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Thermal Stress : Mechanics of Solids

Submitted by : Hemant Pokhra

Roll no. :19EMBME011
Submitted to : Suraj Gupta
(Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Thermal Expansion and Contraction
The increase or decrease in dimension of an object in length due to change in
temperature is known as thermal expansion and contraction respectively.

In this case, initially the temperature was T1 and the raised to T2 such that T1 <T2

As we can see that the length is increased when temperature is increased.

The change in length ΔL=L0αΔT
So when the bar is allowed to expand
freely no stress is generated as no opposition
force is applied.
But if the bar is constrained, then it will try
to expand but it can’t.
So the walls will push it in inside and due
to which a internal resisting force will be
generated inside the bar, known as thermal stress.

So, Thermal stress is the stress generated in an object when the temperature
is changed and the body is constrained due to which it can’t expand or shrink.
Ex- elongation of rod holding ceiling fan in summer.

So, if the body is not constrained and is allowed to expand or shrink freely,
no stress will be generated.
So if the bar was not constrained, it would have increased it’s length by Δ L=LαΔT
But it is not so suppose the wall is exerting a force P.

Li= L(1+αΔT)
Lf = L
Δ L = Lf-Li = -LαΔT
ϵ= Δ L/Li= (-αΔT)/(1+ αΔT)

But αΔT<<1
ϵ= -αΔT

Applying hook’s law

σ= ϵE
σ= -EαΔT

1. The negative sign shows the nature of stress is compressive. So, when the temperature is
increased compressive stress is generated and vice versa.
2. The strain generated do not depend on initial length.
Application of thermal expansion in mechanical engineering

For designing and manufacturing of an article, it is necessary to know the

condition of place where it must be used to use material of respective suitable thermal
coefficient of expansion .
As if at places with high changing temperature a material of less value of α as the lesser
the value of α the lesser the value of strain generated to prevent it from failing.
And if the condition do not vary much other cheap material of same strength but higher
value of α can be used to save cost production
Learning outcome

Now we can determine the value of stress and strain generated in an object due to
change in temperature.

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