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Re-laying Foundations

for Education
Foundation Stone:

Godfrey Kyazze
What is Home- Education?
• AKA….
• Homeschooling, Home-Education, Unschooling, Natural
education, Family education, etc.
• Typical homeschooling is characterized by the following three
1.Parent- Led
Biblical Foundation of education
“The LORD God took the man and took him in the garden of
Eden to work it an keep it.(TASK) And the LORD God commanded
(EDUCATION) the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree
in the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
you shall not eat(Do’s & Don’ts), for in the day that you eat of it
you shall surely die (CONSEQUENCES).”
(Genesis 2:15-17)

• Why Education?
• We are a people on a mission
• We have a mandate (dominion mandate)
• We cannot fulfill any TASK without Education
• And there are serious CONSEQUENCES when we are not educated as we
ought to be. (Hanakh)
Biblical Foundation of education
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.[a] 5 You shall love
the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today
shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your
children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and
when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you
This is the basis of Family Education
• “The Lord is one “– Holistic approach to life (Hebraic Vs. Greek)
• Love God with “…heart,… soul,…and might” – Head-Heart-Hands
• We teach “God’s commands”/Word/Law – Both in Special $ General
• Taught to “…your children” – Parental education
• Where to teach from – Sounds like a school???
Biblical Foundation of Education
“Train up a child in the way he should go;
    even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
(Proverbs 22:6)

1. What we do – Train (It’s more than what happens in the

Prussian industrial classroom model of the 1800s)
2. Who we do – Child (The natural environment for an
Infant, child, and youth is a home)
3. How we do – “The way” not ”a way” (definitely HIS way)
4. Why we do -”…not depart” i.e. Character – More reason
for parental education. ‘It is a real of religious values. It
does not fit in the real of the UN, and secular
Uganda’s foundation of education
Three phases
1. African Traditional Education (ATE) – (Pre-1877)
• Curriculum
• Organization
• Specialized Teachers
• Methodologies
• Holistic
• Home-Based, Parent- Led, Private, Localized, and organic
• All graduates had jobs

2. Missionary Education (MEd.) – (1877,1879 to 1925)

• Religious based
• Formalized
• Based on the Law of God – But in a limited sense of the Greek model.
• Tithe-Based

3. Government Education (Gov.Ed.) – (1925-Todate)

• At the recommendations of the Phelps Stoke Commission of 1924.
• Secularized
• Centralized & Globalized
• Anglo-lized
• Tax Based
Re-laying the foundations…
When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Isaiah 51:1 tells us what the righteous can do i.e.
“Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness, you who seek the LORD: look to the
rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug.”
i.e. Look to the foundation/Princ– The kind after God’s commandments =
Christian Education – This kind of education is NOT state run, but local and private.
iple where you come from. Our foundation is…

• Biblical Education Parent led Education – It’s parents

with their locally organized, and voluntary associations,
such as church bodies and non-church bodies, BUT with
a common denomination such as faith and values
(Amos 3:3; 2 Cor.6:14; Ecc.3:5).
• This is the health place for a school (church based,
locally managed, Tithe NOT Tax funded
Sphere Sovereignty
• God has established the three spheres and each has its
own sovereignty. Our sin has been that of, over-reach.
Only God is all in one, but man must ever be
accountable (Isaiah 33:22)
1. Family (Use of the Sword of the Rod)
• Nurture/Educate the young for posterity
• Owns factors of production to feed and care for her own. ((Through a family economy)

2. Church (Use of the Sword of the Spirit)

• As the Levites, owns no factors of production (Joshua 13:14,33)
• Therefore, receives tithes and offerings to care for the Needy, including education for orphans, aliens, and
the like (hence church/charity schools funded by tithes and offering)

3. State (Use of a Sword of Rom.13)

• Protection (life, property, and liberty)
• Defense (life, property, and liberty)
• Punish (those who abuse life, property, and liberty)
Homeschooling in Uganda
• It is happening
• Between 400-500 families (Mostly Kampala, Wakiso, Mukono,
Arua, Fort Portal, Mbarara, Mbale.) – About 1,200 children.
• A few graduates (Engineering, Law, Miss Uganda, Artist, etc)
• Resources in terms of curriculum available both International
and local curriculum which is biblically integrated.
• Locally (coops in neighborhoods and church groups),
nationally (HUG, Springs of life, and CHE), regionally(EACH,
and AHEC) and globally (HSLDA and GHEX) organized and
linked for collaboration
• No clear policy
• Hence still disturbed when it comes to tertiary entry
Uganda Curriculum (28 Textbooks)
HUG Quarterly meetings
Thank You

Godfrey Kyazze HUG

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