Charu PR Various - A Matter of Time

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$ 86,400.

00 - seconds of the day

$ 86,400.00 morning $ 0.00 evening

What you don’t spend in that

day, you lose, never get it back
“Such valuable time should be
cautiously spent because even a second
passed away imperceptibly cannot be
replaced, even in exchange for
thousands of golden coins amassed by
hard labor. Every second of human life
is meant for making an ultimate
solution to the problems of life, i.e.
repetition of birth and death and
revolving in the cycle of 8,400,000
different species of life.”1/13/17
25,550 days of your life
23 years sleeping
17 years working
11 years watching
TV & playing,
6 years traveling.
6 year eating
2 years getting ready, women more,
• Goes slow when
I want it to go fast

• Goes fast when

I want it to go slow
Gifts from Krishna
Freedom of Choice
• This life preparation for ETERNITY.

• No difficulty in spiritual
world, but tests here
• How did you use what was
given you? Especially TIME.
• Time Management is Life
• Problem not about time,
but choices
• Time management can be
Life “That was a
Management stupid movie.”

Time is your Life

Killing time = committing suicide

• Problem is not time, it’s choices
• Unlike money, all have same amount of time
• People who get more done haven’t more
time, make better choices
• Pressure stress come not from lack of time,
but poor choices
A conditioned soul lives in a
particular body for a fixed
measurement of time, and it is
recommended in the scriptures that
within that small measurement of
time one has to finish Krishna
consciousness and thus gain release
from the influence of the time
factor. But, unfortunately, those
who are not in Krishna consciousness
are carried away by the strong power
of time without their knowledge, as
clouds are carried by the wind.
SB 3.30.2
“The example is given that
the government gives
everyone the facilities
for governmental action and management, but
by one's own choice one creates a situation
which obliges him to exist under different
types of consciousness. God is very kind—He
gives everyone an equal chance—but by the
resultant actions of one's own karma one
suffers or enjoys this material world.” SB
Time Management can be

• Analyze

• Prioritize

• Economize

• Utilize
1. Analyze your Life Style

• Sensibly, intelligently, purposefully

• Look carefully
• If you want to save time, figure how you
are losing it first
• Find the leaks
• If you don’t know your life is out of
control already
The swine who eat the
night soil do not care to
accept sweetmeats made of
sugar and ghee.
Similarly, the foolish
worker will untiringly
continue to hear of the
sense-enjoyable tidings
of the flickering mundane
world, but will have very
little time to hear about
the eternal living force
that moves the material
world. Gita 7/15
• Tedious, boring, not only for a week
• 82 potato chips, 48 Chip cookies
Write down
• 1. What you did
• 2. How much time it took
Tough Questions

• Is this really the way I want to

spend my life?
• Is this the best use of my time?

• Is Krishna pleased with how I’m

using my time?
“Those who want to live forever
without changing their bodies should
not waste valuable time with topics
other than those relating to Lord
Krishna and His devotees.” SB 1/16/6
Socrates said, “Unexamined life not worth
living.”You can’t figure out what to
do with your time until first you
know where you’re going
5 things each day
• Worship - this is the day the Lord has
• Fellowship - express love, buy flowers
now, not for the funeral
• Grow in spiritual fitness
• Help - don’t tell your neighbor to come
back tomorrow if you can help today
• Share your faith
2. Prioritize

Grasp what is Lord’s will for you.

5 Purposes
• Know = Worship
• Grow = Discipleship
• Overflow = Fellowship
• Show = SHAPE, ministry in temple
• Go Tell = Mission in the world
Simplifies your
• Not how to get more done in less
• Effective management not cramming
more in, but knowing what matters
King Ambarisa engaged his mind on the
lotus feet of Lord Krishna, his words
in describing the transcendental
qualities of the Lord, his hands in
mopping the temple of the Lord, his
ears in hearing the activities of the
Lord, his eyes in seeing the form of
the Lord, his body in touching the body
of the devotee, his nostrils in
smelling the scent of flowers offered
to the Lord, his tongue in tasting the
tulas leaves offered to the Lord, his
legs in traveling to places of
pilgrimage and temples of the Lord, his
head in offering obeisances unto the
Lord, and his desires in executing the
mission of the Lord
Arati Paraphernalia
Whenever possible,
arati paraphernalia
is kept on a separate
table near the altar,
but not right on the
altar. One should
keep the paraphernalia clean and organized at all
times, and be sure that everything is available before
beginning arati.
Arati Paraphenalia
The process of meditation should
begin from the lotus feet of the
Lord and progress to His smiling
• Can’t do everything
• Everything is not worth doing
• You’re not accountable to the
expectations of other people

Cannot please everybody, somebody will

always be unhappy

Have tough skin & tender heart

Even Krishna can’t
please all
• Thief prays to get in, homeowner to
keep out
• Superbowl cheer for different teams
• One prays for rain, another sun
• Only a fool would try to do what God
can’t do
Not going to give a task & not
enough time
Either you need to take some things
off your list, or do God’s work more
“Prior” does not make it a priority -
example sick child at home
Narottama das
One of the songs is hari hari
biphale janama goinu. He says,
"My dear Lord, I am simply
wasting the valuable time of
my life.” Everyone takes birth
as human being, but he does
not know how to utilize it. He
utilizes it just like animal. The
animal eats; we simply make
arrangement of eating unnaturally.
That is our advancement.
• If you’re too busy for 5
purposes, you’re TOO
• Add one thing to calendar,
figure what to take off
• Creative destruction -
systematic abandonment
• Want to add some time in the AM to get to
know God, then abandon late night TV
• Who is going to help me tomorrow with
stress, Krishna or Letterman
• Cut something back to have time for more
• Some books should
never be read
• Some movies…
• Some emails never sent..
• Some letters never written..
• Some phone calls should
Those outside of the Krishna
consciousness movement are interested
in reading heaps of newspapers,
magazines and novels, solving
crossword puzzles and many other time
wasting things. In the Western
countries old men, retired from
active life, play cards, fish, watch
television and debate about useless
socio-political schemes.. Intelligent
persons interested in Krishna
consciousness should avoid wasting
their time in these ways. NOD
Hanuman kept Fit

•Parties, drinking, shopping

•Don’t let the sharp edge of your
expectations be dulled
• 20 % of the things you do give 80 %
of the results
• More bang for your buck
• Picking up milk & changing the world
not same
Prahlad Maharaj,
thus being asked
by his fellow
brethren as to why
he was wasting his
valuable time in
the chanting of
the name of Hari
generally known as
Kirtan, replied to
his friends in the
following words:
"Brothers, we have got this valuable
human form of life after thousands of
evolutionary processes. Thus this
life, although temporary and liable to
death, is a very valuable asset and in
this body of our life only we can
attain to the Supreme goal. We should
not therefore waste our time even for
a moment and must immediately engage
ourselves for the attainment of the
Prime necessity of life, the object of
our material enjoyment being the same
in all other forms of life."
Finding freedom in

• 2 middle words of the alphabet

• What do you need to stop doing?

Sankirtan solves all

Water the Root

Loose Change

Waiting - book, laptop, Ipod

• CDs during commute, drive time devotions
Devotion for
the Lord adds
hours to each
Put Him first in whatever you want Him to bless

– Marriage, finances, business, time (morning)

– Giving $ to God will make the other stretch
– Giving time ….
Devotees of the Lord achieve all mystic
opulences automatically because of
their intimate relationship with the
Lord. Such opulences include all
details of material enjoyment,
salvation and mystic powers. Therefore,
the devotee of the Lord does not seek
them separately, wasting his valuable
time in life. The valuable time of
one's life must therefore be fully
engaged in the transcendental loving
service of the Lord. SB 2/7/4
“Kardama Muni desired
only a wife, but because
he was a devotee of the
Lord, the Lord selected
a wife for him who was
the Emperor's daughter,
a princess. Thus Kardama
Muni got a wife beyond
his expectation. If we
depend on the choice of
the Supreme Personality
of Godhead, we will
receive benedictions in
greater opulence than we
desire.” SB 3/21/28
“By patiently collecting ten, twenty,
thirty rupees daily, one will someday
have a million rupees. But if one comes
upon a million rupees all at once, one
does not have to endeavor separately to
collect ten, twenty, or thirty rupees
and waste valuable time. Similarly,
when one develops unalloyed devotion to
Lord Krishna, all the other above-
mentioned qualities automatically adorn
that person without extra effort.”
Renunciation thru wisdom
4. Utilize

• Make the most of each day

• Most regretting, resenting or longing for the past
• Or worrying, fearing or presuming on the future
• Don’t get
stuck in the
past or boast
about the
• You can’t live
in the
yesterday or
He is always careful not to spoil
life's valuable time. That is the first
qualification of a devotee.. We have a
very short period to live, and we never
know when we are going to die. There is
no certainty. Foolish people think that
they will go on living forever, but
that is simply foolishness. Life is
transient; therefore the devotee wants
to utilize every moment for the
advancement of Krishna consciousness.
Vision (to see future)
• Vision to see opportunities of the
present, how is God working HERE &
• Life on earth must be lived under
imperfect conditions
• Stop messing around
• Stop making excuses
• Pururavas, bird from the
I have only just a minute
just sixty seconds in it.
Forced upon me, can’t refuse
I didn’t seek it and I
didn’t choose it.
I must suffer if I lose it
and give account of how I
used it.
Just a tiny little minute
but eternity is in it.
If you’ve been coming to the temple for
some time & listening and thinking,
“Sounds” good,” but you’ve been putting
it off, decide today to take the membership
class. There’s no better time than now.
Dangerous place to be. None of us are
guaranteed tomorrow.
Now is a good time to come to Krishna.
Today is a good day to come to Krishna.

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