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Unit 3: Money matters

Nguyễn Hương Giang

Nguyễn Thị Thùy Dung
Phạm Thùy Dương
Hoàng Thanh Giang
Hoàng Thanh Hương
Main Parts

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Vocabulary Reading Writing

Unit 3: Money matters
● The whole class will be divided into 10 teams, each team will have 2-3

● There are 8 questions, there will be a hint for word you have to guess
in each question.

● We will find the team to answer the question by spinning rotation luck.

● The lucky team will have 10 seconds to discuss and give answers 

10 1
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4



Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8


6 5
Word Definition

Fee Money that you pay to a professional person or company for their

Bill A written statement showing how much money you owe

someone for goods or services you  have received

Money order A printed official document that you buy in a bank and send to
someone so that they can exchange it for money in a bank

Debit card A plastic card with your signature that you can use to pay for
Word Definition

Rent  An amount of money that you pay regularly for using

an office.ect. that belongs to someone else

Direct debit An instruction given to a bank to regularly pay money out of

an account to a person or organisation.

Cheque A printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money to

pay for things

Savings  Money that you have put in a bank to be used later rather than
spent straight away  
Unit 3: Money matters
Women want to face - to - face financial advice - men just hate the
Men and women take very different approaches towards Drawing on the findings of the study,(4)     , she said women placed
managing their investments, a new study has claimed, with particular value on advisers who can clearly explain their investment
women more likely to opt for face-to-face advice, even though views and decisions.
financial advisers can fall short of their expectations.
 “We believe women are looking for a lifetime financial coach that will
(1) , compared with 28 percent of men, according a new work with them on their personal goals through their life events, in a much
study by EY, the accountancy firm. While men cited high fees for more collaborative and consultative fashion than they’re currently
financial advice as their top grievance, women were more receiving,” she added.
concerned about an adviser’s lack of knowledge.

Women were also less likely to engage with their financial life as Ms Lofts cited a separate study by the Centre for Talent Innovation, (5)     
“Women will use tech, but when it comes to more complex decision
frequently as their male counterparts, with (2) , compared
with almost half of men. making processes, they expect face-to-face meetings to be high quality.”

While technology and the ability to review investments online is  The findings build on existing research on the gender investment gap,
making decision making less time consuming, just 53 per cent such as the commonly held view that  (6)      . Ms Lofts said that when
of women said they check their investments online,(3) . investment decisions become more complex “one gets the feeling that
women want to go into more detail and want to understand fully how
“Women view achieving their personal goals as more important things are operating”. 
than investment performance, so a deep understanding by the
advisers of the personal goals and the priorities is vital to (7)    , she emphasised the importance for wealth managers to “actively
satisfying female clients,” said Gill Lofts, head of wealth and attract and retain what is an increasingly important client segment”.
asset management at EY.
Task 1: Read and complete the article with
Task 3: Choose the statement which
the extract (a-h) One extract is not used.
are more likely to have been made by a woman
Explain your choices.
according to a the article. Explain your choices.

a. Which was based on interview with 250 wealthy 1. I'm happy to discuss this online, but I'd prefer it if
investors we could meet to go over
b. Only 27 percent of women stating that they 2. The main reason that I changed my financial
reviewed their investments weekly or daily advisor is that he changed too much
c. The survey revealed that women were more 3. This app is useful for checking how my share are
likely to regularly check their portfolio doing, but I spend far too much time on it.
d. Which found that 73 percent of women felt their 4. Can you  talk me through the performance
financial adviser misunderstood them figures to explain why you think this is such a
e. Regarding the future of female investing good investment?
f. As opposed to 68 percent of men
g. Just under half of female investors they
preferred to see an adviser in person
h. Women are more risk – averse invertors
Women want to face - to - face financial advice - men just hate the
Men and women take very different approaches towards Drawing on the findings of the study,(4)     , she said women placed
managing their investments, a new study has claimed, with particular value on advisers who can clearly explain their investment
women more likely to opt for face-to-face advice, even though views and decisions.
financial advisers can fall short of their expectations.
 “We believe women are looking for a lifetime financial coach that will
(1) , compared with 28 percent of men, according a new work with them on their personal goals through their life events, in a much
study by EY, the accountancy firm. While men cited high fees for more collaborative and consultative fashion than they’re currently
financial advice as their top grievance, women were more receiving,” she added.
concerned about an adviser’s lack of knowledge.

Women were also less likely to engage with their financial life as Ms Lofts cited a separate study by the Centre for Talent Innovation, (5)     
“Women will use tech, but when it comes to more complex decision
frequently as their male counterparts, with (2) , compared
with almost half of men. making processes, they expect face-to-face meetings to be high quality.”

While technology and the ability to review investments online is  The findings build on existing research on the gender investment gap,
making decision making less time consuming, just 53 per cent such as the commonly held view that  (6)      . Ms Lofts said that when
of women said they check their investments online,(3) . investment decisions become more complex “one gets the feeling that
women want to go into more detail and want to understand fully how
“Women view achieving their personal goals as more important things are operating”. 
than investment performance, so a deep understanding by the
advisers of the personal goals and the priorities is vital to (7)    , she emphasised the importance for wealth managers to “actively
satisfying female clients,” said Gill Lofts, head of wealth and attract and retain what is an increasingly important client segment”.
asset management at EY.
Women want to face - to - face financial advice - men
01 just hate the cost
Men and women take very different approaches towards managing their investments, a new study has claimed, with
women more likely to opt for face-to-face advice, even though financial advisers can fall short of their expectations. 

 (1) g. 
                  compared with 28
percent of men, according a new study by EY, the accountancy firm. While men cited high fees for financial advice as
their top grievance, women were more concerned about an adviser’s lack of knowledge. 

Women were also less likely to engage with their financial life as frequently as their male counterparts, with        (2)  
    only 27
         investments weekly or
                    compared daily,
with almost half
of men. 

While technology and the ability to review investments online is making decision making less time consuming, just
f. as opposed to 68 per cent of men.
53 per cent of women said they check their investments online, (3) 

“Women view achieving their personal goals as more important than investment performance, so a deep
understanding by the advisers of the personal goals and the priorities is vital to satisfying female clients,” said Gill
Lofts, head of wealth and asset management at EY.
Women want to face - to - face financial advice - men
01 just hate the cost
Drawing on the findings of the study, (4) a.
, she said women placed particular value on advisers who can clearly explain their investment views and

 “We believe women are looking for a lifetime financial coach that will work with them on their personal
goals through their life events, in a much more collaborative and consultative fashion than they’re
currently receiving,” she added.

Ms Lofts cited a separate study by the Centre for Talent Innovation, (5)   d.   which
of women felt their financial adviser misunderstood them.
 “Women will use tech, but when it comes to more complex decision making processes, they expect face-
to-face meetings to be high quality.”

 The findings build on existing research on the gender investment gap, such as the commonly held view
that (6)  h.  women
                         .  Ms Lofts said that when
investment decisions become more complex “one gets the feeling that women want to go into more detail
and want to understand fully how things are operating”. 

(8)  e.
          she emphasised the importance for wealth managers to
“actively attract and retain what is an increasingly important client segment”.
03 Answers:
1. I'm happy to discuss this
online, but I'd prefer it if we
could meet to go over

4. Can you  talk me through

the performance figures to
explain why you think this is such
a good investment?
5 minutes countdown....
Some people said that it is
better to ask for financial
advice online, while others argue
that we should meet in person.
Give your own opinion, which one
do you agree with?
Unit 3: Money matters

01 02 03

Get Your Emotions Out Before Be Clear on the Result You Want from Be Prepared to Back Up Your
You Complain Making the Complaint Complaint

04 05 06

Make Your Complaint to the Be Clear, Succinct, and Polite in Use the Sandwich Method for
Right Person Your Complaint Goodwill
Step 1: Get your emotions out before you complain

● Writing out all those angry, frustrated feelings that you have before you
actually make the complaint
● You need to focus on indirect language in English. Indirect language is used to
soften the tone.
● “ I am sorry to say this but….” 
● “ Excuse me but I’m think there is a problem with…”
Step 2: Be Clear on the result you want from
making the complaint.

● As you prepare to make your complaint, be sure to know what result you want.
● Are you seeking a refund? A discount? An apology? A replacement? 
Step 3: Be prepared to back up your complaint

● Explaining why you are upset, angry or frustrated. And a great way to do that
is to use something like: “Perhaps, there is a misunderstanding but I am really
frustrated because…” Then, you provide evidence to something as you prepare
to make your complaint.
Step 4: Make your complaint to the right person

4 ways to ask for right person

● Who do I need to talk to in order to resolve this issue?

● I’m not at all satisfied with this situation. Who do I speak to resolve this?
● Who is the right person for me to speak to about my dissatisfaction?
● Who on your team has the authority to help resolve this issue?
Step 5: Be Clear and Polite in Your Complaint

● Get to the heart of the issue quickly

● Maintain polite language by using words: please or modal verbs
Example: “ There is a problem with…. We’d like to….”
“ I expected…. What went wrong and how can we avoid this”
“ I’m not satisfied with…. I’d like”
Bonus Step 6: Use the Sandwich Method

● Step 1: Start with something positive

● Step 2: Make your complaint
● Step 3: End on an encouraging note
● There are multiple options given below, in order to get the score,

you have to answer the questions correctly and tell in which

steps the questions are.
● We will choose the team that raise their hands the most quickly.
Question 1: How many steps are there in writing a complaint


5 6


Question 2: What is the tone used in a polite and formal
way ?


Negative tone Respectful tone


Informal tone Humorous tone

Question 3: Wrong way to ask for people having authority?


Who on your team

Who do I need to talk has the authority to
to in order to resolve help resolve this
this issue? issue?


Who is the right

person for me to Who is the manager
speak to about my of this shop?
Question 4: What should you do before writing a complaint


Keep calm and Do not do anything



Finding the right Stay focused on explaining

person for you to what occurred and seeking
speak to about your a solution
Question 5: What a complaint should not be?


Clear Succinct


Question 6: What style of complaint is used for letters?


Formal style Informal style

Question 7: When you want to complain about a restaurant's
service. How can you say something positive before complaining?


This food is terrible! I

I’ve lost my appetite
won’t eat it! Get the
for fish.


I’ve been waiting for I understand your

too long. restaurant just opened
recently and you’re still
Question 8: What step is not included in Sandwich method?


Bullying and
Make your complaint


Start with something End on an

positive encouraging note
Thanks for your attention

Money that you pay to a professional

person or company for their work. 

_f _e e_

A written statement showing how much

money you owe someone for goods or
services you  have received

_b _i _l _l

A printed official document that you buy

in a bank and send to someone so that
they can exchange it for money in a
bank (two words)

_ _o  _n    _e  _y   o_   r 

m _ d_    _e  _r

A plastic card with your signature that

you can use to pay for things ( two

_d _e  _b _i  _t _c _a  _r  _d


An amount of money that you pay regularly for

using an office.ect. that belongs to someone else

_r e _ n _ t  


An instruction given to a bank to regularly pay

money out of an account to a person or
organisation (two words)

  _d  i 
_ _ r  _e  _c  _ 
t  _
 d e_ b 
_ _i   t_       

A printed piece of paper that can be

used instead of money to pay for things 

_ h _  _e  u _  _q  e_


Money that you have put in a bank to be

used later rather than spent straight

_s a 
_ _ v  _ i  n_  g_ _s

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