Truity- In this assessment, one fills in a test that helps them know who they are at home, at
work and in their relationships (Truity, 2022).
 Keirsey- Filling in this assessment helps one to understand their temperament by knowing
who they are, what they love and what they do (Keirsey, 2022) .
My 10 Themes
In this section, we will be analyzing my themes from the sources. The themes were
gotten by coding method. The themes define who I am as an individual.
Theme 1: Family
 Theme Statement: For every decision that I make, my family is always at the center of it.
 Supporting Data:
 I feel joy when I am with my family as everyone knows that money can buy you a lot of materialistic things, but it
cannot buy you family. (3Q)
 Makes me think about all the decisions that impact me will also impact my husband. (VC).
 Family is my number one thing as without it, I would be lost and there's nothing more special than having a group of
members who only want to see you grow. (LSPN)
 Traveling and having wealth is one of my most desired dreams to accomplish. Not only traveling by myself but with
my significant other and family. (VD)
Theme 1: Family con’t
 Contradictory Evidence
 I can sometimes get mad at my family for taking some measures to protect me. This can get unbalanced and here is
need to ensue that I take the time appreciate the decisions made to improve my life. “This made me create hatred as I
despised my parent’s decision of moving me here.” (LSPN).
 This relationship caused me to isolate myself from my family as they did not want to have any involvement with my
boyfriend at the time which led me to have a separate life from them. (LSPN).
 Reflection
 Family means everything to me. Knowing the love, they have for me influences my choice of making them my
priority. Sometimes, I have sacrificed my family to aspects that do not bring me joy, but I have found that any time I
have made that choice, I was unhappy. Being around my family brings me not just jot but also success.
Theme 2: Leadership
 Theme Statement: I have taken several leadership roles that I have managed adequately.
 Supporting Data:
 My primary career anchors were managerial competence. (MCAA).
 This allows me to become a successful leader. (123Test).
 Leadership has helped me be able to experience having order and wealth because it made me advance in my own
career. (IE).
 Makes me grow as a leader since they continue to share new information. (IE)
 My top five values included: Having family, Affection(love and caring), Leadership, Order (tranquility, Stability,
conformity) Wealth.(3Q)
 Becoming a shift as well into my second year with the company has helped me grow as a leader and taking on a
leadership major at the same time has made me into a better person today. (LSPN)
 I know that I can lead a team to success but I do my best to invest in learning new ways I can help others. (3Q)
Theme 2: Leadership con’t
 Contradictory Evidence
 I do not have contradictory evidence for this theme. I have been a line supervisor at Starbucks for five years now. I
have gained so much knowledge and skills from the experience and therefore have no contradictory data.
 Reflection
 Before taking this course, I had a good grisp of leadership from my experience at Starbucks. After taking the course,
my skills have improved in ways that I did not think were possible. I feel happy and, in my element, when leading
people and helping other people gain the necessary skills to be great leaders too.
Theme 3: Open Communication
 Theme Statement: the greatest way to co-exist in harmony is through open communication.
 Supporting Data:
 I learned that openness is one of my best traits that I have as I can always openly communicate with others. (Truity).
 As a leader I always want to make sure people know they have my support. (3Q).
 All the decisions that come towards me will have to also be evaluated by my husband. (IE).
 Lying not only hurts yourself and family because how would they know where I would be if I was not at the
designated place I told them, lesson learned. (LSPN).
Theme 3: Open Communication con’t
 Contradictory Evidence
 I was doing well for the most part but there were times when I would get busy with family and school, so this made
me lack communication with them. (LSPN).
 I ended up lying to my parents and stating that I would be only hanging out with my friends who were girls. (LSPN)

 Reflection
 I have had an issue with communication since teenagerhood. As I am growing olde, I am realizing that I prefer
openness and avoiding lies. Being with my husband and in a positive environment has shown me that there is no need
for hiding anything. Talking openly makes understanding other people better.
Theme 4: Wealth
 Theme Statement: One should be able to use their skills, ideas and zeal to generate wealth that can
comfortably support them.
 Supporting Data:
 My top five values included: Having family, Affection(love and caring), Leadership, Order (tranquility, Stability,
conformity) Wealth.(3Q)
 Makes me see myself as an owner to a big company. (IE).
 Provides an enormous amount of motivation to be better and have more power financially. (IE).
 Traveling and having wealth is one of my most desired dreams to accomplish.. (VD).
 I had never had a job, my boyfriend at the time had been working at Starbucks and seeing all the benefits he was
receiving allowed me to take a second look. (LSPN).
Theme 4: Wealth con’t
 Contradictory Evidence
 Whether that meant losing all the money in the world, I would rather have my family than to not have them. (3Q).

 Reflection
 It is important that I get wealth. Being from a middle-class family that I work harder and improve my financial
situation. The contradiction shows that however, when all is said and done, my family comes first. If I had to chose
family o wealth, I’ll chose family.
Theme 5: Service to a Cause
 Theme Statement: Depression and mental health has been an issue for me since being young, but I
have managed to overcome it.
 Supporting Data:
 I would say that my skills and interests were similar, and this shows how I am so oriented to helping people. (KA).
 I always do my best to be an example for others. (IE).
 Plays a dominant role in the time I will spend in sharing my values and beliefs with others. (IE).
 I always try to contribute back to the world (3Q).
 It is not sometimes that is required of us but with everything going on in the world we need to send back love rather
than violence. (3Q)
 Like S being, “Interest in activities that include working to inform, develop, heal, and teach other people.” (KA)
 One of the most common things is that I want to be of help to order. (KA).
Theme 5: Service to a Cause con’t
 Contradictory Evidence
 I do not have contradictory evidence. Being a Christian, I have tied to live my life in accordance with God’s word
and make my work my service to him through serving others and working towards a positive cause.
 Reflection
 Being a leader and taking pat in services that promote a god cause helps me pass on my Christian view and faith. It is
important to me that I honor God’s need for us to take care of each other. It is my conviction that doing acts of service
is necessary. My career should also not bring a conflict between my views and what the company wants since I’ll
uphold a vocation that is a service to a cause.
Theme 6: Personal Development
 Theme Statement: Everyone has a chance to be better at whatever they do and through personal
development, I seek to achieve that.
 Supporting Data:
 Reflecting on what Michael Himes stated, which is that “knowledge has no limits” I feel that I am good at always
making sure to further my knowledge in leadership.(3Q).
 I know that I can lead a team to success, but I do my best to invest in learning new ways I can help others. (3Q).
 Makes me grow as a leader since they continue to share new information. (IE)
 Affects my own social life as I try to be the best for my friends and family. (IE)
 This was one of my biggest accomplishments as I wanted to take control of my own life and start working for myself.
 This can help me move into different careers as these assessments have given me results to be at the place that suits
me the most. (KA).
Theme 6: Personal Development con’t
 Contradictory Evidence
 Every day I would walk home with sadness just daydreaming about the life I could have had! (LSPN).
 Reflection
 I have gone through some challenges in my life which have shaped me to be who I am. For the major part, I have
always believed that I can improve myself and make my situation better. There are time such a when I was a teenager
that I daydreamed instead of working to improve my situation. Currently, I hold the value of self-improvement in
high regards. I put in work everyday to ensure that I become better.
Theme 7: Enjoy the Little Things in Life
 Theme Statement: It is the little things in life tat make it beautiful and purposeful, especially when
working with others.
 Supporting Data:
 I think that affection is something that many people do not get to experience at a young age but for me showing love
and caring for others was always the number one thing to do. (VD)
 Meeting my husband changed my whole life for the better. (LSPN).
 I think what you desire goes back to your values as well because if you were raised in a family that cared for one
another and took trips together. (VD).
 Influence by the actions they have taken and what they have sacrificed so my self concept needs to reflect that. (IE).
 What gives me joy is when I am able to come home on Saturday after a long day of work and be able to relax. (3Q).
 I am an empath that can appreciate and feel with other people. (Truity).
Theme 7: Enjoy the Little Things in Life con’t

 Contradictory Evidence
 II grew with anger and sadness because how could they miss out on one of my most precious moments. (LSPN).
 . I was doing well for the most part but there were times when I would get busy with family and school, so this made
me lack communication with them. (LSPN).
 Being INTJ makes me ambitious, and I may seek more whenever I go. (124test).
 Reflection
 I have always worked to ensue that I enjoy every little thing in my life. I am in a great marriage; my education is
going on great and my job is also great. Despite this great things, I take the time to appreciate simple gestures like
spending time with family.
Theme 8: Problem Solving
 Theme Statement: To be relied upon in school, at work and at home, I need to have great problem-
solving skills using supporting data.
 Supporting Data:
 I needed to get pay my bills and still maintain my education. I therefore sought a job at Starbucks (LSPN).
 Being INTJ gives me logical advantage to be more of a problem solver (123test).
 “Solve problems using concrete, practical, and structured solutions.” (KA).
 I thought about what my values truly mean to me, and this meant that making tough decisions. (3Q).
 provides an enormous number of responsibilities and involvement. (IE).
 With my husband's scheduling at work this usually gives me an advantage since he works at night this gives me
opportunities to have my parents come second. (IE).
 This also includes being able to problem solve as things can go wrong and being a leader that can come in and make
the right choices is a necessary thing I have. (MCAA).
Theme 8: Problem Solving con’t
 Contradictory Evidence
 I do not have contradictory evidence to this. This is because all my assessments show that I am a problem solver. I
may be late in acting in making decisions, but I eventually make the best decisions that solve the problem at hand.
 Reflection
 Being a leader and a wife, I have to now how to make the best decisions. I am aware that I may not always have the
best answer to the issues that I may be facing but through critical thinking, I can effectively solve any issues that me
or my team are facing. It is important that leaders involve other people in decision making to avoid making major
Theme 9: Show Love and Affection
 Theme Statement: Showing people love and affection brings out the e best in you and them.
 Supporting Data:
 My top skills were investigative, social, and enterprising. (KA).
 I had always been such a helpless romantic and I could not help but fall in love with this man as he was everything I
could ask for. (LSPN).
 I know for myself that I will have similar desires as my parents as they are the ones who have set up my dreams by
taking me to places around the world. (VD).
 I always do my best to cater to my husband and parents as they both mean so much to me. (IE).
 My top five values included: Having family, Affection(love and caring), Leadership, Order (tranquility, Stability,
conformity) Wealth. (3Q).
 Guide me in the way I will behave and treat others. (IE).
 I think that affection is something that many people do not get to experience at a young age but for me showing love
and caring for others was always the number one thing to do.(IE).
Theme 9: Show Love and Affection con’t

 Contradictory Evidence
 It was sad coming to terms that I had basically given up a friendship because their negativity was getting too much
for me. (LSPN).
 Reflection
 My family, especially my husband have been the most supportive people in my life. Having grown with love and
affection myself, I am always willing to show love and affection to those around me. However, in some situations, I
have to cut off the love since the people were not reappreciating. I want to be able to show love and affection to my
children and my siblings as much as I have been shown and more.
Theme 10: Kindness
 Theme Statement: If one cannot practice any other virtue, they should at least try to be kind.
 Supporting Data:
 This is a question that always spins in my head but I feel that I always try to contribute back to the world by being a
kind person.(3Q)
 I always try to show everyone kindness because the world is such a scary place and sometimes people just need a bit
of light in their day.(3Q).
 This is something I always think about as everyone in the world has a bunch of roles, I always do my best to treat
everyone with respect. (IE).
 I would say that my skills and interests were similar, and this shows how I am so oriented to helping people.(KA).
 In most of my assessments I always find that I am a very disciplined person who wants to be in charge of helping
others. (keirsey)
Theme 10: Kindness con’t
 Contradictory Evidence
 I do not have contradictory evidence to this. As a Christian, I have always maintained the value of being kind and
helpful to everyone around me.
 Reflection
 I went through a rough patch in high school. Any kind word would have gone a long way to make matters better. This
is one of the reasons why I am always trying as much as possible to be kind and gentle to everyone.
My Personal Vision Statement

To be a great leader who is known for making a positive

impact whenever I go.
Reflection: I have always wanted to be a reliable leader. After taking this course, I now more
than ever want to grow to be a leader that others can count on. Based on my values and what
true leadership means, I thought of the best aspects for my vision statement. I filled out the
examples questions and through creative thinking, came up with a vision statement that is in
line with my values.
My Personal Mission Statement

I am dedicated to serving people by motivating, encouraging, and spreading of love and

compassion in any situation I may be in.

Reflection: Just like the vision statement, I made sure that the mission was in line with my
beliefs. Being a leader, I need a team that is inspired, motivated and growing. With my mission
set the way it is, I will be able to achieve that.
From this presentation, I have learned that I am more of a family person than I initially thought. My
themes did not surprise me as they were as expected. It was however very inspiring to confirm all
the themes that I always suspected applied to me as an individual and as a leader.

 Career Anchors Assessment (n.d). Retrieved from

 Himes, M. (2016). The 3 Key Questions. Retrieved from,
 Kuder Career Assessments (n.d). Retrieved from
 Deedrah, c. (2021). Life Story Personal Narrative

 Keirsey. (2022). Keirsey Temperament Assessment.

Retrieved from
 Thiel, E. V. (2022). Free tests that take you further! | Retrieved from
 Truity. (2022). Retrieved from

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