Lecture 4

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| Lecture 4 | Maira Junejo

Consumer Markets and

Consumer Buyer Behavior
Model of Consumer Behavior
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
Types of Buying Decision Behavior
The Buyer Decision Process
The buyer decision Process for New Products
Model of Consumer Behavior
• Consumer buyer behavior refers to the buying
• behavior of final consumers ─ individuals and households
• that buy goods and services for personal consumption. All of
• these final consumers combine to make up the consumer
• market.
Model of Consumer Behavior

We can measure the whats, wheres, and whens of consumer

buying behavior. But it’s very difficult to “see” inside the
consumer’s head and figure out the whys of buying behavior
(that’s why we call black box). Marketers spend a lot of time and
dollars trying to figure out what makes customers tick.
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
Cultural Factors

Culture Social
Every group or society has a culture, and
cultural influences on buying behavior may
vary greatly from both country to county and
country to country.
Culture is the set of basic values, perceptions,
wants, and behaviors learned by a member of
Culture society from family and other important
Marketers are always trying to spot cultural
shifts so as to discover new products that
might be wanted.
Social Class
• Social classes are society’s
relatively permanent and
ordered divisions whose
members share similar values,
interests, and behaviors.
Social Factors

Status Factors Family

Groups and Social Networks
• A group is two or more people who interact to accomplish
individual or mutual goals.
• Reference groups serve as direct or indirect points of
comparison or reference in forming a person’s attitudes or
• Reference groups expose a person to new behaviors and
lifestyles, influence the person’s attitudes and self-concept,
and create pressures to conform that may affect the
person’s product and brand choices.
Groups and Social Networks

• Word-of-Mouth Influence and Buzz Marketing.

Opinion Leader
 A person within a reference Influence
group who, because
Buzz Marketing
 of
of theknowledge,
personal words
and or other
 Involves enlisting or even creating opinion leaders
characteristics, exerts
of trusted
social influence
friends, associates,
on others.
to serve as “brand ambassadors” who spread the
 Some
and other
call this on
the behavior.
influentials or
word about a company’s products.
 leading
Most word-of-mouth
adopters. influence happens naturally:
 Many companies are now turning everyday
 Marketers
Consumerstry start
to identify
about aleaders
brand they
for their
customers into brand evangelists.
or feel strongly
products and direct
one way efforts
or the other.
Groups and Social

• Online Social Networks.

• They are online communities where people
socialize or exchange information and opinions.
• Social networking media range from blogs and
message boards to social networking Web sites
and virtual worlds.
• This new form of consumer-to-consumer and
business-to-consumer dialog has big
implications for marketers.
• The family is the most important
consumer buying organization in
society, and it has been
researched extensively.
• Husband-wife involvement varies
widely by product category and
by stage in the buying process.
• Buying roles change with
evolving consumer lifestyles.
Roles and Status
• A role consists of the activities
people are expected to
perform according to the
people around them.
• Each role carries a status
reflecting the general esteem
given to it by society.
• People usually choose
products appropriate to their
roles and status.
Personal Factors
Age and

and self- Occupation

Age and Life-Cycle

• Buying is also shaped by the stage of the

family life cycle ─ the stages through which
families might pass as they mature over
• Marketers often define their target markets
in terms of life-cycle stage and develop
appropriate products and marketing plans
for each stage.
• A person’s occupation affects
the goods and services bought.
• Marketers try to identify the
occupational groups that have
an above-average interest in
their products and services.
• A company can even specialize
in making products needed by
given occupational group.
Economic Situation
• A person’s economic situation will
affect his or her store and product
• Marketers watch trends in
personal income, savings, and
interest rates.
• In the more frugal times following
the Great Recession, most
companies have taken steps to
redesign, reposition, and reprice
their products and services.

• Lifestyle is a person’s pattern of living as

expressed in his or her activities, interests,
and opinions.
• It involves measuring consumers’ major AIO
dimensions ─ activities, interests, and
• It can help marketers understand changing
consumer values and how they affect buyer
Personality and Self-
• Personality refers to the unique
psychological characteristics that
distinguish a person or group.
• Personality is usually described in
terms of traits such as self-
confidence, dominance, sociability,
autonomy, defensiveness,
adaptability, and aggressiveness.
• Brand personality is the specific mix
of human traits that may be
attributed to a particular brand.
Sincerity (down-to-earth, honest, wholesome
, and cheerful)

Excitement (daring, spirited, imaginative,

and up-to-date)
One researcher
identified five Competence (reliable, intelligent, and
brand personality successful)
Sophistication (upper class and charming)

Ruggedness (outdoorsy and tough)

Psychological Factors

Beliefs Psycholo
and gical
attitudes factors

• A motive (drive) is a need that is
sufficiently pressing to direct the
person to seek satisfaction.
• Motivation researchers use a variety of
probing techniques to uncover
underlying emotions and attitudes
toward brands and buying situations.
• But many marketers use such touchy-
feely approaches, now sometimes
called interpretive consumer research,
to dig deeper into consumer psyches
and develop better marketing
• All of us by the flow of information
through our five senses: sight, hearing,
smell, touch, and taste.
• Perception is the process by which
people select, organize, and interpret
information to form a meaningful picture
of the world.
• People can form different perceptions of
the same stimulus because of three
perceptual processes: selective
attention, selective distortion, and
selective retention.
Selective Attention
 The tendency for people to screen
out most of the information to
Selective Retention
which they are exposed
 Means that  Consumers
marketers mustare likely to remember
especially hardgood points
to attract made about a brand
they favor and forget food points
consumer’s attention
made about competing brands.
Selective Distortion
 Describes the tendency of people
to interpret information in a way
that will support what they already
• Learning
• Describes changes in an individual’s behavior
arising from experience.
• Occurs through the interplay of drives, stimuli,
cues, responses, and reinforcement.
• Drive
• A strong internal stimulus that call for action
• A drive becomes a motive when it is directed
toward a particular stimulus object.
Beliefs and Attitudes
• A descriptive thought that a person has about
Belief • Based on real knowledge, opinion, or faith
and may or may not carry an emotional charge

• Describes a person’s relatively consistent

Attitude evaluations, feelings, and tendencies toward
an object or idea

 Attitudes are difficult to change.

 A person’s attitudes fit into a pattern; changing one attitude may
require difficult adjustments in many others.
 A company should usually try to fit its products into existing
attitudes rather than attempt to change attitudes.
Types of Buying Decision Behavior
Complex Buying Behavior Habitual Buying Behavior
• Consumers are highly involved in • Occurs under conditions of
a purchase and perceive low-consumer involvement
significant differences among and little significant brand
brands. difference

Variety-Seeking Buying Dissonance-Reducing Buying

Behavior Behavior
• Occurs in situations • Occurs when consumers are
characterized by low highly involved with an
consumer involvement but expensive, infrequent, or risky
significant perceived brand purchase but see little difference
differences among brands
The Buyer Decision
Steps in the high-involvement, complex
decision-making process
Consumer decision making in the
digital world
Need Recognition
• The buying process starts with
need recognition ─ the buyer
recognizes a problem or need.
• The need can be triggered by
internal stimuli when one of the
person’s normal needs ─ for
example, hunger or thirst ─ rises
to a level high enough to become
a drive.
• A need can also be triggered by
external stimuli.
Information Search
• Information search is the stage of the buyer
decision process in which the consumer is
motivated to search for more information.
• Traditionally, consumers have received the
most information about a product from
commercial sources that controlled by the
• The most effective sources tend to be
• Commercial sources normally inform the
buyer, but personal sources legitimize or
evaluate products for the buyer.
Evaluation of
• The alternative evaluation is
the stage of the buyer decision
process in which the consumer
uses information to evaluate
alternative brands in the choice
• Marketers should study buyers
to find out how they actually
evaluate brand alternatives.
Purchase Decision
• The purchase decision is the
buyer’s decision about which
brand to purchase.
• But two factors can come
between the purchase intention
and the purchase decision.
• The first factor is the attitudes
of others.
• The second factor is unexpected
situational factors.
• The postpurchase behavior is the
stage of the buyer decision
process in which consumers take
further action after purchase,
based on their satisfaction or
• Almost all major purchases,
however, result in cognitive
dissonance, or discomfort caused
by postpurchase conflict.
The Buyer Decision Process for New Products
The Buyer Decision
Process for New Products

• A new product is a good, service, or idea that

is perceived by some potential customers as
• We define the adoption process as the mental
process through which an individual passes
first learning about an innovation to final
• Adoption is the decision by an individual to
become a regular user of the product.
Stages in the Adoption Process
• Five stages in the process of adopting a new product:
• The consumer becomes aware of the new
Awareness product but lacks information about it.

• The consumer seeks information about the

Interest new product.

• The consumer considers whether trying the

Evaluation new product makes sense.

• The consumer tries the new product on a

Trial small scale to improve his or her estimate
of its value.

• The consumer decides to make full and

Adoption regular use of the new product.
Individual Differences in Innovativeness
Lagging They are guided by
• In eachproduct
Theyarea, there are adopters
are venturesome “consumption
respect pioneers”
─ they are and early
adopters. ─ they try new ideas at opinion leaders in their
They are traditional bound ─
some risk. communities and
they are suspicious of changes
adopt new ideas early
and adopt the innovation only
but carefully.
Early when it has become
mainstreamsomething of a tradition itself.
They are guided by mainstream
respect ─ they are
They adopt an
opinion leaders in their
innovation only after a
communities and
majority of people
adopt new ideas early
have tried it.
but carefully.
Influence of Product Characteristics on Rate
of Adoption

• Five characteristics are especially important in influencing an innovation’s rate

of adoption.
• Relative advantage
• Compatibility
• Complexity
• Divisibility
• Communicability
Types of Buying Decision Behavior

• High involvement Buying Decision Behavior

• Low involvement Buying Decision Behavior
Types of Buying Decision Behavior

Extent of involvement
Extent of analysis High Low
Limited decision making, 
Extended (information including variety seeking
Complex decision making
search; consideration of and impulse purchasing
(cars, homes, holidays)
brand alternatives) (adult 
cereals and snack foods)
Habit/routine (little or no  Brand loyalty (athletics
Inertia (frozen vegetables,
information search; focus shoes, cologne, 
paper towels)
on one brand) deodorant)
Needs and • An attitude is a positive or negative feeling
about an object (say, a brand) that
predisposes a person to behave in a
Attitudes particular way toward that object. Attitudes
derive from a consumer’s evaluation that a
given brand provides the benefits necessary
to help satisfy a particular need. These
evaluations are multidimensional; consumers
judge each brand on a set of dimensions or
attributes weighted by their relative
The multiattribute attitude models of consumer choice suggest various
ways marketers might change consumer attitudes favourably for their
brands versus competing brands. These are discussed briefly below.

Change - • Changing attitudes toward the product class or type to increase the
total market – thereby increasing sales for a particular brand. For
example, a frozen-orange-juice seller once attempted to make its
multiattribute product acceptable as a refreshing drink throughout the day. This type
of attitude change involves primary demand and is difficult to

attitude models • Changing the importance consumers attach to one or more

attributes. For instance, a number of food manufacturers have spent
large sums warning about the dangers of high cholesterol. After
increasing the importance consumers attach to lowering their
cholesterol, manufacturers can then promote their brands as an
appropriate part of a low-cholesterol diet.
• Adding a salient attribute to the existing set. For instance, Colgate-
Palmolive added triclosan, an antibiotic that fights gingivitis, to its Total
brand of toothpaste and promoted it heavily.
Affecting Consumer
Simplified hierarchy of
social forces affecting
consumer behaviour
• Culture – Pizza hut – no pork pizza in Muslim
Social Countries
Forces – • Subculture – Culture with in a culture
Pakistani (Sindhi, Punjabi, Pathan, Bohri etc)
Examples • Social Class – SEC A, B, C etc
Personal • Demographics – Age, Sex, Income
Forces - • Family Life cycle – When you have a family
your buying behavior changes
EXAMPLE • Life Style – Urban lifestyle or rural lifestyle
Perception – What you think
about the brand

Memory (Short term memory

Physiological or long term memory)

Forces Attitude towards the brand –

Positive or negative?

Attitude towards the product

- Positive or negative?
The Buyer Decision Process for New Products
Adoption process is the mental process an individual goes through
from first learning about an innovation to final regular use.
• Stages in the process include:

Awareness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption

Maslow's hierarchy of needs
1. Select a product
2. Select a Target Market using market segmentation (Demographics,
Geographic, Physiographic, Behavioral) etc.
3. Analyze weather it’s a high or low involvement product
4. Explain the decision making process the consumer will go through
while buying the product

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