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Hammad Khalid


Associate Degree in Operations Management

Impact of Workplace Environment on
Employee Engagement: A Case study
of Bazz Mobile Technologies Limited

Introduction of the Project
The main purpose of this research is to check the impact of workplace environment on
employee engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies Limited
• Employees nowadays are engaged with the organization and their job due to some reason
such as compensation or rewards, and working environment.
• Working Environment mainly refers to the working conditions along with the working
atmosphere that helps the employees to adapt to the organization. Get involved in the
affairs of the organization, understand their surroundings properly, and perform their duties
well. While a positive working environment can boost the morale of the employees, a
negative working environment can de-motivate them
• Conditions of the workplace play an important role to employees in whether they want to
keep working in the organization. A safe work environment can attract new candidates into
the pool to apply for the positions that still need to be fulfilled. The work environment
plays an important role as people want to work in a safe workplace.
• Employee engagement is one of the main problems that each organization tries to maintain
among their employees and trying to ensure that employees put their hundred percent of
effort in their tasks. Employee engagement is of great interest in each organization in order
to successfully compete with their competitors.
• To find out the impact of workplace environment on employee engagement
in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited
• To investigate the elements that influence employee engagement and their
impact on employee engagement.

Research Questions:
• What is the impact of workplace environment on employee engagement in
Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited?
• What are the elements that influence employee engagement and their impact
on employee engagement?
Theoretical Framework
• By studying on Workplace environment and determining how the independent
variables impact the dependent variables, this effort will discover the determinant
of employee engagement in manufacturing sectors.
• Although earlier research has shown that decentralization leadership style of
control has a variety of effects on worker productivity, this study will find the
impact of decentralization to employee productivity and organizational
development. It will also improve the level of client service.
• As a result, we will advise organizational management to implement
decentralization and determine if it is a system that supports effective buyer
delivery services, considering the company organization's regional location.
• Type of Research: 
• The quantitative type of research method was used in this research. The quantitative type of
research reduces and restructures complex problems.
• Nature of Research Study:
Study is Positivistic and deductive. Descriptive study describes the attributes with the help of
statistics. The nature of research study was descriptive because statistics are involved in
research. The collected data on questionnaire will be in form of numbers i.e 1 = strongly
disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree and 5 = strongly agree.
• Data Collection Sources:
• Primary source of data collection was a direct and first-hand experience by the researcher.
Questionnaire was used for primary data collection. Primary data was collected from
employees of Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited.
• Data Collection Tools/Instruments:
• The questionnaire was used as a data collection tool because enough information can be
collected on questionnaire in short time. Workplace environment was independent variable and
the questionnaire items related to workplace environment were taken from Lin, Yun-Ping et
al., (2012). There were six statements in workplace environment. Employee engagement was
dependent variable and the questionnaire items related to workplace environment were taken
from Patel & Jariwala, (2021). There were fourteen statements in employee engagement. Five
point likert scale was used.
• Subjects/Participants:
• Target Population: The target population was the 218 employees of Bazz Mobile Technologies
(Pvt) Limited form Lahore office.
• Unit of analysis: Individual from the Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited was the unit of
• Sample Size: The sample sizes of this research were the 140 working employees of Bazz Mobile
Technologies (Pvt) Limited. Level of employees was front line workers of Bazz Mobile
Technologies (Pvt) Limited.
• Details are given below:
• Target population = 218
• Sample size determined: 140 (Krejcie & Morgan, 1970; Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
• Sampling frame: In this study sampling frame will be middle level employees
• Sampling Technique: Convenience sampling was used
• Fieldwork/Data Collection:
• The questionnaires were distributed in employees by hand and also via email also for their feedback.
• Data Processing & Analysis: 
• SPSS was used to apply mean analysis, standard deviation analysis, correlation analysis and
regression analysis.
Data Analysis
• A total of 140 questionnaires were distributed in employees of Bazz Mobile
Technologies (Pvt) Limited.
• Workplace environment has six statements from 1 to 6.
• Employee’s engagement has fourteen statements from 7 to 20. The five point
likert scale is used in questionnaire.
• The sample size was 140 employees from Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt)
Limited and c distributed questionnaires to 140 employees but received from
116 employees.
• 24 Employees didn't return filled questionnaires due to multiple reasons.
Therefore analyzed the data of 116 employees. The response rate was 83%.
• Multiple researches also have a different sample size and response rate.
Data Analysis
Employee’s Demographic Analysis

Variables Elements Frequency Percentage

Gender Male 102 88%
Female 14 12%
Total 116 100%
Data Analysis
Employee’s Demographic Analysis

Variables Elements Frequency Percentage

Age(years) 20-30 50 43%
31-40 59 51%
More than 40 years 7 6%
Total 116 100%
Data Analysis
Employee’s Demographic Analysis

Variables Elements Frequency Percentage

Qualification Intermediate 34 29%
Graduation 60 52%
Master or Above 22 19%
Total 116 100%
Data Analysis
Descriptive Analysis

Statements Variable N Mean Std.

1 to 6 Workplace Environment 116 3.77 0.93
7 to 20 Employee’s Engagement 116 3.39 0.92

• According to above table, workplace environment mean value is 3.77 and standard deviation is 0.93. The mean values
shows that employees gave positive response about workplace environment statements and they are satisfied with
workplace environment in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited. Standard deviation values show a low variation in
employee’s response.
• According to above table, employee’s engagement mean value is 3.39 and standard deviation is 0.92. The mean values
shows that employees gave positive response about employee’s engagement statements and they are satisfied with
employee’s engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited. Standard deviation values show a low variation
in employee’s response.
Data Analysis
Correlation Analysis


Workplace Employee’s
environment Engagement
Workplace Pearson 1 .566**
environment Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 116 116
Employee’s Pearson .566** 1
Engagement Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 116 116
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The value of R is 0.566 showing a positive correlation, the relationship between

workplace environment and employee engagement variables is moderate positive
correlation and workplace environment increase employees’ engagement in Bazz
Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited.
Data Analysis
Linear Regression analysis

Model Summary
Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate
1 .566a .320 .314 .468462907764278
a. Predictors: (Constant), Workplace environment

We find that the adjusted R² of the regression model is 0.312 with the R² = 0.320. Therefore, it
is concluded that all independent variables can bring a change of 32% in the dependent
variable of the study. Adjusted R2 shows how the good regression model can be generalized,
i.e., the shrinkage in the value of adjusted R2 means that if the model were derived from a
population rather than a sample, it would account for approximately .014% less variance
Data Analysis
Linear Regression analysis

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 11.786 1 11.786 53.707 .000b
Residual 25.018 114 .219
Total 36.805 115
a. Dependent Variable: Employee’s Engagement
b. Predictors: (Constant), Workplace environment

ANOVA table with the value of F 53.707 and .000 shows the model fitness. These values
assured that the relationship among variables was appropriate and that the model was fit for
the study.
Data Analysis
Linear Regression analysis


Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .399 .500 .797 .000
Workplace 0.461 .139 .566 7.329 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee’s Engagement
Workplace environment and employee engagement have a positive significant relationship
with values t 7.329 and sig. 000 hence, based on the above results it has been proved that
independent variables have positive and significant relationships with the dependent variable.
Moreover, the values of standardized beta values show the strength of independent variables
which can fluctuate or change the dependent variable. The workplace environment can change
employee engagement by .461 units.
• Hypothesis: H1: There is a significant and positive relationship between
workplace environment and employee engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies
(Pvt) Limited.
• Result: Hypothesis is accepted because Sig. value is below p value 0.05.
Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant and positive relationship
between workplace environment and employee engagement in Bazz Mobile
Technologies (Pvt) Limited.
•  The findings of the research show that workplace environment mean value is 3.77 and standard
deviation is 0.93.Its mean employees showed a positive response about workplace environment.
• Employee’s engagement mean value is 3.39 and standard deviation is 0.92 that is more than
agreed point. Its mean employees showed a positive response about employee’s engagement
• The value of r is 0.566 showing a positive and moderate correlation and workplace environment
increase employee’s engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited.
• The organization has clearly defined and communicates goals which may be helpful in enhancing
employees’ performance as well as overall organizational performance.
• Employee engagement is strongly influenced by the workplace environment, according to the
results of a survey that indicated that respondents felt that the workplace environment was more
significant to employee engagement than other factors.
• Employees must be able to offer their work to the business in an environment that is both
favorable and free.
• Consequently, workers will be more engaged and enthusiastic about their work and the company
they work for. This study found a favorable correlation between the independent variables and
employee engagement.
• The management of organization should increase social interaction between
their staff.
• The management of organization should encourage their staff to freely
socialize on breaks, at lunch, or once work.
• The management of organization should compel to give feedback concerning
the talents, skills and performance of the people of their team and if they are
doing therefore, then the engagement levels are higher and then the
• The management of organization ought to instruct the supervisors/leaders to
possess a relationship with the staff so as to extend their engagement level.
• The management of organization should compel to increase the work
flexibility; they have to require measures to get rid of this issue to extend job
satisfaction level of their staff.
• Research was limited to only Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited
because time was limited to collect data and complete research.
• Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited environment is smooth, therefore
research results in other organizations may be different.

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