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Lesson 3:

Sex and
Gender Revolution: Emergence of LGBTQ+

• 1960’s - sweeping changes in the gender system sometimes called a “revolution”.

• 1900’s – women has become the sole image of gender revolution.
• In this gender revolution that solely focuses on women began affecting other genders like the
LGBTQ+ and even men itself. (England, n.d)
• LGBTQ+ - stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and more.
• Sexual inverts – a person who is attractive to the same sex or would be identify them
now gay or transgender
• Urning – another gender between male and female, which he describe as the third gender whom
today we describe as gay, trans or genderqueer.
Gender Revolution: Emergence of LGBTQ+

• Male Urnings – “male-bodied” with souls of women

• Women Urnings – “women-bodied” with souls of men
• Homosexual activists preferred the term “homophile” over “homosexual” because the term
homosexual is derogatory.
• 1960’s – when the term gay came into popular
• Gay – typically refers to men who are attracted to men but historically “gay” was a broad term that
compromise entirely the modern LGBTQ+.
• Lesbian – comes from the Greek island of Lesbos that is associated with the poet Sappho which
they describe love and attraction between women.
Gender Revolution: Emergence of LGBTQ+

• Until 1990’s – the term “gay” refer to entirely of the sexual and gender minorities.
- the rise of bisexual, transgender, and queer movements giving birth to the four-letter LGBT
• 1910 – German sociologist Magnus Hirschfeld originated “Transvestite” whom developed the Berlin Insti.
• 1949 – Transexual was coined
• 1971 – Transgender
• 1996 – Trans (British Term)
• Persons who is not identified as “transsexual” adopts the term “transgender” because “transsexual” is
associated with medical transition across the gender binary.
• The term Q in LGBTQ+ stands for queer or those who is still questioning their identity.
Gender Revolution: Emergence of LGBTQ+

• Queer – means “odd” or “quaint”

• One expanded the term LGBTQ+ to LGBTQQIP2SAA which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two spirits, asexual, and ally.
Genderbread Person

• A lot of people do not know that some are not born a hundred percent male or female or born with
ambiguous genitals, which we call intersex.
• A person can be identified as intersex through genitals, chromosomes, gonads, and hormones.
• Gender Identity – refers to what a person thinks of who he/she is. A person can feel that he/she is a
feminine or masculine. But just like sex, gender identity lies in a spectrum.
• There are lot of terms to define this gender identities such as genderqueer, non-binary, bigender,
genderfluid, agender, genderneutral, pangender, and third gender.
• Only oneself can identify its gender identity.
Genderbread Person

• Cisgender – is a person whose sex and • Transgender – is a person whose sex and
gender identity aligned. For example, a gender identity don not aligned.
person is born female and her gender
identity is feminine.
Genderbread Person
• Gender Presentation / Expression – is manifested on
how people express or present themselves to the world.
• Attraction – has something to do with who a person is
attracted to.
• Heterosexual – a person who is attracted to the opposite
• Homosexual – a person who is attracted to the same
• Bisexual – a person who are attracted to both sexes.
Genderbread Person

• Human Sexuality – it • Pansexual – a person who is • Asexual – a person who is not

could change throughout not attracted to either of the attracted to either of the two
time. two sexes. sexes.

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