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 Programming 

is a way to “instruct the computer to perform various tasks”.

 Programming is the art and science of translating a set of ideas into
a program - a list of instructions a computer can follow.
 Programming is the process of designing and building an executable
computer program to accomplish a specific computing result.
 Programming is the process of taking an algorithm and encoding it into a
notation ,a programming language so that it can be executed by a computer.
Areas of Programming:
Web Programming
 refers to the writing, markup and coding
involved in Web development, which
includes Web content, Web client and server 
Game Programming
 a subset of game development, is the
software development of video games
Cloud Computing Programming
 the provision of computing services, such
as servers, storage, databases, networks,
software, analysis, intelligence and more,
over the Internet to deliver faster
innovation, flexible resources, and
economies of scale.Dec 18, 2018
Parallel Programming
 it is the use of multiple processing
elements simultaneously for solving
any problem. Problems are broken
down into instructions and are
solved concurrently as each
resource which has been applied to
work is working at the same time.
Desktop App Programming
 any software that can be installed on
a single computer (laptop or
a desktop) and used to perform
specific tasks.
Some desktop applications can also
be used by multiple users in a
networked environment.
Robotics Programming
 set of coded commands or instructions that
tell a mechanical device and electronic
system, known together as a robot, what
tasks to perform. Robot software is used to
perform autonomous tasks. Many software
systems and frameworks have been proposed
to make programming robots easier.
Basic Elements of Programming:
1. Input -  is the user giving something to the program
2. Output- output is the program giving something to the user.
3. Arithmetic - is a function which can perform one of the
following tasks: adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
Operator - a programming device that performs a function on
one or more inputs, for example arithmetic operators (+,-,/,*)
4. Conditional, and looping- structures are a way for
computer programs to repeat one or more various steps
depending on conditions set either by the programmer initially
or real-time by the actual program.
Sample programs:
Fundamentals of Programming:
 Data type:
-  a classification of data that determines how the compiler or interpreter will process the data. It defines the allowable
operations on the data, the meaning of the data, and how the data can be stored.
 Function: 
- a clustered sequence of operation to perform a well defined action. Different programming languages uses different
terminology for functions: methods, sub-routines, procedures. Function introduces a key concept in programming called scope.
 Dynamics:
- the dynamics of data and function is provided by the looping and iteration rules — also referred to as Control Structure. It
literally controls the structure of your program. The ‘for’ loop and ‘while’ loop are some example of providing a dynamic to the
whole program. These dynamics allow the programming language to solve problems in a faster way. These dynamics provides
the ‘DRY’ principle a role in programming.
 Programming Paradigms:
- The different language paradigms developed over the years are developed due to the developer’s different mind-set of
what to emphasize, data or functions. Object-oriented languages are more inclined to think that everything in the universe is an
object. The functional language thinks that everything in the universe is function. The essence of functional programming is that
programs are a combination of expression. Expression includes concrete values, variables, and also functions. [1] There are
other language paradigms which focus mainly on the dynamics.
Sample Programs:

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