Traditional Greek Games

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KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the

exchange of good practices KA229 - School

Exchange Partnerships

Project code: 2019-1-TR01-KA229-076762

2nd Primary School of Kolindros Greece
C4 Short-term Learning Teaching Training
Activity LTTA,

Berovo, North Macedonia

7th - 14th May 2022
Traditional Greek Games
1. Apples

In this game children are divided into two

groups. Two players of one group stand
opposite one another and the players of
the other group gather between them. The
two players throw a ball at each other
trying to hit one of the children of the rival
If the ball hits a player then they get
“burned” and exit the game.
However, if a player catches the ball,
he wins an “apple.” The goal of this
game is to get as many “apples” as
possible. Each “apple” gives the
player an extra “life” he can use in
case he gets “burned.”

The game is played by two groups.  

Each group draws on the ground an
“abariza“, a 3-4 diameter circle and a
square used as a “prison.” 
Between the two “abarizas“ there is a
distance of 20-40 meters. A random
player of the first team starts running
between the two “abarizas“ and a
player of the other team tries to catch
him and put him in “prison.” The
winner is the team that manages to
imprison all the opponents.
3. Τζαμί ή κεραμιδάκια
Tzami or tiles
The «Tzami" or Tiles is played by
four children and over.
The children are divided into two
To start the game you need six tiles or
wide stones and a ball.
The tiles are stacked on top of each
other to form a tower.
The first group stands behind the
tiles. The second group goes seven to
eight feet in front of the tiles.

The children of the second group try

with the ball to throw the tower with
the tiles.

Every child has an opportunity.

If a child throws the tiles by hitting
them with the ball, then the two
teams are scattered around.

The first team seeks to "burn" the

players of the second by hitting them
with the ball, and the second tries to
put the tiles back in place, so that the
tower is re-formed, ie the “Tzami".
If the second team catches up and builds
the “Tzami" before all its players are
burned, it wins a set of games.
The player who will place the last tile of
the tower shouts “Tzami" and the set ends.
If the first team burns all the players of the
second before they manage to build the
“Tzami" then the game starts again and the
roles are reversed.
The winner is the team that will win the
most sets.
There are countless traditional

Games with simple materials but

made with a lot of imagination and
We hope you enjoy them!!!

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