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Water and its treatment

What is water

• H2O
The Hydrological cycle in nature
Physical properties of water

• Density ~ 1 gm/cc
• Specific heat ~ 1 Kcal /kg/deg C
• Latent heat of fusion of ice ~ 80 kcal/kg
• Latent heat of evaporation ~ 540 Kcal/kg
• Surface tension ~ 72 dynes/cm
• Color ~ color less
Chemical properties of water

• Molecular Formulae ~ H2O

• Molecular weight ~ 18 Grams / Mole
• Water is a universal solvent
• Water dissolves major of inorganic salts and organic salts.
• Water reacts vigorously with pure alkaline earth metals.
• Water does not dissolve non-polar substances
Constituents of water

• The general constituents of water

Dissolved solids , suspended solids , dissolved gases

Inorganic Inorganic Oxygen

Organic Organic Carbon dioxide
Dissolved solids

• The dissolved solids comprises of both organic and inorganic

compounds, and here we deal with only inorganic compounds .

Dissolved solids
Sodium salts : Nacl,
Na2SO4, Na2CO3 ,

Calcium salts : Cacl2,

CaSO4, CaCO3 ,
There are other minor
Magnesium salts :
Constituents like potassium Mgcl2, MgSO4, MgCO3
which are least important , Mg(HCO3)2
Dissolved solids

• Why there is a need to know about dissolved solids.

Because they protect our system as well as they detoriate .

Common problems with dissolved solids

Scale : A layer of salts/ compound with is resultant of precipitation of

Examples : CaCO3 , MgSO4

Corrosion : conversion of metal from its pure & instable form to impure
and stable form.
Example : Fe - Fe2O3
Dissolved solids

• How dissolved solids are measured

• They are measured through gravimetric and volumetric analysis and

expressed as ppm

What is ppm : Parts per million

1 mg / kg – 1mg/ litre of water

1gram / ton - 1 gram / m3 of water

Dissolved solids

• Boon and bane with calcium :

It protects the metal by forming fine CaCO3 layer on metal surfaces

It detoriates the system by forming hard scales in condensers and heat


And similarly with magnesium.

A typical soluibility graph of calcium solubility is indicated below.

Solubility graph of calcium
Solubility graph of calcium at different pH
Calcium carbonate scale
Calcium carbonate scale

• Electrochemical Corrosion Theory: Electrochemical corrosion

involves two half-cell reactions; an oxidation reaction at the anode
and a reduction reaction at the cathode. For iron corroding in water
with a near neutral pH, these half cell reactions can be represented as:
• Anode reaction: 2Fe => 2Fe2+ + 4e-

Cathode reaction: O2 + 2H2O + 4e- => 4OH-


Corrosion can be categorized in some common types

• uniform corrosion
• pitting corrosion
• galvanic corrosion
• crevice corrosion
• Microbiological induced corrosion.
Uniform corrosion
• Mechanism.
• Uniform corrosion occurs when there are local anodic and cathodic sites on the surface of the metal (see Galvanic Corrosion). Due to polarization effects, these locations shift from time to time and a given area on a metal will be act as both an anode and as a cathode over any extended period of time. The averaging effect of these shifting local action cells results in a rather uniform attack and general loss of material and roughening of the surface.

pitting corrosion
Galvanic corrosion
Crevice corrosion
Microbiological induced corrosion.
pH vs Cor rate

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