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• Abstraction - the process of hiding information that is not needed to know at the time; to use the
overall essential concept with details hidden.

• Algorithm - a process to solve a problem.

• Function - a combination of variables and operators.
• Heuristic - a technique, a way to try to solve, an idea to use to look for the answer to a problem
which may or may not be solved by the technique.

• Iteration - to do again, a repetition of an existing process.

• Method - a set of instructions telling a computer the operations to perform for a problem solution.
• NP - in computer science, problems that have an indeterminate answer; a choice of answers
requiring more information to choose the best answer.
• Operator - a character symbol like a plus sign in math, +, or a word or specially defined
symbol usage in a programming language, that tells the computer to do something with

• P - in computer science, problems that have a particular answer; a determinate problem.
• Procedure - another word for method.
• Solvable Problems - problems that can be solved with algorithms to an exact answer, a
computer can find the exact answer.

• Unsolvable Problems - problems that are indeterminate in their solution for a computer.
• Variable - a programming word made up of letters, numbers, and/or allowable symbols
which holds data for the program.
• Computer programming can be divided into two
• Problem solving phase
• Make an ordered sequence of steps that solves a problem.
• This sequence of steps is called an algorithm.
• Implementation phase
• Implement using a programming language.
• Pseudocode is an artificial and informal language that
helps programmers develop algorithms. Pseudocode
may be in informal English, combinations of computer
languages and spoken language. Whatever works for
• First produce a general algorithm (one can use
• Refine your steps until you get to an easy sequence.
Perhaps use numbers or bullets. The point is to simplify
the language to an understandable process or event.
A Flowchart is another algorithm but graphical.
• Shows logic solution
• Emphasizes individual steps and their interconnections
• A flowchart must have a start and stop.
• All steps in a flowchart must connect. Can’t leave a step “hanging”
with no connection.
e.g. control flow from one action to the next
Alice word or phrase Explanation
compare use of operators <, <=, =, >, >= and others;
a part of making decisions is deciding what problem has to
be compared to allow for a decision
do in order statement at the beginning of the myFirstMethod screen;
tells the program that you are creating to do each of the
following steps in the sequence that you have written them;
found at the bottom of the myFirstMethod screen if an
additional ordering is needed
do together indicates that all of the statements in the body of the
statement will be done at the same time; found at the
bottom of the myFirstMethod screen
decision a choice to be made,   example if   else
function an algorithm that provides an answer
if else if (condition true) do this else do this;
found at the bottom of the code editor
orientation an objects forward motion is always the way the object is
facing;   other directions are relative to this
procedure an action on an object; a method that the object can do

use snap on the scene setup, top right;   allows the placement of
objects at the same depth or varying depths in the scene

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